Burkina Faso: attractions, description and interesting facts

One of the poorest countries, whose name translates as “land of honest people,” is located in South Africa. A small and densely populated country with a well-developed tourism sector attracts primarily those who are interested in history and want to watch the life of wild animals in national parks.

Few travelers note that nature is the main attraction of an African country. Burkina Faso has a lot of fascinating corners that allow you to relax while enjoying the beautiful scenery.

Fans of sightseeing tourism will be satisfied, because the country offers a variety of tours that will be remembered for a long time.

Historic Monument Martyrs Memorial

The state of Burkina Faso, whose sights are not very numerous, remembers its national heroes. In the capital - the city of Ouagadougou - a monument is installed, which is the most original architectural ensemble in Africa. The majestic Martyrs Memorial Towering over the city is perfectly visible not only during the day, but also at night, because at its very base there is a backlight that allows you to view the monument in the dark.

attractions burkina faso natural area

Travelers who have visited the capital note that the best view is on the motorway passing near the monument.

Catholic cathedral

The religious sights of Burkina Faso are unusual, and the Catholic Cathedral in Ouagadougou, built in the 30s of the last century, is of interest to tourists. The building made of red mud brick is considered the largest.

Significant elements of the building are striking two towers of different heights, as if they were not completed. And the very shape of the church resembles an old mansion.

Palace of Cinematographers

The center of the capital of the state is replete with unique monuments built by human hands. The Palace of Cinematographers, erected in the 20th century, is very popular not only among local residents, but also among visitors visiting the capital for the sake of the film festival held since 1969. Directors and screenwriters of the country and the whole world delight their favorite viewers with beautiful ribbons. The unusual shape of the building is popular with all travelers.

Burkina Faso Attractions

And the event of 1990, when the film of a famous African director received the main prize of the Cannes Film Festival, became a landmark for the state of Burkina Faso, whose sights are distinguished by incredible architectural designs.

National Museum of Music

Another original complex meets visitors in the heart of the country. A small two-story building with roofs in the form of domes was erected in the Sudan-Sahel style. The collections of the national museum have been expanding since 1998, and many exhibits are presented in a single copy. Some national musical instruments were created more than 200 years ago.

House of people

The largest theater in Burkina Faso, the attractions of which surprise tourists who have seen a lot, bears the interesting name “House of People”. Opened in 1965, the building is an original architectural structure, the roof of which looks like a cluster of chimneys.

sights of burkina faso

The building located in the center of the capital is used for holding public meetings. The City Hall is preparing a new building project, promising to carry out major repairs and change not only the interior decoration, but also the appearance.

Biosphere Reserve

Most tourists come to visit the nature reserves and national parks with which the unique country of Burkina Faso is rich. Sights (some are described in the article) with the status of a conservation zone are open to visitors who prefer ecotourism.

In the biosphere reserve located in the south-west of the country, in which more than a hundred hippos live, local residents come, whose settlements were moved to a large distance from the coast. Mar-oz-Hippopotamus is a great place for unity of all who are tired of noisy megacities with the nature of Africa.

Burkina Faso Attractions: Natural Area

Conducting a story about the protected areas of the country, you can not get around Arly National Park, spread over 76 thousand hectares of land. The natural zone is unique in that a tugai forest that has almost disappeared from the face of the earth is located on the savannah desert area.

The park, created in the 50s of the last century, is inhabited by a wide variety of animals: elephants and lions, tigers and crocodiles, monkey populations. Jeep safaris are organized for tourists, and hiking trails are laid out for those who like to mingle closely with nature.

Carthiguel Falls

The most popular place for tourists is the system of picturesque waterfalls recognized by the nature reserve in the vicinity of the small town of Banfort (Burkina Faso). The attractions that all visitors admire are of great interest throughout the year. Water cascades are beautiful both in dry summers and during periods of continuous rainfall.

Burkina Faso Attractions Description

Near the most important tourist site is the rock of Dam de Cafiguela, which is an excellent observation platform, which offers stunning views of how the torrential streams of water flow down from the mountain peaks to the flat terrain.

Remains of Cindou

Sandy mountain formations, located quite far away, are worth it to make an exciting trip to Burkina Faso. Sights formed after erosion processes are fantastically beautiful natural monuments.

The remnants are considered a shrine for the indigenous population, and not all visitors are given to get here. A long distance to the impressive beauty of nature can be overcome only in the dry season, because during heavy rains the road is washed out and becomes impassable.

Travel to Burkina Faso Attractions

Walking along the three-kilometer valley of Cindou village, included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, will bring a lot of pleasure. And night travel will be remembered for unreal landscapes in the moonlight.

In many tourist guides, the African state is described as not of interest to foreigners. But this is not at all true, and our article is a confirmation that Burkina Faso is a small country that can offer a lot for everyone who decided to take a break away from civilization.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G16552/

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