Knitting shirt-front knitting needles for the whole family

Each season provides for certain clothes. It is united by one property - it should be practical, convenient and as appropriate as possible to a certain temperature regime. For the colder months of the year, you will certainly need a scarf that will protect against unpleasant piercing winds. However, this popular piece of clothing can be replaced with a warm and comfortable shirt-front. She perfectly replaces a traditional scarf. Knitting shirt-front knitting needles is easy to learn. Within a few days you can cope with the task.

Knitting shirt-front knitting needles

The versatility of needlework

Knitting sweatshirts for women and men, as well as beloved babies, is performed according to the same pattern. However, there are certain differences. The needlewomen, having a little imagination, create completely dissimilar models. First of all, knitting the shirt-front knitting needles for the fair sex will be distinguished by the use of softer and brighter yarn, as well as a variety of patterns. Works with the use of "harnesses" in combination with voluminous "elastic bands" look great. If needlework is done with "facial" stitch, the edges are crocheted. Knitting shirt-front knitting needles for men provides a more rigorous approach to work and the use of moderate colors of yarn.

Where to start work?

Getting down to needlework, you should decide on the size of the product. Knitting the shirt-front with knitting needles is the knitting of a large warm collar, the size of which should be such that it is possible to freely put on the product.

The second important point is the selection of yarn. Knitting the shirt-front knitting needles for winter is performed from woolen yarn. For autumn and spring, half-woolen yarn is perfect. The color of the material for needlework is also selected. It should be in harmony with outerwear.

Knitting shirtless for women

Knitting pattern

Needlework requires 100 grams of yarn, circular or stocking knitting needles.

Knitting shirt-front knitting needles begins with the gate. For a snug fit, this part of the product is knitted with an elastic band. The most commonly used pattern is a 2 x 2 elastic band. It is performed by sequentially knitting 2 front, 2 wrong loops.

On the knitting needles they gain the calculated number of loops and knit a gum pattern. The length of circular knitting should be at least twenty-five centimeters. The result is an elastic stocking, similar to the collar of a winter sweater.

We continue knitting with facial smoothness. In this case, it is necessary to add loops. The whole number of loops is divided into 4 equal parts. We perform all the odd rows β€œfront”. We make additions in four places of division in each even row. That is, having knitted the fourth part of the calculated loops with the wrong ones, we knit 3 from one loop.

Knit 24 rows. As a result, adding in four places in each even row will increase the canvas by 48 loops.

The shirt front length can be adjusted by the number of knitted rows with additions. The product is ready.

Variations of the execution of the shirt-front

The pattern for knitting the shirt front is quite simple. The craftswoman, using her, can perform a wide variety of products. It can be graceful women’s or strict men’s, as well as especially comfortable baby shirts.

Button-knit shirt-front knitting

According to this scheme, you can knit a shirt front with knitting needles on buttons. To do this, instead of a stocking collar, a collar of any shape is tied, providing a fastener with buttons.


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