Should I be afraid of the message "reboot system now"?

With each subsequent generation, operating systems for electronic computing devices are becoming more friendly with the end user. For example, those who happened to work with Windows of the third version very well remember that it was necessary not only to understand how the interaction with the graphical interface was going on , but also to be an expert on MS-DOS at the level of a confident user. Now all this is in the past. However, it is recognized that some issues still arise.

reboot system now

Scary message

Almost all operating systems enable users to make certain adjustments to the functioning mechanisms, performing fine-tuning for their needs. However, sometimes the user, after making a change and clicking the "Apply" button, sees a dialog box with the message "reboot system now", urging you to perform a certain action. Since far from everyone understands what exactly is being said, further actions of a person depend on his mentality: take a chance and click “OK” or protect yourself by choosing cancel.

The comic of the situation is that if the message “reboot system now” is issued, then the consent or refusal does not play a fundamental role - the end result is the same, although with some reservations. It is about what this dialogue means, we will talk today.

Opening the English-Russian dictionary

If you use the translator program and type “reboot system now”, the translation literally means “rebooting the system now”. In other words, if the user is given a system message with such words in English, then they are required to make a choice and either agree to the process of immediately restarting the OSes or refuse. So simple.

Internationality of the popular "Windows"

The creator of the Windows operating system is the American company Microsoft. Each final version is delivered in various localizations (language packs), that is, you can download and install the operating system in Russian, Chinese, Japanese and other languages. An exception is some rarely used languages ​​and adverbs. However, no one sets the task to translate all the messages that are provided in the original English-language Windows, so sometimes users see obscure technical terms in English. For example, one can only guess what is said in the text on the famous “blue screens of death”.

Such an approach with incomplete translation is completely justified: a complete search of the program code requires time and unnecessary man-hours, and only those names and messages that are most often encountered during normal operation are localized. In other words, the “heart” of Windows is still American, and one should not be surprised if a person receives a message like “reboot system now” in a “completely” Russian-language system.

reboot system now translation

Change Application Options

After adjusting any settings, the user must confirm them by clicking on the corresponding button of the graphical interface (“Apply” or immediately “OK”). As a result, there are three possible uses:

  1. After clicking externally, nothing happens, but the new settings begin to work. For example, if you select "Properties - Advanced System Settings - Environment Variables" for the "My Computer" shortcut and change the paths, then a reboot is not required. The system will immediately start working with the new variables.
  2. After application, the changes are visible immediately. So, changing the screen resolution in Windows latest versions occurs instantly.
  3. To use the new parameters, a reboot is required (that is, reboot system now).

reboot system now what to do

Important feature

Typically, a reboot is required when adding any key files to the system or updating libraries. Previously, I had to reboot even after changing the resolution in Windows. We have already pointed out that you should not be afraid of the message “reboot system now”. What to do next depends on other applications. So, with a positive answer in the dialog box, the computer forcibly closes all running applications and restarts the system. And if, for example, the user had pages open in the browser, office programs, or any other similar applications, then the results of their work will be lost.

The solution is simple: when asked about the immediate restart, you must answer “No” and after the correct completion of all programs, restart the computer yourself. In the case when nothing important is launched, you can safely answer “Yes” (OK).


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