A magical land, or where is Lapland located?

β€œWhere is Lapland located?” - the kids are interested in hearing that this mysterious place is the birthplace of Santa Claus and the habitat of the Snow Queen.

where is lapland

One area in four countries

It is impossible to state unequivocally where Lapland is located, in which country. And not because the area is bewitched - it simply does not exist, because Lapland called the territories beyond the Arctic Circle. 400 thousand kilometers of Lapland are in the northwestern part of Russia, Norway and Sweden, but a large proportion of the land belongs to Finland.

where is lapland

In this country, the Lapland region officially exists with the capital Rovaniemi. It is inhabited by Laplanders, or Sami. And therefore, we can assume that Finland is the correct answer to the question: β€œWhere is Lapland, in which state?”

Snow and cold

Reviews of tourists note that Lapland is a truly fabulous country. Indeed, even the harsh Arctic climate is surprisingly softened in those places where Lapland is located. Due to the warm effect of the Gulf Stream, temperature in summer is no different from the Central European in Lapland.

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From June to the end of October, the sun often shines here, a fresh wind blows, in addition, you can observe a wonderful northern phenomenon - white nights. Autumn in Lapland is elegant, in gold foliage, rich in mushrooms and berries.

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The snow finally falls in October and lies until the end of May. On Christmas and New Year's Eve, a polar night descends on Lapland’s land, adorned with the northern lights.

where is lapland

Natural features

An amazing place in Lapland, where there is everything that a traveler who has escaped from urban crowding can wish for. In the reviews, tourists write that the comfortable ski resorts of Levi, Yulles are a paradise for those who prefer winter fun. On the hills, rising to a height of 500-700 meters, many trails of various degrees of difficulty are laid, springboards, slides and other entertainments for snowboarders and skiers are arranged.

where is lapland

Countless bodies of water, among which the Kemijoki River and Lake Inari, are the most famous , allow you to arrange interesting rafting and enjoy plenty of fishing. In their reviews, tourists share their impressions of excellent fishing on the sea coast, rugged by fjords. Cod, mackerel and herring are excellently caught here.

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Having visited one of the 8 national parks of Lapland, you can better find out the nature of this part of the planet. In the parks they move on reindeer teams, on dogs, on skis and snowmobiles. During an unhurried walk, it is easy to notice the indigenous inhabitants of the Lapland forests - foxes, hares, arctic foxes, which hide under low birches or huge firs.

Lapland landmarks

Reviews of tourists say that in Lapland there is something to do for both adults and children. Popular tourist destinations in the capital of Rovaniemi (Lapland), where are:

  • amusement park "Arktikum";
  • Lumilinna Ice Palace;
  • Siidi Sami Museum;
  • Aine Art Museum and much more.

Under the glass dome of the Arktikum amusement park in the Lapland Museum, you can explore the life and customs of the Sami people, see a unique exhibition dedicated to shamans. It is interesting to know how they conjured and summoned spirits! Arktikum is also a curious museum of the Arctic.

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In the town of Kemi, there is a truly magical ice palace of Lumilinna, where cheerful spirits Arttu and Terttu live. Everything in the building is made of snow, even beds, and the average temperature in the room is +5. The snow castle is equipped with an ice restaurant, a children's playground, there is even a museum of jewelry and a chapel - all of snow and ice.

where is lapland

Saariselki is another ice village where a Sami igloo with a frosty transparent ceiling, through which flashes of the northern lights are visible, is offered for an overnight stay . The village has an ice church, a bar and an ice sculpture gallery.

Lapland Attractions

Where Lapland is, you can have a great time riding reindeer sledding. True, for this it is necessary to finish short driving courses, after which it is safe to hit the road. Deer feel at ease in Lapland, because here they live most of all on earth.

where is lapland

Dog lovers will appreciate the opportunity to fly with a breeze in a team with a husky. Blue-eyed dogs are not so easy to command as it seems, but if everything worked out - how much pleasure a tourist experiences!

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A unique experience will be experienced by the guest of the Sami land who set off to plow the Gulf of Bothnia on a real icebreaker, while the bravest can even try to swim in the frozen water.

Homeland of Santa Claus

Many tourists know that where Lapland is located, Santa Claus lives. The gray-haired wizard in Rovaniemi has everything: his own airport, where tourists fly, and the whole village where Santa Claus lives and works.

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Together with elves, he prepares gifts for good children all year and answers their letters. On Christmas Day, Santa Claus Village celebrations do not stop for a minute. Santa Claus shows visitors his deer farm and flying deer and issues a diploma certifying a visit to the Arctic Circle.

where is lapland

Reviews of tourists assure that a trip to Lapland is a great adventure at any time of the year. She certainly will not disappoint those who came to look at her with their own eyes.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G16461/

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