Holidays in the Dominican Republic in October: weather, tours, reviews of tourists

It happens that tourists doubt: is it worth going to the Dominican Republic in the middle of autumn? After all, this island nation is located in the climatic zone of the tropics. Consequently, it is dry and hot in the winter, and during the summer months it rains. But will the rainy season spoil the holiday in the Dominican Republic in October? We have to find out today.

In this article, we will not only provide statistical data on temperature indicators obtained over the years of observing the weather in the Dominican Republic. After all, it is known that in the Caribbean it is hot even in the “wet” season. Reviews of tourists report extremely high humidity, which affects the fact that the heat is transferred with great difficulty. A vacation cannot be called pleasant if it is all spent in a hammam!

But how can one breathe in the Dominican Republic - easily or with difficulty? Rain in the wet season with their attendant humidity is another half of the problem. Monsoon winds make waves at sea, making swimming impossible. The risk of typhoons should not be overlooked. After all, serious money for a flight to the Dominican Republic is paid with the expectation of buying in the warm Caribbean Sea or the Atlantic Ocean and sunbathing on snow-white beaches. How do tourists characterize the weather in this country in mid-autumn?

Holidays in the Dominican Republic in October

What is the "rainy season" in the Dominican Republic

This island country is always beautiful, and every month it surprises the traveler with something new. You can come here all year round. But the Dominican Republic also has its own rainy season. It lasts from May to November. However, do not immediately refuse to rest in the Dominican Republic in October!

Let's see what the words “wet season” mean in relation to the Dominican Republic. In summer, the ocean heats up to maximum temperatures in the year. Clouds form from the water vapor, which the monsoons carry from the equator to higher latitudes. The low-pressure region constantly produces tropical cyclones, which sometimes develop into typhoons and hurricanes. But the Dominican Republic has its own characteristics in the rainy season. The element of the tropics rages mainly off the coast of Haiti and Cuba. Only echoes of showers reach the Dominican Republic. Therefore, this country is popular with budget tourists, even in the lowest season.

Vacations in the Dominican Republic in October reviews

Dominican Republic, vacation in october: weather

What happens in the sky above the island in mid-autumn? Tour operators consider October to be the month preceding the opening of the season. The ocean gradually cools after the summer, there is less evaporation, respectively, and the risk of typhoons also decreases. Showers are still going on, but their number is also declining. The average number of rainy days in the country in October is ten. But this statistical indicator is radically different both by region and by decade of the month. And the very concept of "showers" in October is very different from the summer. Mostly rainfall in the evening and at night. In the afternoon, they also happen. But it rains in 15-20 minutes. After it, the sun peeking out from behind the clouds instantly drains the earth, and you can again sunbathe and swim.

Humidity in the middle of autumn in the Dominican Republic is much lower than in the summer months. That is, the weather is hot, but the heat is easily tolerated. The winds in October are still gusty, but their squalls are capable of raising a storm in the sea for one day, no more. Then the element calms down and you can swim.

Holidays in the Dominican Republic in October 2017

Forecasts for this fall

Meteorologists promise that a vacation in the Dominican Republic in October 2017 will be pleasant. The elements that raged this summer in the Caribbean have calmed down by the end of September. In early October, days with prolonged tropical downpours are still possible, but they will most likely take place on the southern and western coasts of the island.

The northern resort of Monte Cristi will traditionally be the driest in the country. Meteorologists also promise that after the twentieth of October, the chance of rain will be reduced to zero throughout the island. If you are free to choose a vacation time in the Dominican Republic, time it for the third decade of the month. Temperature indicators, which are predicted by weather experts, set up for a comfortable beach holiday. In the afternoon the air temperature warms up to +32 gadus. And at night the thermometer’s column does not fall below the +25 ° C mark. The sea (if it doesn’t storm) pleases vacationers with the temperature of “fresh milk” - + 28-29 degrees.

Holidays in the Dominican Republic in October: tourist opinion

The Russians have long trodden a path to this tropical country. In some regions of the Russian Federation, snow already lies in October, and in other regions it is cold and damp. Therefore, the Dominican Republic for citizens of Russia seems to be a kind of banana-coconut paradise with snow-white beaches, on which you can "warm the bones." Therefore, there are no special complaints about the weather in October from them. Tourists claim that during the day it is very hot, around +32. It’s easy to get used to high humidity in one to two days. At first you feel like in a bath, but then the body ceases to notice it. It is especially easy to breathe on the beach, where fresh winds blow. The sea in October is very warm. I don’t feel like getting out of it at all. It rains mostly at night and in the morning. The days are cloudless, but by the time the clouds begin to gather.

