Dwarf countries of our world. Location, characteristics, tourism

Dwarf countries are a special type of state that differs from all the rest to a lesser extent, as a rule, in terms of territory and population density. As a rule, this category includes all those powers whose area does not exceed the parameters of Luxembourg (that is, no more than 2.5 thousand square kilometers), and the population in them is no more than 10 million people. Such states exist on all continents of our planet, only somewhere they are located between large countries, and somewhere they are island. Therefore, now we will consider their location and characteristics and determine which dwarf countries of the world are worth visiting and which will not please anyone with anything interesting.


Mainland countries that are striking in the insignificance of their territories are located on the Asian continent. Some of them are washed by the ocean, some are in the outback, far from the water. Among them we distinguish:

  • Singapore. A city is a state that is located in the southeast of the mainland. Known for its modern architecture and beautiful rooftop pool.
  • Brunei is a sultanate state that is also located in the Southeast.
  • Bahrain. A dwarf country located on the eponymous archipelago in the Persian Gulf, and at the same time has no access to the sea.
  • Maldives. A resort country in the Indian Ocean, occupies the eponymous archipelago.
    dwarf countries


Dwarf countries of Europe are much more famous for travelers, and the main attractions in them are considered not nature, as in Asia, but architectural monuments. We list them first briefly, and then consider in more detail:

  • Luxembourg.
  • Malta.
  • Andorra.
  • San Marino
  • Liechtenstein
  • Vatican.
  • Monaco.
    dwarf countries of europe


The largest dwarf countries by area belong to the African continent. But at the same time, the population density in them is minimal, and most of the people who live here are below the poverty line. Some of them are resort areas. They are unique in nature, because the rest here will be atypical, but rather extreme. So which powers fall into this category:

  • Mauritius.
  • Seychelles.
  • Cape Verde.
  • Camor Islands.
  • Sao Tome and Principe.


Dwarf countries that belong to the American continent are located in its central part, that is, in the Caribbean. Each of them is a world-class resort, or a haven for residents of South America (depending on the development of the service). We know many of them very well, so we will go straight to the list:

  • Dominican Republic.
  • Antigua and Barbuda.
  • Saint Lucia.
  • Barbados
  • Grenada.
  • Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.
  • Saint Kitts and Nevis.
    dwarf countries of the world

Australian and Oceanic

This category will include exclusively island dwarf countries that are located in the Pacific Ocean. There are many of them, but the area is small, in addition, most of them are a seismic hazard zone. Therefore, tourism here is not particularly developed. So, let's go:

  • Tonga.
  • Samoa
  • Palau
  • Kiribati.
  • Marshall Islands.
  • Federated States of Micronesia.
  • Nauru.
  • Tuvalu.
    dwarf countries by area

The 5 most dwarf countries that are most densely populated

The states that we will now consider are not just densely populated, but very interesting from a tourist point of view. So, number one is Monaco. A country associated with France. It is washed by the Ligurian Sea, on the banks of which are located the most luxurious recreation areas in Europe. Also in Monaco, the Formula 1 competition takes place, and there is the famous casino - Monte Carlo. Number two is Singapore. This city-state is located on the islands, and it consists of futuristic skyscrapers, beautiful hotels and all kinds of entertainment centers. Coming here, tourists can find absolutely everything for themselves. Number three is the Vatican, the smallest country in the world, associated with Italy. Here, the most beautiful architecture appears, which was created specifically for the representation of the Catholic Church. Number four is Malta, an island nation in the Mediterranean. This is a resort area where every summer you can have a great, but expensive rest. And number five is the Maldives. Paradise islands in the Indian Ocean, the most visited, one of the most expensive and unique in the world. Ideal for lovers of passive relaxation.

Going to Central America

The most interesting dwarf countries for tourists are the islands of the Caribbean . Choose any one from the list above, and go there for a real summer vacation, especially considering that you do not need a visa! Do not forget to consider the cost of accommodation and meals. For example, in the Dominican Republic, tourism is very developed, therefore, prices are constantly rising. But in Grenada or St. Lucia, you can relax on a budget, enjoy the wildlife, but at the same time with a minimum of service.

5 dwarf countries

Must See: Africa and Asia

Going into the depths of the Arabian Peninsula is a difficult business from a tourist point of view, and even dangerous. But to visit such an unusual resort as Cape Verde is very interesting. These are islands that are in the Atlantic Ocean. Here, in a unique way, the desert combines with the sea breeze, humid air with dry monsoons, and therefore the rest will be very diverse. And if you are traveling to Asia, then by all means visit Singapore. Even a couple of days in this city of the future will turn your views on everything, your horizons will expand, and there will be enough new impressions for many years.


as for the European baby countries, each of them is particularly interesting. Everywhere there are richitectural monuments of past eras, exhibitions, festivals are held. very developed in such states shopping.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G16423/

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