Climate of Croatia: average annual temperature, climatic conditions of zones, high humidity, air and sea temperature by months

Many Russians know firsthand the experience of a country like Croatia. The climate for months here is so different from the domestic one that every year the republic receives more than 100 thousand Russian tourists.

Wonderful Croatia

Beautiful ecology - a clear azure sea with beaches, on which beach umbrellas are replaced by tall pines, and water along the coast even at a depth of several tens of meters allows you to see the bottom.

Unbelievably beautiful Zagreb

Here you have the healing power of lands and waters: springs with mineral water and deposits of healing oil. Back in the Soviet Union, this country was the largest tourist center. Perfectly clean shore of the Adriatic Sea, the magical climate of Croatia and the rich nature - it attracted here like a magnet. And nowadays, tens of millions of tourists visit Croatia annually. Most of them are residents of our country.

Average annual temperature

The climate of Croatia is associated with the location relative to the sea coast and from the height above sea level of a particular region of the country. In the north and east, hidden in the depths of the mainland, it is moderately continental. There is a sharp separation of the seasons, warm, dry winters, very hot, humid summer months, and the off-season is characterized by high humidity. From 60 to 90 cm of moisture falls out per year. The rainiest time is from late spring to early summer, and the driest and coldest month is February. The average daily temperature in winter is almost always above zero and approximately equal to + 1 ° C ... + 5 ° C, at night it drops to -3 ° C ...- 1 ° C. Water warms up in the summer to + 20 ° ... + 24 ° , in winter it drops to + 10 ° . It often snows.

The central regions are distinguished by a mountain climate. In Croatia, these are areas located much higher than sea level (from 400 to 1300 m). It has colder weather and frequent rainfall, mainly in the winter months. The average temperature range is from -10 ° C to + 5 ° C. In the summer it is also cool and humid. Very rarely, the thermometer shows above + 20 ° C.

And, of course, the hottest weather in the country prevails on the Adriatic coast: warm, humid winters, sultry, dry summers and implicit transitions between seasons. About 1,100 mm of rain falls here. in year. The average summer temperature is about +29 ° , the winter temperature is + 10 ° ... + 5 ° , water + 13 ° .

Croatia climate

Climatic conditions of zones

In Croatia, there are 3 resort areas:

  • Istria is a peninsula in the west of the republic. Due to the many pines and other trees, this place is recommended for people with respiratory problems. The tranquility of these places contributes to a thorough relaxation and elimination of the stresses received in large settlements. The weather is usually warm and the climate is arid, this is very pronounced in the summer. Strong seas are constantly blowing on the seashore. Bora is considered the coldest, very warm and humid - Cirocco. The maximum number of sunny days in the summer months, it is 29. Summer is the warmest time here. For example, the town of Pula (Croatia) has a Mediterranean climate. Summer temperature is up to + 27 ° , the sea is warm, up to + 24 ° , and it rains extremely rarely. In winter and autumn, strong winds and showers are constant here, most of the water spills in late autumn - early winter.
  • Central Dalmatia is the largest resort area with a Mediterranean climate, warm winters and hot, dry summers. There are about 286 sunny days in the year. The water in the bay and along the coast of Dalmatia is the cleanest. In winter, the low temperature on the coast is approximately + 3 ° ... + 9 ° , high ranges from + 7 ° to + 12 ° . In summer, as well as in early autumn, it is very hot and the highest temperature reaches + 30 ° C (with a minimum of + 17 ° C to + 22 ° C). During the summer months, 29-50 mm of precipitation falls, and in the most "wet" (November and December) 110 -120 mm.
  • Holidays in South Dalmatia will appeal to those who want to get the maximum number of impressions in a short time, and those who are in search of peace and tranquility. The climate of Croatia in these areas is characterized by milder winters - approximately + 10 ° ... + 12 ° . In summer, the thermometer rises to +30 ° C; winter is much warmer, more rainfall than in other regions, while in summer there are few.
    Holidays for every taste

    Water on the Adriatic coast warms up as much as possible by the end of August (+25 ... + 27 ° ). Summer is dry and hot, and winter is warm, because the mountains do not allow icy air currents to seep on the coast. The sun in South Dalmatia shines about 3,000 hours a year.

High humidity

There are many reasons that influence the distribution of precipitation in the country. The most important is the movement of large air masses. In summer, in the Pannonian lowlands, and in winter on the Adriatic, air masses rise up by heating and then cool. After such movements and temperature changes, cloudiness is formed, bringing showers, occasionally hail. Water is converted to steam, which precipitates in the form of condensate on rocky ledges.

Crystal Waterfalls

When warm air masses come from the south-west to the country, rising along the Dinarids and cooling, clouds appear that will bring rains and showers to the coastal regions and regions located in the mountains. The same thing happens in mountain regions far from the coast, as a result of which these areas are characterized by an increased amount of moisture.

Croatia, monthly climate

The second half of summer on the Adriatic coast is a hot period, characterized by a large concentration of tourists and vacationers. The daily temperature in these months is the highest in all regions. The second half of summer, the beginning of autumn is characterized by a decrease in the number of people, but still warm weather. At the same time, relaxing on the beach is not possible everywhere. The winter season here begins in October and lasts until mid-May. The life of the region is quiet and flowing slowly and peacefully.

Autumn can be called the best period for exploring mainland Istria. Winter is very mild, it makes exploring the sights a pleasant experience. For example, the average December temperature indicator here is not lower than + 15 ° . In areas far from the coast of Croatia, it snows, decorating the already wonderful towns. At the same time, it is advisable not to get into remote areas of the mountains during this period. Spring begins early (in April the temperature is + 17 ° C) and by May the swimming season opens.

Climatic conditions by region

As mentioned earlier, the climate in Croatia varies by month and by region. So, on the entire coast, the Mediterranean dominates with wet, warm winters and arid, sultry summer months. The mainland of the Republic is moderately continental with not very cold winter months and cool throughout the summer. It is colder in the mountains than on the plains, as in other European countries.

Yachts floating in the air

Despite the fact that the winter months are considered the coldest, the scale of the thermometer practically does not fall below zero. The beach season lasts from June to August (on the continent) and until September (on the Adriatic). For example, the city is temperate, with precipitation quite often. But when tourists visit it — usually July — it rarely rains. The average annual temperature in the city is about 16-17 ° C above zero. Even in winter, the sea in Croatia does not cool below +10 ° C, and in August the water temperature reaches its maximum value of +26 ° C.

So, what is the climate in Croatia? Great! And the weather in Croatia will not disappoint you. It doesn’t matter that the weather here is slightly different by season, it’s always good here! Let it not be possible in winter to plunge into the Adriatic Sea and enjoy the sun to the same extent as in the summer. And in the summer you will not be able to ski in the mountains. But you can always touch historical and cultural values, heal yourself at local resorts, admire the stunning beauty of nature here, no matter what.


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