Moscow Big Planetarium: address, history, mode of operation, how to get there, reviews. Museums of the Moscow Planetarium

The choice of attractions in Moscow is incredibly large. If you need to visit an interesting place with children, most often choose the Great Planetarium of Moscow. In our country, such institutions are available only in 16 cities. The opportunity to admire the planets and stars is so attractive that a lot of visitors gather here for the weekend. In our article we want to talk about what you can see in the Moscow planetarium.

A bit of history ...

The large planetarium of Moscow is built on funds allocated by the Moscow City Council. The first guests visited him in 1929. The Moscow planetarium was the first in the whole country. The new educational institution was greeted with great enthusiasm, especially by scientists who understood its scientific value. The constructed building had the shape of an egg, inside it was a spacious hall for 1400 people. To obtain a projection of the sky, the best German apparatus at that time was used, which was developed by the famous company Karl Zeiss. In the 1930s, daily demonstrations were held at the planetarium, and an astronomical circle for schoolchildren also functioned. In addition, pilots were trained at the Great Planetarium of Moscow, who were subsequently sent to work in the Arctic.

Selection of materials

During the construction process of the Moscow Great Planetarium, active work was carried out on the selection of materials for demonstration to guests. Specialists carefully thought out the main topics, selected materials of strictly scientific content. Several directions were developed that satisfied the mass audience and schoolchildren. The plans were to open a library and an astronomical observatory for research.

Planetarium building

One of the main tasks was to create a real astronomical museum, and it was supposed to make it big. The planetarium itself was to become the final part after all that was seen in the museum. However, the conceived plans were not implemented then.

Grand opening

The planetarium was opened on November 5, 1929. This date is considered the birthday of the institution. The planetarium began with a modest lecture cycle. Gradually, the topic expanded. By 1930, up to 40 lectures were delivered within its walls. The development of the solar system, the moon and its movement, the structure of the sun, meteorites and comets, eclipses are topics covered in the planetarium. The technical base of the institution was gradually updated with new devices and devices. Immediately after the start of the work of the planetarium, they began to create a "living sky" in it. In 1934, stars were already burning on the dome, clouds were running and aurora was blazing. Gradually, the planetarium became a domed theater.

Astronomical circle

In 1934, an astronomical circle for schoolchildren began to work at the planetarium. In those days, classes were most often held in the Great Star Hall. Leading astronomers such as Nabokov and Belyaev worked with children. Many graduates of the circle later became well-known scientific figures of domestic science.

Star theater

In the prewar years, the institution in the literal sense of the word turned into a real "Star Theater". Within its walls, plays were staged in which real actors took part. The performances "Copernicus", "Giordano Bruno" and "Galileo" were held in the domed hall. For representations used the starry sky.

Planetarium and school

Thanks to the technical equipment, the planetarium became the only complex with high-level visual aids. For students, not only excursions were organized - practical classes in geography and astronomy were held at the planetarium. Students had the opportunity to receive visual confirmation of many scientific facts. Lecture cycles for students were aligned with the school curriculum and were good additions to the knowledge gained at school.

Entertaining exposition

To contemplate celestial bodies, they wanted to create an astronomical observatory. The start of construction was planned for 1941. However, the outbreak of war destroyed all plans. The astronomical site appeared only in 1947, it was open for the 800th anniversary of Moscow.

During the war, the planetarium did not stop its activities. Field lectures were held.

A new stage in the life of the institution

Since 1947, the planetarium began to work in an expanded form. In its complex were: Astronomical site, Star Hall, Observatory and Astronomical site. The institution turns into the largest center for the propagation of natural science knowledge. Every year in its walls lectures are given in many subjects. In its work, the Moscow Planetarium provided significant support to similar institutions in other cities. Employees regularly replenished their funds with new instruments and teaching aids. Internships for polar navigators were conducted at the planetarium base.

Planetarium and space

The planetarium played a significant role in the development of space. Since 1960, classes were held in its walls with future astronauts on astronavigation. In the seventies, Soviet space exploration was actively developing. The walls of the planetarium covered all the most interesting events in this area. During these years, the institution has become incredibly popular and visited. The planetarium was well equipped, so its employees had the opportunity to share data equally with foreign colleagues. The unusual building is currently a monument of the era of constructivism.

Hardware Replacement

In 1977, the old apparatus, installed back in 1929, was replaced. The new one had automatic control and more advanced features, thanks to which the planetarium created a new product - an audiovisual program. In the history of the institution there are many interesting and dramatic pages. The shadow of universal oblivion also affected the planetarium. In 1994, it was closed for major repairs. And only after many years he was revived using the most modern technologies.

Moscow Big Planetarium: how to get there?

The planetarium is located in the very center of Moscow, so you can get to it from any part of the city. Five minutes from the building there is a metro station "Barrikadnaya". The Big Planetarium of Moscow is located at: Sadovo-Kudrinskaya Street, 5, p. 1.

The most convenient way to get there is by metro. Leaving the station, turn left; at the first intersection, turn left again. Just a couple of minutes walk will be the entrance to the building.

Opening hours of the Moscow Big Planetarium: from Wednesday to Monday from 10:00 to 21:00, Tuesday is a day off. Thanks to the convenient schedule, you can visit the institution not only on weekends, but also on weekdays.

Cost of visiting

Tickets to the Moscow Grand Planetarium can be purchased not only at the box office, but also through the Internet. The territory of the institution is divided into different zones, the cost of visiting which is different. For each trip to the planetarium, you must purchase a separate ticket.

