Primorsko-Akhtarsk: rest on the shore of the Sea of ​​Azov

Due to its special geographical position, in the Russian Federation there are a lot of resort towns. So is Primorsko-Akhtarsk. Rest on the Sea of ​​Azov and a unique climate will help restore strength and improve your health.

Previously, the city specialized in fish farming followed by its catch for industrial purposes. However, at present, a tourist destination has begun to develop here. Of course, Primorsko-Akhtarsk cannot be compared with the large resort cities of Primorsko, but the administration is rapidly moving forward. Warm sea water, long shallows, clean beaches - all this contributes to an excellent family vacation. Parents do not worry about the kids while swimming, as the depth near the shore is small.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that the weather in Primorsko-Akhtarsk favors the development of tourism. Even on the hottest days it is very easy to breathe here, the heat and stuffiness are not felt. Summer air temperatures range from +30 ° C. Water in the sea warms up to +28 ° . Between July and August, there is practically no rainfall. Let's get acquainted with the possibilities of relaxation.

Primorsko Akhtarsk rest

Briefly about the city

In the northwestern part of the Krasnodar Territory, the small town of Primorsko-Akhtarsk is located. The map of this settlement clearly shows that it is located on the shore of the Gulf of Akhtars. This city is a climatic resort. There are mineral and hydrogen sulfide springs, as well as healing mud. Currently, about 32,000 people live in Primorsko-Akhtarsk. The status of the city was obtained in 1949. The territory of the settlement covers an area of ​​almost 19 square meters. km

As mentioned above, the main areas of the economy are fishing, processing and breeding of underwater vertebrates. A few years ago, the tourism business began to develop rapidly, so recreation centers and sanatoriums began to be massively built on the coast. Currently, the city operates a flour mill, pasta factory and dairy plant. However, we can say that these industries are in decline, so they practically do not affect the environment.

Primorsko Akhtarsk rest prices


There is only one centralized beach in the city. It has a fairly large size. Therefore, even in the midst of the season there is no flea market. The length of the equipped area for a beach holiday is almost 1 km. It is 30 meters wide. The beach is covered mainly with sand with a small percentage of pebbles, there are places with shell rock. Depth is ideal for people who cannot swim. For 30 meters from the coast, the water does not rise above a meter. That is why many families with young children choose Primorsko-Akhtarsk. Rest in the summer season is very comfortable, as sea water resembles fresh milk.

The infrastructure on the beach is well developed. For entertainment, there are water slides, deck chairs, umbrellas. For active pastime you can rent scooters and catamarans, as well as ride a banana. There are numerous cafes and kiosks selling souvenirs around the beach. Near the coast, hotels, entertainment complexes and restaurants have been built. If you walk along the coast, you can find cozy wild beaches, though with a muddy bottom.

Features of rest

Everyone who wants to take a break from the bustle of the city needs to choose Primorsko-Akhtarsk. Leisure (prices compared to other resorts are quite low) is ideal for both young people and those over 40. Tourists can stay in coastal hotels, recreation centers and in the private sector. Locals offer to rent houses or rooms. Given that the resort is still not very popular, housing can be found even in high season. Moreover, its cost will be significantly lower than in the Black Sea (300-500 rubles per day).

Observing the rapid growth of infrastructure, we can conclude that in the near future this resort will gain the necessary speed. That is why it is recommended to pay attention to it now, until prices have risen "space".

weather in Primorsko Akhtarsk


Not only the sea and beaches are famous for Primorsko-Akhtarsk. Fishing lovers will enjoy their stay here. Due to the presence of many channels and old ladies, the catch will amaze any professional. Specialized fishing camps were built on the territory of the city. They provide rental equipment, vehicles and other equipment. And if it’s hard to get to fishing places, then you can use the services of a huntsman.

Arriving in Primorsko-Akhtarsk, you can not ignore the lotus plantation. They begin to bloom in July-August. This spectacle is magnificent! In the season, excursions are organized, tourists are taken by motor boat to a nature reserve. Those who prefer not only to bask in the sun on the beach, but also to spend cultural time, are advised to visit the local museum. And it contains exhibits telling about the life of local residents.

Tourist base "Lotus"

Several large tourist centers were built in a city such as Primorsko-Akhtarsk. Rest on them will provide guests with comfortable conditions. One of the most famous is the recreation center "Lotus". Its territory is densely covered with green vegetation. Next to it is a plantation of Indian lotuses. For accommodation are provided summer houses made of wood and hotel rooms. For those who are not afraid of the lack of amenities, the rest will cost 580 rubles. per day. In hotel rooms, accommodation will cost a little more. The minimum price starts from 680 rubles. And for a double suite you have to pay 2000 rubles.

Primorsko Akhtarsk map

On the territory there is a dining room, which organizes complex meals. All staff are polite. Tourists can visit the disco, library, billiard room and bar. Tennis tables are available on site. Anyone who enjoys active sports can play volleyball or soccer. The base has its own sand and gravel beach. Here you can organize banquets or other special occasions.


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