Carcassonne - France or Languedoc?

For several decades now, the so-called Country of the Cathars has been on the list of historical sights. The center of this cultural project is the city of Carcassonne. France can hardly boast of another such beautiful and monumental medieval complex in the center (CitΓ©), consisting of fifty-two towers and surrounded by a three-kilometer wall. Thus, this is not a castle (it is such information that travel companies often give for some reason), but a classic Mediterranean fortified city. It has a rich and glorious history. There is a modern Carcassonne on a map of France in its very south. But it was not always like that. This is a former Roman fort, one of the most beautiful cities of the independent Visigothic kingdom of Aquitaine, the Saracen fortress, which was defended by a woman - Lady Karkas, according to local legend. In its heyday, it was the capital of the medieval Viscountry of the Trenkavel dynasty, large feudal lords of the Languedoc and vassals of the king of Aragon.

Carcassonne france

Carcassonne France conquered in the thirteenth century. Then Pope Innocent III called for a crusade against the defenders of the dissident Christian Church, whose followers are now called Cathars. The local ruler, Viscount Roger Trenkavel, was very tolerant of opponents of Catholicism. He was not going to give them to the crusaders, for which he paid. He was tricked into an enemy camp and killed in prison. The city was captured by the crusaders, and the inhabitants were expelled. Subsequently, the army of the French king intervened in the war, which finally annexed the Languedoc. Since then, Carcassonne lost its independence. France placed the royal seneschal there as ruler, and he settled in the former Viscount castle. Since the local population did not really support the occupiers, it was resettled in the suburbs (Burg), and the Upper Town was separated from them by walls. The rich lived there too. As time passed, Carcassonne ceased to play such an important role for the French state. The city grew poorer, its majestic walls and towers turned into ruins, Languedoc itself became the poorest province, and its language, which the troubadours once wrote, was actually banned and almost destroyed.

Carcassonne on a map of france

But in the XIX century, the writer Prosper Merimee, who visited this city, was shocked by his past. He organized a public fundraising campaign for the restoration of the medieval complex. With the help of the architect Violetta-le-Duc, Europe has acquired this fabulous city, which is now visited by three million tourists every year. Now the massive fortifications on the hill beyond the river Aude are visible from the lower Burg. Crossing the bridge and getting into Shite through one of the many gates, the visitor is lost, wandering through the narrow streets, where on every corner there are shops selling souvenirs and colorful restaurants with local cuisine. You can come here at any time, in summer and winter Carcassonne is always ready to receive you. France used to underestimate this city, but now it is in the top of the ranking of places visited by tourists. But the best and most colorful periods, when everything here looks just brilliant, are spring and autumn.

Carcassonne city France

When you enjoy wandering around the City, be sure to visit two excursions - a tour of the fortifications, where you will see the formidable Inquisition Tower, and also visit Viscount Castle, where you will get acquainted with the history of the city and the life of its nobility. Do not miss the Cathedral of St. Nazarius with beautiful stained glass windows and Romanesque columns. A beautiful sight is the show of eagles and falcons, which are trained according to medieval methods - they fly freely and return to the owners. And after excursions, try cassule - a local dish of beans and duck, which is good to record with Minervois wine.

Carcassonne hosts many other colorful events - a light show in the spring and early summer, when the night sky above the city is lit with many bright fireworks and salutes. This is the center of the revived Languedoc culture, and therefore every year demonstrations are held in it demanding that the Occitan language be official in the region. Indeed, many streets already bear two names - not only in French. The local flavor is manifested more and more, and tourists notice it. After all, then it becomes clear what a real Carcassonne is. France was not always the mistress here. This is the country of Qatar.


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