What was the name of the first Russian annals: author, meaning, content, history

The history of the annals in Russia goes back to the distant past. It is known that writing arose even before the X century. Texts were written, as a rule, by representatives of the clergy. It is thanks to ancient writings that we know the history of Russia. But what was the name of the first Russian chronicle? How did it all start? Why does it have great historical significance?

What was the name of the first Russian annals?

Everyone should know the answer to this question. The first Russian annals was called The Tale of Bygone Years. It was written in 1110-1118 in Kiev. The linguistic scientist Shakhmatov revealed that she had predecessors. However, this is still the first Russian annals. It is called confirmed, reliable.

what was the name of the first Russian annals

The story describes the chronicle of events over a certain period of time. It consisted of articles that described every past year.


The author is considered the monk Nestor. It is noteworthy that Nestor, as the author, is mentioned only in later versions of the story, but he is considered by historians to be the first chronicler. He worked in the Kiev-Pechersk monastery.

The monk described events from biblical times until 1117. The name of the first Russian annals is the first lines of the chronicle.

the first Russian chronicle was called a tale of bygone years

History of creation

The annals had copies made after Nestor, which could reach our days. They did not differ much among themselves. The original itself was lost. According to Schakhmatov, the chronicle corresponded only a few years after its appearance. It made big changes.

In the XIV century, the monk Lavrenty rewrote the creation of Nestor, and it is this copy that is considered the most ancient that has survived to our time.

There are several versions of where Nestor came from for his annals. Since the chronology dates back to ancient times, and articles with dates went only after 852, many historians believe that the monk described the old period thanks to the traditions of people and written sources in the monastery.

She often corresponded. Even Nestor himself rewrote the annals, making some changes.

Interestingly, in those days, scripture was also a set of laws.

Content of the annals

Everything was described in The Tale of Bygone Years: from exact events to biblical traditions.

The purpose of the creation was to write a chronicle, to capture events, to restore the chronology in order to understand where the Russian people take their roots from, how Russia was formed.

Nestor wrote that the Slavs appeared long ago from Noah’s son. In total, Noah had three of them. They divided among themselves three territories. One of them - Japheth went to the northwestern part.

Then there are articles about princes, East Slavic tribes that descended from the "Noriks". It is here that Rurik with his brothers is mentioned. About Rurik it is said that he became the ruler of Russia, having founded Novgorod. This explains why there are so many supporters of the Norman theory of the origin of princes from the Rurikovich, although there is no factual evidence.

name of the first Russian annals

It tells about Yaroslav the Wise and many other people and their rule, about wars and other significant events that formulated the history of Russia, made it the way we know it now.


The Tale of Bygone Years is of great importance today. This is one of the main historical sources by which historians are engaged in research. Thanks to her, the chronology of that period was restored.

Since the chronicle has an open genre, ranging from tales of epics to describing wars and weather, you can understand a lot about the mentality and ordinary life of Russians living at that time.

A special role for the annals was played by Christianity. All events are described through the prism of religion. Even the deliverance from idols and the adoption of Christianity are described as a period when people got rid of temptations and ignorance. And the new religion is the light for Russia.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G16443/

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