Vietnam: description of resorts, reviews, prices. The most popular resorts in Vietnam

Vietnam today is one of the most popular international tourism destinations. Although a few years ago he did not enjoy such success among domestic tourists. What attracts crowds of travelers to mysterious Vietnam? Description of resorts will help answer this question. Consider the most interesting places to stay, so that you can decide on the direction and time of the trip.

Marine Vietnam

vietnam resort description

Description of resorts on the coast of the South China Sea will help determine the choice. Beaches are located in almost all parts of this amazing country. The resorts of northern Vietnam are represented by the cities of Trako, Thanh Hoa, Halong and Mongkai. The central part is famous for places such as Danang, Phan Thiet, Hoi An, Langko, Mui Ne and Shamshon. In the southern direction are Hatien, Fukuok and Fanrang. A diverse country is Vietnam. Description of resorts will be below.

In order to properly plan your vacation, you should take into account the climatic features of Vietnam. The unique natural conditions of the country make its resorts accessible to tourists almost all year round. The fact is that in Vietnam, like in any other Asian country, there is a rainy season. But, if heavy rain pours in one part of the country, then in the other, as a rule, the bright sun shines. In northern Vietnam, it rains from May to October. This part of the country is not suitable for winter holidays, as the change of weather here is especially noticeable. In winter, the temperature does not rise above 15 degrees.

In the central part of Vietnam, the rainy season lasts until December. At this time, it is better to refrain from traveling in this direction, since the central part is most prone to typhoons.

The most favorable for recreation is considered southern Vietnam. Its resorts are the most popular and receive tourists almost all year round. Despite the fact that the rains here also pour, they are of a short-term nature. Popular resorts in Vietnam are located in the southern part of the country.

Russian-speaking Nha Trang

This is a small town in the south of the country. It is considered the main resort, as it is especially popular with tourists. Here are the best beaches, exciting entertainment, interesting sights and well-developed infrastructure. Russian tourists especially like this resort. Locals speak Russian well, and some cafes even have a menu in Russian. On the streets you can often see Russian-language signs. Almost all locals are busy serving tourists. The sea in Nha Trang is clean, the beaches are regularly cleaned. The surroundings of Nha Trang are famous for their islands and coral reefs. Island beaches are strewn with pebbles or coarse sand. This is a great place for those who like to explore the underwater depths, and for those who just like to wallow under an umbrella on the sea coast.

Beach holidays in Nha Trang

the best resorts of vietnam

The best resorts in Vietnam are the clear sea, the gentle sun and excellent beaches. Nha Trang combines all these components.

The most popular beach is urban. Here you can take advantage of sun loungers and umbrellas, enjoy cold drinks in bars and have a snack in a cafe. Locals sometimes bring various goods and food for sale to the beach . To use a sun lounger for free, you should buy something at a bar or cafe. Due to the huge number of visitors, the beach is a bit dirty. In winter, there are strong waves.

No less popular is Tran Pu Beach, located in the southern part of Nha Trang. The beach has good infrastructure. It is surrounded by restaurants, hotels and shops. The beach is divided into three parts with a total length of 6 km. There are several diving clubs where you can rent equipment for water skiing or scooter.

Bai Dai Beach is 20 km from Nha Trang. This is one of the most beautiful beaches in Vietnam. It is not crowded, which allowed to preserve its pristine beauty. White sand and crystal clear water - the visiting card of the beach.

Nha Trang is famous not only for its beaches. There are many attractions that tell about the history of these places and about the ancient culture. Tourists can enjoy the local natural treasures, as well as explore the wildlife. South Vietnam is exceptionally good; its resorts are distinguished by picturesque landscapes and an excellent climate.

What to do in Nha Trang?

Those who relax with their children or just love fun activities should go to Vinpearl Land Park, which covers an area of ​​200 thousand square meters. km It consists of a water park, beach, attractions, slot machines, a cinema, carousels and an aquarium. At the entrance, it is better to purchase a card, otherwise you can skip something interesting. This is the best place to relax with children. The park is located on the island of Hong Che, and you can get there by cable car 50 meters high. You can also take a boat.

south vietnam resorts

Historic Sites of Nha Trang

Fans of culture and relaxation can visit the Long Son Pagoda. The temple was built at the end of the XIX century, but a strong storm completely destroyed it. The remains of the pagoda were transported to a safe place and restored. On the territory of the pagoda live monks. This is a place of amazing beauty. It is also notable for the fact that on the top of the mountain, which leads to 150 steps, there is a majestic statue of a sleeping Buddha. Visiting the pagoda is free, but local scammers can scam money by selling tickets.

vietnam resorts in december

The historical sights of Nha Trang are represented by the Chama towers of Po Nagar. Unfortunately, today only 4 of the 8 towers are left. The towers are temple objects, since a Buddhist or Hindu deity lives in each of them. Entrance to the temple is inexpensive. You can visit it from 6.00 to 18.00.

There is an unusual island near Nha Trang. More than 1,500 monkeys live on it. The island has developed infrastructure. There are cafes, shops, the beach. Tourists can enjoy an unforgettable show with monkeys and bring gorgeous photos from the island.

The southern resorts of Vietnam in December are the most hospitable. It is relatively dry and warm at this time.

Phan Thiet

resorts vietnam reviews

The best resorts in Vietnam are located in the south of the country. The city of Phan Thiet is rightfully considered one of them. It takes second place in popularity among tourists. This place is very attractive for those who love the warm sea and the moderate sun. Along the coast of Phan Thiet, there are many hotels that welcome guests with different incomes. In the city, which is famous for seafood, an unusually beautiful river flows into the sea. A small bridge divides the city into two parts.

Attractions Phan Thiet

Beach holidays in Phan Thiet can be diversified by a cultural program. There are not many attractions here, but there are still some interesting places.

7 km from the city is the temple complex of the Cham Tower. These places are sacred, since in the XVIII century Shiva was worshiped here. The towers are made in the style of Indian architecture. Inside one of the towers is the Shiva altar. This place is popular with locals.

resorts vietnam prices

All guests of the city should definitely visit the Red Creek, which is also called the Fairy Creek. This is a unique nature reserve of extraordinary beauty. A stream flows through the reed and bamboo thickets along the canyon. On the territory there is a small picturesque waterfall.

In the vicinity of Phan Thiet you should admire the red and white dunes. On them you can not only walk, but also ride downhill on special sledges.

popular resorts in vietnam

Near the resort there is a small island on the cliff of which is a lighthouse. It was built in the XIX century by the French. At the top of the lighthouse is an observation deck with a picturesque view of the coast and the sea. In Vietnam, this is the most beautiful and largest lighthouse.

Resorts in Vietnam: reviews

Vietnam is very popular among Russian-speaking tourists. This country is considered quite cheap, but at the same time luxurious in terms of service and natural resources. Some prefer to visit only the resorts of Vietnam. The prices here are reasonable, and the quality of rest is on top. The only drawback that confuses travelers is the rainy season. But if you choose the right time for rest, then these inconveniences can be avoided. According to the guests of the country, it has everything that is needed to please holidaymakers. The sea, the sun, beautiful beaches, interesting places, and, most importantly, friendly locals who are happy to speak Russian if necessary. Tourists advise all of Vietnam. Description of the country's resorts in the article will help you make a choice.


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