Who submits financial statements for small enterprises. Small Business Financial Statements

Accounting is an important component of the modern enterprise. Thanks to her, you can get a complete picture of economic and financial activities. It is a kind of summing up for a certain period - a month, a quarter, a year. But who gives financial statements for small enterprises? Given the prevalence of small commercial organizations, we can conclude that this issue is of interest to a significant number of people.

general information

who submits financial statements for small enterprises

At the moment, the law β€œOn the accounting report” is in force. This document spells out the rules for large and small businesses. Initially, let's address the issue of who should report. Almost everything is rented to her. An exception to this rule are only individual entrepreneurs, specialists who carry out private practice, and structural units created by foreign companies. It should be noted that accounting is required for all entities conducting economic activity.

What do small enterprises rent?

small business accounting
The answer to this is given by the law mentioned above. We are interested in the first paragraph of article fourteen, where there is a list of all the necessary documents for small enterprises. Here is the list:

  1. Financial results.
  2. Balance sheet.
  3. Explanatory note.
  4. Application. This may contain additional information about changes in equity and other indicators. Applications in cases with small businesses are used when the above documentation cannot fully reflect the existing financial picture.

In cases with small enterprises, a simpler option is also considered acceptable, when only a report on financial results and the balance sheet is submitted. In such cases, as a rule, it’s quite simple to write them according to the main articles without detailing. The financial statements of a small business are handed over in such an abridged form to facilitate the conduct of business so that its owner is not distracted by the collection of information and its processing.


financial statements balance sheet for small businesses
The accounting and reporting of small businesses is constantly changing, and new mechanisms are being introduced. So, now every organization has the right to draw up the necessary forms of primary documents. After they are approved by the head, they receive official status. This innovation did not affect only government institutions. It is also necessary to use the forms that are required by the state to carry out certain actions. In addition, the law has significantly tightened the requirements for accounting registers. So, they are still approved by the organization itself, but now it is necessary to indicate the full details of the company itself, as well as its partners. If it is planned that the registers will be stored electronically, care should be taken to have an electronic digital signature. So, accounting forms for small enterprises now, as a rule, do not present problems.


accounting forms for small enterprises
And now we come to the main topic of the article. Who submits financial statements for small enterprises and how? Legally, this obligation is assigned to the chief accountant. If the company does not have this, then you can conclude a service contract with a third-party specialist or even a company that offers the necessary services. It is desirable that such employees meet the following requirements:

  1. Had a specialized higher education.
  2. Their work experience has been at least three years in the past five years. Such a requirement is put forward due to the fact that the system is constantly changing, and the skills and knowledge that were obtained two decades ago are now not something valuable to us.
  3. The absence of a conviction in the economic sphere.

If it is not possible to find a person who meets all these requirements for a small amount, then the entrepreneur can take the responsibility to prepare all the necessary documents and keep records. It should be noted that the new law has significantly simplified the lives of accountants and inspection bodies. Initially, you need to mention that now you do not need to often send documents to the tax. If a mistake is found in them, then there is no need to rush headlong to correct it. There are also a number of nuances regarding keeping records of cases, but to get acquainted with them, it will be more useful to read the law itself. In this article, attention will be paid only to the main aspects. So, we can mention that the financial report of small businesses can be submitted to the tax authorities in two ways:

  1. In paper form. This is a traditional way of submitting information, which is discarded due to inconvenience in its use and associated costs.
  2. Electronic.

Where do I need to send data?

So, who gives financial statements for small enterprises, we already know. Now let's decide where this information should be sent. If we consider the situation with paper copies, then each document signed by the head should be submitted not only to the tax authorities, but also to the local departments of state statistics. We should not forget that one more package of copies should be in the enterprise itself. Moreover, everywhere should be a signature and date (the same on all documents).


small business financial statements

Earlier this moment caused a lot of concern. After all, it was required that the financial statements for small enterprises be delivered on time for the month, quarter and year. Now the number of documents has decreased significantly. After all, only the submission of annual reports remained mandatory . It includes indicators from early January to late December. Information must now be provided no later than three months after the calendar year has begun. Many enterprises have not yet refused to summarize the results for a single month or quarter. Only now this information is compiled more for internal use (for example, to provide data to founders, investors or to increase their chances of a positive outcome when a loan is issued at the bank). This is what accounting reports are now. It is still recommended to draw up a balance sheet for small enterprises, but only in order to understand the real situation.

Responsibility for failure

accounting and reporting of small businesses
If the document was not submitted or handed over with a delay to the tax office, the company pays a fine of two hundred rubles. It should be noted that the kit may vary significantly depending on the organizational form of ownership. This will change the amount of fines. The person responsible for reporting also receives an invoice in the amount of three hundred to five hundred rubles. But the tax inspectorate is not as scary in this matter as the state statistics bodies. So, according to the law, if information has not been submitted to them, the company will be fined, the amount of which will be from three to five thousand rubles. In addition, employees of state statistics bodies can return reports for revision. In this case, two workers are provided for troubleshooting.


Let's talk about the individual features of accounting in organizations, small enterprises. It is often unprofitable to have an accountant in your staff, since this requires registration in the manner prescribed by law, payment of taxes and much more. Moreover, very often the accountant does nothing most of the time. A reasonable way was found out of this - the transfer of its functions to the side. To do this, look for a qualified specialist with the status of an individual entrepreneur or a specialized company. As a rule, the cost in this case is very low and does not exceed the minimum wage (and sometimes only half of it). With this approach, the accountant receives once in a certain period all the necessary documents in hand, draws up the necessary documentation and passes it to the state authorities. Due to the fact that a person (company) in this case serves several (tens, hundreds) enterprises, he has the opportunity to make good money. At the same time, business entities that he serves also benefit. Indeed, small enterprises that work according to this scheme save significant amounts in annual terms both on wages and taxes that are paid per employee. In addition, a number of side expenses are removed.


features of accounting in organizations of small enterprises

So we figured out who submits financial statements for small enterprises. In addition, considerable attention was paid to possible negative consequences and the advantages of modern legislation (compared to what it was), as well as a legal scheme for optimizing spending was considered. At the same time, I would like to note separately that no matter how great the desire to hide taxes from the state, believe me, this is not the best way. The legislation provides for quite a few ways - both open and veiled - to minimize the load. So, it is possible to work on simplified taxation schemes when reduced tax is collected from entrepreneurs. The possibility of partial compensation of taxes paid in certain cases is also provided. An experienced lawyer will be able to consult in more detail about these nuances.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G16570/

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