Profitable contribution: Gazprombank

Every Russian has heard about Gazprombank at least once. This is one of the most famous financial organizations in Russia. The bank ranks third in the ranking of 600 enterprises that exist today. The amount of assets he owns is about 5.27 trillion rubles. And this amount is constantly replenished - every time someone opens a deposit. Gazprombank offers fairly favorable rates and good conditions. However, you can talk about them in more detail.

contribution Gazprombank

Perspective Contribution

The first thing worth noting is the attention to this proposal. The maximum interest rate is: 8% in rubles, 1.2% in dollars and 0.1% in euros. The term for which you can invest in the "Prospective" offer is limited to three years and 1 day.

The minimum amount is 15,000 rubles (500 dollars or 500 euros). The deposit is not replenished and partial withdrawal is not available. The client receives all the money, along with the accumulated interest, upon expiration of the term. Possible extension, by the way.

The interest rate differs, depending on the amount invested and the period for which it was issued. The notorious 8% is established if a person opens an account for 1,000,000 rubles (or more) and for 181 days. After this period, he will receive his invested million and a little less than 40 thousand as interest payments.

Gazprombank deposits


Attention is also worth noting this contribution. Gazprombank offers the following conditions: a rate of 7.8% for ruble accounts, 1.1% for dollar accounts, and 0.08% for euro. The maximum period is 1097 days. The minimum amounts are the same as in the case of the previously mentioned deposit. Of the benefits - it is possible to replenish the deposit, in connection with which lower interest rates are set. But, as practice shows, the client receives more profit.

It is worth noting that the number of prolongations (extension of deposit) is not limited, as is the amount of funds added to the account. By the way, in this case, the so-called interest calculation applies. This passive “profit”, in fact, increases the amount of the contribution. And interest, by the way, can still be charged to the account intended for settlements. The main thing is that this card is open in the deposit currency and in the same branch of Gazprombank.


Now - a few words about this contribution. Gazprombank makes various offers to its customers, and the Dynamic tariff is quite popular. Rates are: 7.7% (rubles), 1% (dollars), 0.05% (euros). Several terms are proposed. The minimum is 91 days. Maximum - 3 years and 1 day. Of the advantages, attention can be paid to the implementation of deposit replenishment and partial withdrawal. However, there are several nuances.

Firstly, expenditure operations can be carried out only within the amount that a person deposited into the account initially. That is, if he made a contribution of 250,000 rubles, then he is allowed to use only them. In addition to expenditure operations, a person can withdraw cash from the account or transfer it to another account, but only he must be opened in one of the divisions owned by Gazprombank. Deposits of this type are very popular because they provide sufficient freedom of action.

Gazprombank physical deposits


Another interesting contribution. Gazprombank offers not very high interest, in comparison with the above tariffs (especially with the first). 6.5% per annum for ruble accounts, 0.65% for dollar accounts, and only 0.04% for euros. The maximum term is 3 years and 1 day. The minimum amounts are the same as in the case with all other tariffs. What are the advantages? After all, replenishment of the deposit is impossible, as is partial withdrawal. But then interest is paid at the end of each month.

But that is not all that Gazprombank offers. The contributions are all different, but there is one more - the last of the standard ones. And it is called “On Demand”. The rate is only 0.01% (regardless of which currency the account was opened for). But, despite this, he is popular because of his appointment. After all, it is designed to receive and make payments by citizens. The term of the deposit, as well as the maximum / minimum amount, is not limited.

Gazprombank deposits of individuals

“Savings and protection”

As one could understand, Gazprombank offers a lot of tariffs. The deposits of individuals of the standard type were listed above, now we can talk about "special" offers.

So, “Savings and Protection” is a tariff, payments on which are made in the amount of 9.5% per annum. A deposit can be opened for 367 days, but the minimum deposit amount is 50,000 rubles. It is impossible to replenish it, as well as to carry out a partial withdrawal of funds. This is one of the most advantageous offers that Gazprombank only makes. Deposits of individuals of this type are accepted as part of a comprehensive product, which provides for the signing of the contract, as well as the execution and subsequent payment of the cumulative (or investment) insurance policy of one of those companies that are GPB partners.

There is another similar interesting suggestion. The tariff is called "Investment income." The rate is 9.4%, the terms and conditions are similar. Only the minimum deposit amount is 25 thousand rubles. In this case, the contract is signed after the client submits to the GPB an order allowing payment of the units of the Fund executed on the same day and in the same bank branch.

gazprombank deposit interest


This is the last tariff offered to individuals by Gazprombank. The interest on deposits of this type is 7%. The maximum investment period is 550 days. And the minimum amount is only 100 rubles. It can not but rejoice that the contribution can be replenished. But partial withdrawal is not possible.

There is, however, one caveat. Such a contribution is accepted only from those citizens of the Russian Federation who receive their well-deserved payments in a non-state pension fund known as GAZFOND. And, accordingly, having a card received at GPB under the agreement concluded between the Bank and the Fund.

Very favorable conditions. If you open an account for 500,000 rubles, then at the end of the annual period, the profit will be 35,000 rubles.

In general, as you can see, Gazprombank offers several rather favorable rates. There are plenty to choose from. The most important thing is to carefully read the full conditions and in the process to find out the answers to all your questions.


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