Holidays in the Dominican Republic in October all inclusive

The difference in weather by region

The middle of autumn in the Dominican Republic is an ambiguous period. It refers to the rainy season, but rainfall in October is much less than in summer and in September. Dominican Republic is a small country. You can go round it from end to end in eight hours. However, due to the peculiarities of the location to the dominant winds and the terrain, there are regions that are rainy and, conversely, dry. For example, in Santo Domingo rainfall can pass even in the high tourist season, that is, in winter. The Samana Peninsula, pleasant in all respects in other months, in October has consistently totaled eight days with prolonged rains. In Puerto Plata and Boca Chica, this figure drops to six days with rains. If you want your vacation in the Dominican Republic in October to be drier and more cloudless, choose the resorts of Monte Cristi, La Romane (three days with rainfall) or Punta Cana (four).

Tours to the Dominican Republic in October

What to do in October in the Dominican Republic

Do not think that the "low season" in this country is a boring period, devoid of all fun and amusement. On the contrary, the declining heat and becoming rare rains provide more opportunities for excursions in the Dominican Republic.

In October, a lot of events take place in this country that are of considerable interest to tourists. On the second of the whole country marks the anniversary of the discovery of America by Columbus. The main festivities on this occasion are held in Santo Domingo, near Faro o Colon. The Columbus Lighthouse stores part of the discoverer's ashes (the second grave is more reliable, you can worship in Seville, in Spain). Puerto Plata hosts the Meringue Festival in October. And in the cities of Sosua and Cabarete at the end of the month, famous jazzmen of the world come together. During this festival, guests are expected not only concerts, but also other events: golf tournaments, master classes and exhibitions and sales of craftsmen's products. In mid-October, the capital hosts the culinary feast of Taste Santo Domingo.

Vacations in the Dominican Republic in October

Pros of Autumn Holidays

October in the Dominican Republic is still considered the “low season”, although the weather is not as bad as in the summer months. You can swim and sunbathe. The weather even makes it possible to go on excursions. If it does rain, it will be short-lived and you can wait it out somewhere. Already not so hot, and tourists find the strength to go to explore the sights of the island country. But the biggest advantage of autumn holidays are cheap tours to the Dominican Republic in October. Within a month, the beaches in Punta Cana, Puerto Plata, La Romane and Boca Chica will be crowded. And in October, which is considered the “low season”, you can get full relaxation for little money.

Of course, a vacation in the Dominican Republic is always more expensive than Turkish or Egyptian - after all, a transatlantic flight takes a huge amount. But the tourist services themselves (hotel, food, excursions) are much cheaper than in November, and especially in winter. So, a week in the Dominican Republic in mid-autumn costs about ninety-five thousand rubles. And if you take a "burning ticket", then it will cost fifty thousand.

Holidays in the Dominican Republic in October tourists opinion

Cons of Autumn Holidays

Rains are still frequent visitors in these latitudes. The mood is especially spoiled in the mornings when you see heavy clouds covering the whole sky. After lunch, thunder can also often be heard. After sunset, walking at beach discos is unlikely to be possible, since there is a high probability of rainfall. But the biggest nuisance that can overshadow all the rest in the Dominican Republic in October, reviews are called storms.

You can’t be frivolous about the excitement of the ocean. Waves in the surf often reach three to four meters. They not only knock down, but also try to drag the careless swimmer into the abyss. Therefore, if you see a red flag on the beach, do not even think to go deeper into the water than the ankles. Unfortunately, storms do not advertise their appearance. Therefore, it is dangerous to go on boat trips.


Due to unpredictable weather, it is better to choose an all inclusive hotel for a holiday in the Dominican Republic in October (all inclusive). Then you do not have to look for food in the rain. Tourists are also advised to choose a hotel on the first line from the sea in order to quickly retire from the beach in the event of a sudden rainfall and sit out in their room.

In the event of a protracted storm, the hotel should have such a great alternative to the raging sea as a spacious pool, and even better - a water park. In October, it is recommended to refrain from sea excursions and prefer travel by land. What to take with you on vacation? It’s very hot in Domnikan in the middle of autumn, so you definitely won’t need warm clothes. But what doesn’t hurt is an umbrella or a reliable raincoat. The sun in the Dominican Republic is equatorial, it can sting even because of clouds. Therefore, be sure to take a protective cream with you. Take sunglasses and a hat to him.


A game of roulette is what reminds you of a vacation in the Dominican Republic in October. Reviews of tourists are very contradictory. One was lucky, and they did not see a single rain in two weeks. Others complained of constant rainfall and storms. But if you build your vacation correctly, you can experience great pleasure from staying in a tropical paradise at the end of the rainy season.


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