Smooth inclusion of light in the apartment. Devices of smooth inclusion (UPVL) of incandescent lamps

Like candles, all light bulbs eventually burn out. But even products with the shortest life should last at least 2000 hours. Therefore, if the product burns out once a month or more, then something is wrong with the electrical wiring.

Everyone knows that most often incandescent bulbs burn out at the moment of switching on, and this is one of their drawbacks. At this time, instantaneous current is particularly harmful to the lamp. It quickly fails, and the tungsten element does not withstand the load and burns out. In order to stabilize the starting currents, it is necessary to make a smooth inclusion of light, which will create an equal temperature regime of electric current and filament.

soft start circuit

Types of soft starters

To implement a smooth temperature difference, a special device is used, which is called a device for smooth switching on of a lamp. What is it?

There are several types of products that can provide a smooth start:

  • Power Supply;
  • soft start device;
  • dimmers, or dimmers.

The power supply unit and the device have the same principle of turning on 220 V incandescent lamps, they differ only in size. UPVL are much smaller, and therefore easily installed under a switch, chandelier or in a junction box. They are connected to a 220 V network in series with the phase current, and with a voltage of 12/24 V - in series to the transformer.

The dimmer works with an incandescent lamp, lowering or increasing voltage to achieve the desired lighting. This is a simple task for those who do not have electronic elements. Old dimmers only changed the resistance or voltage of the circuit. Modern dimmers do not. Therefore, they successfully protect lamps from short-term power surges.

The principle of operation of UPVL

The block sensor allows the thread to warm up to a certain temperature, maintaining the voltage level set by the user (approximately 170 V). Lamp operation in gentle mode increases its service life. However, the device has a significant drawback. At the above voltage, lighting decreases by about two-thirds. Experts advise installing more powerful lamps paired with UPVL to avoid this undesirable effect.

The protective device provides a smooth on and off element due to the fact that the voltage is supplied gradually over a short period. The spiral of the lighting device at the start of start-up has a resistance 10 times lower, therefore the current for a lamp of 100 W is approximately 8 A. The protective effect is expressed in the fact that the phase angle increases during the start-up period, its spiral is similarly heated. The voltage in it increases in fractions of a second from 5 V to 230 V. This allows you to smooth out the current surge during start-up.

Granite scheme

Schematic diagram of the protection device

The UPVL scheme consists of the following:

  • DA 1 - phase regulator;
  • C 1 , C 2 , C 3 - capacitors;
  • VS 1 - triac;
  • R 1 is a resistor;
  • SA 1 - key;
  • VS 1 - electrode;
  • EL 1 - lamp;
  • BTA 12 - triac.

How is a smooth light on? DA 1 - thyristor chip with a control circuit of C 1 and C 2 , VS 1 . R 1 limits the current through VS 1 . The device works when SA 1 is open, C 3 charges and starts the thyristor control circuit. At the exit from it, the current will increase until it reaches its nominal value. In EL 1, the voltage also rises slowly from 6 V to 230 V. The time until the lamp is fully turned on depends on C 3 . When you turn off the SA 1 , C 3 is discharged to R 2 , and the voltage gradually drops from 230 V to 0. The period of full redemption of the lamp is directly proportional to the value of R 2 . With 4 and R 4 perform the function of protecting the circuit from interference, and HL 1 and R 3 perform the backlight circuit breaker.

Smooth on light

Values โ€‹โ€‹of C 3 ฮผF and response time EL 1 :

  • 47 uF - 1 sec;
  • 100 microfarads - 3 sec;
  • 220 uF - 7 sec;
  • 470 uF - 10 sec.

Mounting location

Smooth inclusion of light in the apartment is achieved with the right choice of installation location. Protection for each lamp is set depending on its location. If there is a technical possibility, it is better to place it in a cavity under the chandelier. The advantage of the device is its compactness. Therefore, it is installed in any accessible place near the light fixture.

Detailed instructions are provided with the unit. Therefore, it can be installed independently, without resorting to the services of an electrician. If the power UPVL allows - installation is possible for a group of several lamps. In this case, the best placement is a junction box. If a lighting transformer is present in the protective circuit to reduce power, the unit must be located first in the direction of current. The voltage of 220 V should first be supplied to it, and then along the circuit to the entire lighting network.

When installing a device for smooth inclusion of light, it is necessary to adhere to strict rules:

  1. Availability for repair.
  2. It is forbidden to glue UPVL with wallpaper, cover with drywall and seal up with plaster.

Installation according to the scheme of the block of protection of the incandescent lamp

What is the complexity of such work? How to make a smooth light on?

