Decoding "RSFSR" before 1937 and after

Russia, Russia, the Russian Empire - that was the name of our country until October 1917 (according to the Gregorian style). In fact, the transfer of the titles of the Emperor of the Emperor took a lot of time during the ceremonial rituals, he was the ruler of Great, Lesser and White Russia, the king of Poland, the Grand Duke of Finland, the king of Georgia and so on.

After the overthrow of the autocrat, the country's borders narrowed somewhat, in February 1917 the crown disappeared from the double-headed eagle , the Russian Republic was founded. In the fall, a march of Soviet power began, then nicknamed “triumphant,” as a result of which the proletarian red flag rose above the remaining part of the still huge power. This fact required a change in the name of the country.

What was the decoding of the RSFSR before 1937

decoding rsfsr
Name something, but how? The name of the first socialist power should clearly define its strategic goals, here we cannot do with just one word or two.

In the first twenty years of communist rule, the abbreviation customary for adult fellow citizens had a different, although similar in meaning, interpretation. The RSFSR first became “socialist,” and only then “Soviet” and federal. ” When the Constitution of 1937 was adopted, two words were reversed. Why was this done? Someone will say that just like that, and in general, what's the difference. However, it should be remembered in honor of whom this basic law was named, and to realize that this person, when doing something, had a definite purpose. So what was done was not just like that. Something the name "Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic" of Joseph Vissarionovich did not suit. With what?

RSFSR years

Still, Russia

To the question of what he was fighting for, each participant in the four-year fratricidal massacre, whether he was a White Guard or a Red Army soldier, as a rule, answered: “For Russia”, or even: “For the Homeland”. Despite prolonged destructive agitation, which led to confusion of minds, most citizens retained a feeling of love for their homeland, also called patriotism. Therefore, the new name could not do without this geographical concept. The Bolsheviks loved abbreviations and abbreviations, and when compiling them, the sequence in which they were deciphered was important. The RSFSR was founded on the territory of Russia, hence the first letter "R".

Russian Socialist Federal Soviet Republic

Socialist Soviet Republic

Central to the definition of a socialist social formation is the question of ownership of the means of production. Factories and land were taken from the capitalists and landlords. Somehow they either didn’t manage to pass them on to the people, or they forgot. The peasants were driven into collective farms, the workers were forced to work in "their own" factories, while they began to live much worse than before, one might say, starving. Often they were completely swollen from hunger. Sometimes they died from him, and in large numbers, both in the Kuban, and in Ukraine, and in the Volga region, and everywhere. At the same time, of course, they consulted with the people, representatives in parliament (the Supreme Council of People's Deputies) were, no one argues. Delegates always and everyone approved.


The founder of Lenin's national policy was the same Secretary General, namely I.V. Stalin. The right of peoples to self-determination was one of the pieces of cheese in the huge mousetrap built by the Bolsheviks. Be ours, red, and you can even separate from us, the communists said to the nationalistically minded outlying proletarians and peasants. If you want, of course. All the newly created republics in Russia were promised benefits, and the country was to become federal. The letter "F" is such a decoding. The RSFSR let go of all oppressed peoples who no longer wanted to be with Russia. At first it happened, Finland, Poland, Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia left. The Red Army did not have the strength to hold back these territories.

decoding rsfsr

1937 year. Russia is primarily Soviet!

In 1937, a massive replenishment of the orderly ranks of the Soviet republics was already in full swing. Two years later it happened. Realizing the principle of voluntary accession to the USSR, it included the Baltic countries, Moldova (part of what was then Romania) and Western Ukraine. With Finland, of course, it didn’t turn out exactly what was expected. All the same, soon all countries will become socialist, on the rights of the union republics. They will become Soviet, the same as the RSFSR. Years of a difficult struggle for popular power have taught that it is so reliable. Only two letters were rearranged in the name of Soviet Russia, and then few people paid attention to such an insignificant fact.


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