Republic of Guyana (capital - Georgetown): recreation, attractions

The Cooperative Republic of Guyana (the capital is Georgetown) is the only country on the continent of South America that is part of the Commonwealth of Nations. But this does not exhaust the uniqueness of this small state. Guyana is also the only country in Latin America where the official language is English. And this is not surprising. Indeed, until May twenty-sixth, 1966, Guyana was a colony of Great Britain. In fact, until the twentieth century, three countries with the similar name Guiana were located on the northeastern coast of Latin America. And they were all colonies. British Guiana is now called Guyana, the Dutch colony has now turned into Suriname. Well, the French became the overseas department of the European Republic. In our article, we will focus only on one of the former colonies - British Guinea.

Where is Guyana

This independent parliamentary republic is located on the northeastern tip of the South American continent. The country borders on Brazil, Venezuela and Suriname. In the north it is washed by the Atlantic Ocean. The area of ​​the state is two hundred and fifteen thousand square kilometers, and the population (according to the last census of 2002) is seven hundred and fifty thousand people. The lion's share of the country's territory is occupied by moist equatorial forests and swamps with mangroves. Five degrees north latitude and fifty nine west longitudes - these are the main coordinates of the state of Guyana. The capital and largest city of the country - Georgetown - is located in the northeast, on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean. It is an important economic and commercial center, as well as a port. The currency of the country is the Guyanese dollar. Since 2010, the Russian Federation and this Latin American country have signed an agreement on the joint visa-free entry of their citizens. Tourists have the right to stay in Guyana for ninety days without the right to work.

Guyana is the capital

Nature and climate

Ninety percent of the country is covered by rainforests. The coast near the Atlantic Ocean is often marshy. Sometimes this lowland extends a hundred kilometers wide. But the farther south, the terrain becomes more mountainous. The highest point in the country - Roraima peak (2772 meters above sea level) - is located in the west of the state. At the fifth degree of northern latitude, hot summer always reigns. In this subequatorial humid climate, there are only two rainy seasons. The first, longer, lasts from April to August. The second falls on the country with torrential rains from November to January. But the wet seasons do not affect the temperature of air and water. All year round here the thermometer’s column seemed to hang at around + 26 ... + 28 ° C. The richest virgin nature determines the tourist attractiveness of the republic. Guyana (the capital of the state and other cities, both on the coast and in the depths of the continent) is very welcoming and gladly accepts travelers from all over the world.

Guyana country

Guyana History

On the vast territory that was later occupied by the three Guiana colonies, Arawak lived - Native American tribes. These lands were discovered by the Spaniards at the end of the fifteenth century. But the wetlands and unhealthy climate did not attract conquistadors. But they were interested in their northern neighbors. France, Great Britain and Holland fought for the possession of these lands during the XVIII and XIX centuries. What the guns did not achieve was made by trade. Dutch merchants founded the first settlements at the mouths of the Brbis, Demerara and Essekibo rivers. Soon, they not only traded with Arawak, but also tried to cultivate sugarcane, coffee, cotton and tobacco. Since the Indians were ready to die rather than be slaves, slaves from Africa were brought into the plantation. In 1814, these lands passed under the Vienna Treaty of England. In 1831, a colony called British Guiana arose. The abolition of slavery in 1834 led to the outflow of yesterday's African slaves in the city. Mercenary farm laborers began to be invited to the plantations - mainly from India and China. This led to such a motley ethnic composition of the population. The independent republic of Guyana appeared on the world map in 1966.

Guyana on the map

Landmarks of the country

Tropical nature, exotic vegetation and fauna - these are the main wealth of Guyana. The country does not count the rapids of rivers and lakes. Guyana's largest waterfall - Kayetur - is five times higher than the famous Niagara. This is the most popular horseback riding tour. In the equatorial jungle, there are more than one hundred species of exotic mammals. These are various monkeys, and tapirs, and armadillos, and sloths. The rivers are teeming with piranhas and caimans. Parrots, hummingbirds flutter in the crowns of branches, toucans flaunt. In addition to the jungle, there is also the savannah region - Rupununi, which is protected by the state. In the Atlantic waters of the country you can often see killer whales. Guyana is an ideal country for the so-called "extreme" vacation. Here you can go rafting on the “white boiling water” of the Kamuni, Mazaruni and Essekibo rivers, go hiking in the Timberhead Nature Reserve or conquer the Kunuku massif. The plateau near the highest peak of the country (Roraima) is considered the prototype of the one that Arthur Conan Doyle described in his famous novel "The Lost World".

Where is Guyana

Beach vacation

The republic’s sea coast continues to be covered with swampy mangroves. Let's be honest: Guyana is a country little adapted to beach vacations. But still there are great sites. All of them are located north of the mouth of the Demerara River. These are the beaches of Sahakalli Beach, Shell Beach, Almond Beach, Airport Point, Timberhead, Baganara and Namber 63. In Guyana, recreation by the rivers is more popular. Resorts such as Marshall Falls, Joe Viera Park and Barakara have grown on the shores of Demerara. Many places of rest at the waterfalls Orinduik and Kayetur, in the Ivorkama Nature Reserve.

Georgetown (Guyana)

The capital of the republic is located in the Demerara Makhayka region. Every third citizen of Guyana lives in this city. Georgetown has a population of one hundred and ninety-two thousand. And along with the suburbs - and all two hundred and fifty thousand. The Dutch founded Georgetown in 1781. They called the settlement of Stabruk, which means "a pond with stagnant water." The Dutch arranged the town in their enchanting style. There are still preserved wooden houses and small canals.

Georgetown Guyana

In 1812, the British conquered Stabrook and gave the city a new name - Georgetown. New colonizers expanded the streets, paved avenues. The governor's residence was also located here. Georgetown retained the status of the main city when a new state appeared on the political map of the world - the Republic of Guyana. The capital now has the unofficial name of Garden City in the Caribbean. There are a lot of shady parks in which it is good to wait out the heat of the day. Of the historical monuments, one can name the world's largest cathedral made of wood, and a church built of reinforced concrete slabs.


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