Connecting the device to the circuit:

  1. The UPVL input is connected from the phase to the lamp, it acts as an intermediary between the wire connecting the lighting device.
  2. The output from it is connected to the other end of the wire leading to the lamp.
  3. Monitoring the operability and proper configuration of the device is to check the lamp at the start of start-up. Within about 3-5 seconds, you can see how bright lighting becomes dimmer - this indicates the correct operation of the protective unit.
  4. When performing installation work, it is necessary to strictly observe the safety rules for the operation and repair of electrical equipment, as well as select the power of the device, which will be enough to connect the selected number of devices and equipment.
    Soft start

DIY light switch

UPVL of various modifications and manufacturers in sufficient quantity and assortment are presented on radio markets and in electrical goods stores in sections of electric lighting equipment. But, of course, itโ€™s cheaper and more interesting to make such a device from components on its own. There is an inexpensive K134 designer on sale, which allows you to assemble the design reliably and ensure smooth switching on of lighting devices (incandescent and halogen) in the network ~ 280 V to 100 W with a delay of 0.3 seconds.

When it is turned on, the transistors Q 1 and Q 2 are closed, the resistor R 3 reduces the current load D 1 . R 1 , field effect transistor diodes charge C 1 . Q 1 and Q 2 turn on at 5 V, bypassing R 3 , the incandescent lamp turns on.

BM071 soft starter

The dimmer BM071 (K1182PM1T) dimmer is designed for 220 V. Moreover, the connected power is 3 kW.

A universal unit with a wide spectrum of action, capable of functioning not only with lamps (incandescent and halogen), but effectively reduce the starting power of heaters and other electrical appliances within the stated load.


  1. Dimensions: 75 * 68 * 33.
  2. Operating temperature: -30 to +55 .
  3. Range of adjustment of loading,%: 0-100.
  4. Power adjustment range, W: 0-3000.
  5. Kit: BM071 unit, documentation.
  6. Function: smooth start-up of electrical equipment.
    light switch

Connection diagram 6BM071

The 6BM071 light is switched on smoothly to break the load and differs from the triac-dynistor control circuits, as it operates with a lower level of interference. The correct shape of the sine wave at the output of the device allows it to be used with lamps and with more serious equipment - electric motors and heating devices. The device is easily put into operation. To do this, connect it to the network in one of the connectors (XS 1 or XS 2 ), and connect the devices to a free connector. The equipment is adjusted with a variable resistor and depends on its angle of rotation.

Protection block "Granite BZ"

The Granit UPVL soft-start device effectively performs protective functions against destructive current surges when connected to a load. The unit stabilizes the supply voltage, which now does not depend on the overvoltage in the network and allows to increase the lamp operating time by 4-6 times. The device provides real cost savings and reduces lighting costs for consumers.

Unit operating parameters:

  • network voltage up to 240 V;
  • maximum load up to 230 V;
  • working temperature -15 ... +35 ;
  • "Granite BZ" is connected in series with 220 V.
    Granite protection device

Uniel Protection Block

The flickering on of the Upb-200W-BL light guarantees a reliable start-up of the lighting device (incandescent or halogen) and stabilizes the voltage, which also increases the service life. The Uniel block is designed for lamp power from 150 W to 1 thousand W and does not work with other types of lamps, any electrical appliances, as well as with dimmers and transformers.

Soft start devices

Prospects for the use of lamps

Traditional light bulbs, which are now banned for use in many countries, can return to the market thanks to a technological breakthrough. Incandescent lamps designed by Thomas Edison provide illumination by heating a thin tungsten filament to a temperature of 2700 degrees Celsius. This red-hot wire emits energy, known as blackbody radiation, which represents a very wide spectrum of light, provides not only warm light, but also the most accurate reproduction of all the known colors of the universe. However, they always suffered from one serious problem: more than 95% of the energy that goes into them is wasted in the form of thermal energy.

Now researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Purdue University have found a way to regain their former popularity and promise to create new MIT lamps with LED efficiency. It will work by placing nano-mirrors around an ordinary element, which will return the wasted heat back to receive light in the range of efficiency of LED and fluorescent lamps.

Prospects for Incandescent Lamps

The lamp element is surrounded by a system of nano-photon mirrors on the cold side that transmit visible light. But they reflect heat from infrared radiation. This heat is then absorbed by its element, causing it to emit more light. This original trick is very simple and viable. The tungsten element has also been modified - MIT uses tape instead of filament, which is better for absorbing reflected heat. The experiment, performed by physicists Ognin Ilik, Marine Solyachich and John Joannopoulos, has already managed to triple its efficiency to 6.6%.

Scientists are confident that they can achieve 40% efficiency, which is at the upper limit of opportunity for any light source. Modern LEDs so far reach a level of 15%.

And if scientists fulfill their ambitious promises, traditional lamps will rightly rise from oblivion. Then a smooth on and off light will be provided by their design.


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