The history of the Revolution Square in Ivanovo is the history of the city

The Revolution Square in Ivanovo is the administrative center, the city hall building is located here. From here, city avenues and one of the largest streets, Lezhnevskaya, begin. Very close to the boulevard - a place for walking and relaxation. Various city and sports events are held on the square. But the main thing is that here you can learn a lot about the history of the city of Ivanovo.

The oldest square of the city

The village of Ivanovo has been known since the 16th century. Even then, the territory occupied by the modern area was chosen by merchants. Warehouses, shops, shops were actively built here. Around the square called Trading, residential buildings grew. As usual, only rich people could build houses on such lands.

At the end of the XIX century, the village was merged with the Ascension Posad, and the enlarged settlement received the city status and the name Ivanovo-Voznesensk. The square was chosen for the new administrative center. To equip the territory, trade was moved to another place, everyone paved with cobblestones, and the square itself became known as City Square.

Administrative building

The one-story building - a former inn - architect P.V. Trotsky rebuilt into a two-story building, where the city administration moved. All subsequent years, being at the address: Ivanovo, Revolution Square, house 4, it performed the same function. Currently, the tax office is located here.

How peaceful square became revolutionary

It should be noted that the Ivanovo region has long been engaged in textile production. It began a very long time ago, in village huts with hand looms. The founders of the textile industry were local serfs I. Garelin, P. Grachev, M. Yamanovsky. Developing, the Ivanovo textile manufactory with manual labor in the 19th century matured for the transition to machine production.

The end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries was marked by numerous strikes and strikes by workers, whose situation was difficult. The strike, economic movement was gaining momentum and, finally, in 1905, led by the Bolsheviks, it turned into a mass strike with political demands.

Working strike

In May 1905, a huge crowd of dissatisfied workers gathered in front of the administration building. There were several thousand of them. The authorities refused to negotiate with everyone at once and demanded to put up a group of negotiators. Workers selected a committee of 151 delegates. These included 57 Bolsheviks. Thus was born the first Council of Workers' Deputies. The authorities took brutal measures. During the next meeting on the river Talka, the protesters were shot. The strike has stopped.

In 1918, the square began to be called the Square of the Revolution, and in 1975 a monument was erected here to the Fighters of the Revolution of 1905.

Monuments in the square

The monument dedicated to the events on the Talka River is a composition of sculpture and a high stele - a symbol of unfreedom, oppression. A revolutionary flame beats from it. A glass ball is highlighted inside the element. This is the heart of a revolutionary. At some distance, a sculptural group.

Monument to the Fighters of the Revolution

A revolutionary worker falls, dropping a banner. His young comrade picks him up as a symbol of the struggle for freedom. Authors of the monument: D. B. Ryabichev, E. I. Kutyrev and M. I. Malyutin.

Before the Revolution Square in Ivanovo, until 1975, an obelisk towered in memory of the executed participants in the peaceful demonstration of 1915. The bullets of soldiers and Cossacks killed 30 people. Today there is a monument in memory of the victims of these events. On a rectangular granite cube, 30 surnames are applied.

In the square, not far from the square, in 2011 a monument to Jacob Garelin was erected. Being the mayor from 1877 to 1886, he did a lot for the construction, development and improvement of the city. Yakov Petrovich Garelin was a local historian, the founder of the manufacture business, was engaged in charity affairs.

What to see in Ivanovo yet?

First of all, you need to see the city itself, its streets, houses and parks.

The embankment of the Uvodi River is a popular promenade. Before the revolution, numerous factories dumped industrial waste here, and now it is a clean river, attracting citizens and tourists.

Embankment of the Uvod River

The park of culture and rest, broken after the revolution on the land of the Garelin factory owners, is also beautiful and worthy of attention.

Near the Revolution Square in Ivanovo is a picturesque square with alleys, flowerbeds and benches. Recently, seedlings were planted here - large-sized red-leaved oaks.

Fans of estate architecture should see the estate of A. DΓΌhringer. Temple art is represented by the Transfiguration Cathedral, the Holy Vvedensky Convent. Curious tourists, having arrived in the textile region, will definitely visit the museum of Ivanovo chintz named after D. G. Burylin.


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