Dolls of Diana Effner: description. Handmade dolls

In the manufacture of handmade dolls, it is often difficult to create an expressive and lively look. The toy can look as if past or into the void, as a result of which something is lost that makes her eyes “alive”. Such dolls do not cause a feeling of “contact” and warmth. But Diana Effner's vinyl dolls are distinguished by piercing, lively eyes and soft, kind faces. When the future craftswoman for making handmade toys was five years old, she received the first doll as a Christmas present, playing with which, she studied the features of the puppet world. But a serious hobby took possession of her only in 1971, when Diana began working in an orphanage and creating her first masterpieces for local pupils.

Skills and business development

The new type of needlework turned out to be so fascinating that it completely absorbed Diane Effner and determined her mission in life. The craftswoman began to actively study the basics of the profession of a puppet master, to establish various technologies and acquire skills that could help her in making dolls. The author needed to learn new professions: potter, tailor, sculptor and designer. All this was necessary to study in order to be able to create the body of a toy, shape its head and make an outfit. In 1990, a workshop was created for Diana Effner's dolls in the city of Jamestown (Missouri). The master’s assistant, Jeri Uribe, co-founded the company. Now the puppet hobby has turned into a profitable business.

dolls diana effner

Handmade dolls by Diana Effner: a master class on creating a lively look

Why are these toys so unique? The peculiarity of Diana Effner's dolls in a bright and expressive look. His secret lies in the special technique of drawing. If used correctly, painted eyes should look at the viewer with love and warmth.

The technique is as follows:

  1. At the first stage, you need to find a center in each eye and draw a thin vertical line there.
  2. Then a horizontal line is drawn, which divides the eye in half so that a cross is obtained.
  3. For each eye you need to build a central point. One is chosen by the leader, he will set the direction of his gaze. And the second is to follow him. It depends on which direction the toy will look. The center of the pupil at the leading eye is located slightly above the central part of the cross. On the right eye it looks like this: on a vertical line, just above the middle, a dot is drawn - this will be the center.
  4. The point in the left eye will be slightly higher and to the left, slightly away from the direction of the main gaze.
  5. At the final stage, the contour of the pupil and iris for both eyes is applied. Then the gaze becomes aimed, aimed at the beholder.

handmade dolls

Doll Production by Effner

The bodies of toys are made in factories, but the craftswoman herself or her students are engaged in painting the faces. How much do Diane Effner dolls cost? The cost depends on the particular baby, but on average - about 18,000 rubles. Lovers of collectible toys can wait for an order for about a year, and sometimes more. Owners often create clothes for their dolls on their own or buy separately, because they are sold in the same underwear. The cost of dresses and shoes is comparable to the prices of an adult's wardrobe. Wigs for dolls are also replaced, which can greatly affect her appearance and create a completely different look.

Features of Effner dolls and their benefits for the child

Dianna Effner's dolls are distinguished by a very soft expression, a kind and gentle look fixed on the eyes of the spectator, touching and soft silhouettes. Details of the wardrobe and accessories for them are carefully worked out, and jewelry is selected with great taste. Handmade dolls created by a master who takes his work seriously and puts his soul into every toy become real family members. The owner of such a doll takes care of her as a living person. If a child begins to communicate with such a toy, it brings up important maternal qualities in him, responsibility, attention to the needs of others. Children often choose one or two dolls, which become their favorite. Everywhere they carry them with them, create clothes for them, invent stories. Diana Effner dolls most often fall into this category.

vinyl dolls diana effner

Dolls on a metal frame: manufacturing

Another aspect of the work of Diana Effner is the manufacture of dolls on a flexible frame. They can be given any pose, since all parts of the body are bent in exactly the same way as in humans. The body parts are made of silicone and fabric, the arms and legs consist of two parts - the lower part is silicone, the rest is a fabric cover. The frame is made of segments, but it is solid. The assembly of the doll begins with the lower legs - the lower part of the frame is placed in them, and the remaining empty space between them is filled with syntepuhe, which is sealed with a wooden stick. From above it is fixed with hot glue.

handmade dolls diana effner master class

Decoration legs dolls on the frame

Then comes the turn of the central part of the frame. It is carefully wrapped with woven material, the edges are stitched. The frame in place of the hips is coated with glue and wrapped with a rolled padding polyester to make the base of the desired thickness. The edge is also glued and fixed. Pieces of soft synthetic winterizer are placed under it to make the shape of the leg more natural. Then a fabric cover is put on the thigh. From the inside, it is tightly fixed with wire. It turns out panties for the doll. With the help of a long needle, a knee of a natural shape is formed.

Stuffing doll

Then the master draws up a “soft spot” for the doll. For this, ordinary nylon socks and filler balls are used. The required number of balls is poured into the sock, it is tied and twisted so that the knot is not visible. After that, a “roundness” is given to the synthech and two identical workpieces made in this way are placed in the right place.

Diana Effner dolls how much

At the next stage, the design of the body begins, but first you need to slightly hem the fabric cover with a secret seam almost to the armpits. After that, the body is stuffed with sintepuh. The head for Diana Effner's doll can be made of various materials. To attach it to the frame, a special lace is tied.

Final assembly of the doll

The forearm is made of fabric, but it is not stitched with the main cover. To attach hands, a wire is placed inside the fabric frame, and then the sleeve and the silicone workpiece are connected. Then he puts on the frame, but not until the end, but only the silicone part, and the voids are filled with syntepuh. The junction of fabric and silicone is fixed with hot glue. After that, the main part of the cover is sewn from shoulder to shoulder.

Diana Effner making dolls on a flexible frame

Now you need to re-use the rolled padding pad to shape the forearm. They are wrapped in a frame. Then part of the cover with the forearm is stretched to the main part, a shoulder is formed and both parts of the fabric are neatly sewn together. The neck detail is also made of silicone, it is worn on the soft part of the body, the lace for the head is pushed through a special hole and secured with pins on the back of the doll.

There is a special hole in the head of the toy through which it can be passed through and tightly fixed. The head should remain movable - turn from side to side, sideways, down. The edges of the lace are placed inside the head. It remains only to cover the hole with a special cover, fixing it to glue. After that, a tight elastic band is put on the doll's head so that the parts stick together well with each other. Then, glue is applied along the seam on the head and behind the ears, after which a wig is put on. Now you only need to choose a suitable outfit for the handmade doll.


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