Sberbank stop list: what is it and how not to get there

Surely everyone who has used banking services at least once knows what a stop list is or at least heard about it. Many responsible investors and borrowers understand what this blacklist is and, naturally, do not want to be there.

stop sheet of sberbank

Customers have many opinions about what a stop list is and who they include. Here, scammers, and malicious credit defaults, and some people who are objectionable to the bank, etc. Financial organizations share such data with each other, thus adding to the black list. The venerable Sberbank, which also acquired similar stop lists, was no exception.

So, let's figure out what the so-called Sberbank blacklist is, how you can get there and what to do if you hit the stop list.

What is a blacklist or stop list?

Both of these concepts constitute one large database of all present, past and even sometimes future Sberbank clients who, to one degree or another, have shown their failure to fulfill their obligations.

what is a stop list

The main inhabitants of this list are people who have delayed loan agreements or refused to pay their debts at all. The stop list of Sberbank is always open to scammers who filed financial guarantees for third parties, some inadequate customers and those who provided false information about themselves.

Client and Bank

The "thickness" of the blacklist is pretty impressive. It reflects almost all the data about the guilty person. The stop list of Sberbank for individuals reflects the name and surname of the client, registration, passport details, credit history for the last ten years, places of work and family income. Naturally, being enrolled in such a list is not the most promising prospect. Customers who get there will be denied loans and cards and generally service as such.

In addition, the base of stop lists of Sberbank has some varieties.

Types of blacklists:

  • Personal stop list. It reflects all customers who violate certain obligations directly to Sberbank itself. According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, this information is not disclosed to third parties, therefore, other banks (in theory) should not own it.
  • List of bailiffs. This includes those individuals from whom funds had previously been exacted in favor of banks.
  • Stop lists of BKI. Here, lists are compiled from all financial institutions where the client took loans, loans, cards, or used some other services. In fact, it is from the reports of the credit bureau that determines the solvency of a person.

That is, in the end we have one stop list of Sberbank, based on the database of the above black lists.

How can I get to the black list?

Almost all financial institutions, including the domestic monopolist, do not make any concessions to clients, as they say, of an average hand. That is, with the slightest violation of the contract or other obligations, a completely prosperous person who, for example, could not pay the loan on time due to illness, can fall into the Sberbank stop list.

Sberbank program

Some customers do not even notice such a mistake - they paid a day later and God bless him. However, the next time the bank suddenly refuses to provide a loan.

In general, there can be a lot of reasons to be on such a list, so people who want to continue to cooperate fruitfully with the bank should “correct” and exit the stop list.

How to get out of the black list?

Getting into the stop list is easy, but getting out of it is much harder. The chances that the bank will remove you from its black list are very small, but if you are not an avid violator of the rules, then you should try.

stop list of Sberbank for individuals

Other financial institutions sometimes impose some additional fines and penalties on gaping customers and exclude the offenders from such lists. In our case, there are special programs of Sberbank that help to regain that trust.

Here we are talking about small loans with high interest rates, where you need to repay each payment on time without delay. Or, as an option, open a deposit account in one of the bank's branches and periodically replenish it in order to prove your solvency.

Effective Ways

There are also more effective Sberbank exit and blacklist programs. That is, completely switch to it for servicing: the aforementioned loans, deposits, as well as payment of taxes, alimony, utility bills, salary cards, etc. at the bank's branches, in order to prove their legal competency again.

Such procedures at times increase the chances that Sberbank will exclude you from its dark lists and will provide full service, as well as loan offers.

How not to get into the stop list?

First, really assess your financial condition and do not squander an excessive burden on yourself. That is, with a salary of 20 thousand rubles, you should not take loans per million, no matter how you need it - you still either expire it or you will not repay it at all. Count on the middle ground, and this is not more than 25-30% of the salary for a monthly payment.

hit the stop sheet

Secondly, “make friends” with the credit bureau (BKI). Take or order from them certificates and reports on repaid or closed loans. Very often there have been cases where a client regularly paid the same amount under a contract of obligations each month, and the last installment turned out to be a couple more rubles. Subsequently, these two rubles outgrew with penalties and fines of a couple of thousand, and the client was in the bank's stop list.

Thirdly, this is to provide Sberbank with only real and no fictitious data, as well as double-check everything that you wrote. Even a small, albeit accidental mismatch with your passport, for example, will serve as a signal for possible fraud for the security service.

Well and the last - it is not necessary without urgent need to harness in co-borrowers or any sureties. If your partner does not fulfill his obligations to the bank, then you will be almost equally to blame, therefore it is better to be careful with this matter, otherwise the stop list is guaranteed to you and there can be no question of any further loans.


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