Linear perspective in the work of photo gallery

The linear perspective takes a huge place in the process of creating competent, professional photography. We must not forget that the world that surrounds us is three-dimensional, and two-dimensional photography should create a sense of volume in order for the picture to be perceived as a correct and natural display of it. That is why the methods of creating perspectives are so important in photography that help to achieve its volumetric perception.

How is our vision

All methods that allow you to display perspective on a photograph are based on the properties of human vision. Therefore, they are not so difficult to understand and master. The photographer needs to constantly train his gaze, make it β€œphotographic” so that he always remembers the perspective in the process of shooting.

The farther the less

The basic and most understandable law, which is used to explain the perspective in photography, indicates that any objects always look less and less as they are removed. To master its application, you just need to choose a shooting location with repeating objects: rows of pillars, trees or a long fence.

In order for the linear perspective to be visible as best as possible in the picture, you need to get closer to the object from the row as close as possible so that in the photo it seems just huge. Then the size of the remaining objects of the repeating series will decrease very significantly, and this will create a strong sense of the depth of the frame.

Linear perspective as lines

Another way to create perspectives is to use lines that extend deep into the image, conveying the volume of the image. This method is perfectly illustrated by objects that form two or more lines converging in the distance, such as at a railway or a multi-lane highway. To enhance this method of shooting, you should choose the lowest possible point of photography. From it, the lines will begin to look wider and sharply rush deep into the frame at the vanishing point.

Ratios of different sizes

One of the best ways to display a linear perspective is to include objects of different sizes in the picture. For example, if people standing at the foot of a mountain seem tiny in a photograph, then immediately the enormity and grandeur of this mountain becomes clear. In the same way, trees, animals, cars or other objects are used, the relativity of the sizes of which in comparison with each other, mountains or other areas of the landscape varies greatly.


A linear perspective in real life is perceived using the distance between objects. It is not possible to use this in photography due to its two-dimensionality. However, to simulate the volume in a photograph, you can use different plans, thereby emphasizing which object is closer and which is farther.

Photographic equipment for displaying perspectives

In addition to working with the composition, the linear perspective is enhanced by the use of wide-angle lenses, which increase the relative size of objects and display foreground objects larger than usual. When using a telephoto lens, the objects in the photographs, on the contrary, have the same ratio as in reality.

Using Depth of Field

The linear perspective, which is displayed by the repetition of diverse objects, can be enhanced by applying a shallow depth of field when shooting . In order to achieve this, aperture from 2.8 to 4 is selected and focuses on any subject in the sequence. This allows you to significantly enhance the volume of the photo.

Shooting points

Many inexperienced photographers constantly remove from eye level, without even realizing that they are losing a lot. If you lie down, sit down, or shoot from another low level, the linear perspective of the photo can change dramatically.

Other perspectives

The perspective in the photograph can also be represented by transitions of color shades, which often appear between different plans and add extra volume. This method is very useful to use in landscapes, so that they do not seem flat. There is also an aerial perspective, which is displayed by a decrease in the clarity of objects disappearing in airborne droplets or airborne dust haze.

Practice and practice again

The most important thing is to learn how to apply the techniques described here in the shooting process. Not a single manual on photography will be able to bring as much benefit as everyday practice.


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