DIY traffic light for kindergarten. DIY craft options

Learn the rules of the road begin in kindergarten. The first thing children learn is the meaning of traffic signals. Children should know that they must stand at the red traffic light and wait for the cars to pass. A yellow light indicates “Caution! Get ready! ” And only on a green light can you cross the street. To help children better learn the material studied, educators conduct a series of classes on this topic. Education in kindergarten takes place in a playful way, so sometimes you have to make a traffic light with your own hands for kindergarten. Many parents are lost and do not know what to do and where to start. Our article presents five different options for making such crafts. Let's consider them in more detail.

The easiest instance

The easiest way to make a traffic light on thick cardboard or fiberboard. First, a rectangle is cut out, pasted with black paper on all sides. You can buy self-adhesive the right colors. Then it will be much easier to make a traffic light with your own hands for a kindergarten, and the finished product will be bright and shiny. For signal lights, a round template is cut out of cardboard. On red, green, and yellow paper, contours are drawn and circles are cut. Then they are pasted in the desired order: red - on top, yellow - in the middle, green - below. They are located in the middle of the rectangle in the column, one above the other.

do-it-yourself traffic light for kindergarten

So that the traffic light can be held or put on the floor, a wooden handle is attached on the back side. It needs to be bolted. You can use such a traffic light during outdoor games, for example, “Drivers” or “Train”.

Plastic Bottle Option

A do-it-yourself traffic light for a kindergarten can be made from a used bottle, for example, from a yogurt. In the house there are always several multi-colored twisting corks. You need to search for green, red and yellow. These will be traffic signals. In the proper order, they must be glued to the bottle. In order for the traffic light to stand on a leg, a stand must be attached to the bottle.

do-it-yourself traffic light for kindergarten

It can be adapted from improvised material. This can be a thin jar of soap bubbles or a disposable cup, turned upside down. This craft can be used for board games or put in a road corner for independent games of children with small cars. This is a portable option, so that children can play with cars even on the carpet.

Fabric traffic light

It will be interesting to sew a traffic light with your own hands for kindergarten. The photo below shows that this kind of crafts can be hung on the board, on the counter, and on the wall. This is a convenient portable option. In addition, the signal colors can be removed, since they are kept on Velcro. This traffic light can be used in independent games of children, and in open classes.

do-it-yourself traffic light for kindergarten photo

Making it is quite simple, especially if mom has a sewing machine. You need to make a template out of paper by drawing outlines on a piece of paper. Two layers of the traffic light itself are cut out of black fabric according to the pattern. Before sewing, you need to insert in the middle some insert made of dense material or a layer of synthetic winterizer. Circles can be sewn from felt, in the middle they are fastened with Velcro. You can place the finished traffic light on the fiberboard, cutting it with a jigsaw according to the template. To keep the fabric well, it can be nailed with staples.

Craft from balls

The brightest and most interesting example for children of a self-made traffic light for kindergarten will be the option of balloons. You need to buy a whole pack of black balls and three colored ones - green, yellow and red. Basic traffic light balls can be purchased in a slightly larger size to stand out. In order to keep the balls in the right position, it is best to come up with some kind of stance. For example, make a wooden stick and insert it into the cross for a Christmas tree. Then, inflated balls are tied around the rack in the necessary sequence.

DIY traffic light in kindergarten do it yourself

For aesthetics, the stick itself can be wrapped with ribbons and a few balls attached to the bottom to close the crosspiece so that it is not visible. Such a craft can be used even at a matinee or in a performance devoted to a given topic. She is very bright and attractive for babies.

Tasty traffic lights

Often, contests are held at events to study traffic rules, where children show their knowledge and skills on this topic. To encourage and please children, educators prepare prizes and small tasty gifts for the most active children. The proposed version of delicious traffic lights will appeal to the whole kids. After all, such DIY crafts of traffic lights have not yet been brought to kindergarten. But this is so nice - for the knowledge of traffic signals, get a chocolate waffle with three caramels as a gift! Even the most passive guys for the sake of such a prize will try and participate in competitions.

DIY traffic light in kindergarten do it yourself

The presented crafts are not very difficult to do, but they look attractive, and any educator will be glad to help from their parents, because teachers for children make almost all the manuals with their own hands. If you make such a gift to the group, then the educator and all the guys will be grateful to you.


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