Under the starry sky

We give examples of the cost of visiting certain zones:

  1. Lunarium - 150-300 rubles, at the weekend - 500 rubles.
  2. Big Star Hall - 450-500 rubles.

For students and seniors discounts are provided.


Within the walls of the planetarium I work several museums. Foucault's pendulum runs through the entire building. Thanks to this device, everyone can make sure that our planet really rotates around its axis. It is worth saying that this device is the largest pendulum in Russia. Its length is 16 meters, and the weight of the ball reaches 50 kg.

Unusual museum exhibits

In the museum of Urania, the exposition is dedicated to the history of the planetarium, which we briefly described earlier. Here are interesting exhibits that help to imagine how the institution developed. Guests can see models of spaceships, telescopes, projection devices and much more. The attention of visitors is invariably attracted by the globes of various planets and the large layout of the solar system. The walls of the museum contain a solid collection of meteorites.


The Lunarium Museum, which consists of two halls, is widely known. Each of them is equipped with exhibits and devices that demonstrate different natural phenomena and the laws of physics. In order to see the instruments in action, it is necessary to make serious efforts, which causes children even more interest. Stunning exhibits are not only possible, but also need to be touched, pumped, inflated, etc. The museum immediately recalls the distant school years, when some experiments were shown to us at the lessons. But since then, a lot of time has passed. We just lost a lot of knowledge. Seen in the Lunarium will not only refresh the long-forgotten experiments, but also allow you to learn a lot. The interactive museum was created so that children can learn to learn the basic laws of nature, astronomical and physical phenomena. Children usually remain completely delighted with the excursion. Where else can you touch all the exhibits with your hands?

Museum tour

The museum has a lot of funny mechanisms and sculptures, each of which demonstrates something. Honestly, very often children understand the nuances much faster than adults. The latter are also enthusiastic about research.

Several guides work in the Lunarium to help explain the operation of certain phenomena and devices. If you do not understand something, you can always turn to them. Guides here are students of specialized universities. The museum hall is filled with stunningly interesting devices, each of which is worth paying attention to. Therefore, to visit the Lunarium, it is necessary to allocate enough time, which flies here imperceptibly.

The lower hall is no less interesting than the upper one. It has a screen with a webcam that shoots your face. After that, the image can be inserted into the astronaut’s body (something like Photoshop), after which you can send the finished picture to your mail.

Great Star Hall

This is an incredibly interesting place. You will be asked to take a seat, followed by a screening of films. The first tape is of a general character. It talks about planets, stars and constellations. But the second film has a specific theme. Different tapes are shown at different times. Schedules of shows and films are available in booklets, which can be obtained at the box office.

Projector in the Great Hall

In addition, the schedule of all events in the planetarium is indicated on the official website of the institution. On holidays and weekends, the planetarium is always crowded. If you do not want to stand in line or stay without a ticket, purchase them in advance. According to visitors, films are very interesting even for adults. Therefore, you will not have to miss children.

Interesting Facts

The large star hall is considered the main in the planetarium. By the way, it is the largest in Europe. It is difficult to imagine, but the diameter of its dome reaches 25 meters. All the most interesting astronomical films are shown here. A stunning dome screen creates the effect of a real deep sky covered with millions of stars.

An hour before the movie show, all visitors are invited to visit the Museum of Urania. It is better not to be late here, because the guide tells very interesting things. The museum consists of two levels, the first is devoted to space exploration, and the second to planets and meteorites.

Open-air museum

On the roof of the building there is a sky park, which operates only in the warm season (May-September). Visitors note that after the Star Hall it is the second most important planetarium object. It can definitely be called a landmark of the institution. The park is a collection of astronomical instruments that are exposed in the open.

There is also a Small Star Hall in the planetarium, which also shows science films. It is less large-scale, but interesting in its own way.

Programs for children

Most of the planetarium visitors are children of different ages. Most often, schoolchildren and preschoolers are brought here by classes for specialized programs. Planetarium workers have developed special tours with films shown in accordance with various topics. For example, a child of 5-8 years old is invited to visit the "Visiting the Starship" theater. During the game, kids get acquainted with the planets of the solar system. They are told a lot of interesting things about the Moon, constellations and the water cycle in nature. Older schoolchildren are offered lectures “Star lessons” and thematic excursions around the institution. Such activities can captivate children with space and everything connected with it.

To this day, an astronomical circle operates in the planetarium, classes in which are conducted by famous astronauts and astronomers.

There are a lot of options for programs for children. Therefore, one visit to the planetarium is clearly not enough.

Visitors reviews

Given the positive reviews about the Big Planetarium of Moscow, I would like to recommend it for a visit. According to tourists, the institution requires close attention from guests of the city. You can safely add it to the lists of “Mast si” if you come to the capital with children. The institution of a modern level with the latest equipment impresses not only children, but also adults. Parents may not worry: they will not be bored at the planetarium.

If you want to see more, you must set aside a full day to visit. You won’t be able to see anything in a couple of hours, especially if this is your first visit.

Planetarium Halls

Many tourists wonder: “What to see in the planetarium?” It is very difficult to advise something, since all the museums and halls of the institution are very interesting. You can’t do without visiting the museum of Urania and the Lunarium, and you need to visit the Great Star Hall.

If you want to walk around the planetarium without haste and crowds, then it is better to choose a weekday to visit. There are always a lot of people on weekends, and queues at the box office are also possible.

According to guests, the prices for visiting different parts of the planetarium are high, especially if you go on an excursion with the whole family. But the sea of ​​positive emotions and impressions is definitely guaranteed. The planetarium is a great place to spend family fun. If you do not know where to go with the children, it will be a good option. Moreover, its exposition and science films are interesting to people of different ages.


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