Bangladesh ... Which country is this? Where is she located?

"Bangladesh? What country is this? Where is it located?" - Questions of such a plan can be heard quite often. However, there is no need to rush to incriminate those interested in geographical illiteracy. You must admit that such a tiny state may not be known.

So, imagine Southeast Asia ... The country of Bangladesh is located exactly in this part of our planet. Among its characteristic features, the plain conditions of the Ganges delta, the chain of the Himalayas in the north and access to the Indian Ocean should be highlighted in the first place. But in general, it should be noted that the natural conditions here are very extreme. Here, throughout the year, not only is the heat, but also high humidity is maintained.

Section 1. Bangladesh. What country? General information about the state

Bangladesh which country

Since the climate in Bangladesh is hot, tourists from temperate zones are advised to visit this country in a relatively cool period, which begins in late November and ends in late February. In June-July, it rains heavily, and in October strong winds begin.

In the past, this camp was called the Country of Bengalis.

You can often hear that Bangladesh - India is the same, or rather, one of its parts. No, of course, now it is a separate state, although in the Middle Ages it was under the rule of Indian rulers. In the 18th century - it was a colony of Great Britain.

In 1971, Bangladesh became an independent state. The capital is Dhaka. Currently, the state takes the 7th place in the world in terms of population.

Section 2. Bangladesh. What country? sights
country of bangladesh

Tourists who arrive in Bangladesh are recommended to visit archaeological sites, because the historical objects found here are over 4 thousand years old. Maharaj mansions of the 13-19th centuries, and temples located deep in the jungle are very interesting.

The main attraction of the country's capital is Fort Lalbach (17th century, the architecture of the fortress belongs to the Mughal style ).

Here, among other things, there are many mosques.

Of great interest is a visit to Bangladesh for those who study the monuments associated with the history of Buddhist monasteries, the largest of which is Salban Vihara. This monument of culture and history is a monastery complex. It is part of the objects of an important center of Buddhist culture, in which more than 50 historical and cultural monuments (ruins of Mainimati, 7-12th centuries).

Comilla ... This is where the world's largest number of Hindu historical monuments is located. It should be noted that the Jagannath Temple (16th century) is a great example of a hut-shaped structure.

On the border with Burma, you can relax on the beach of Cox's Bazar. The beaches are huge, and the sea is clean. According to experts, in these places you can not be afraid of sharks. The resort has a bright Burmese flavor and an almost undeveloped leisure infrastructure, but there are many vacationers here throughout the year.

Section 3. Bangladesh. What country and what should a traveler know?

Bangladesh india

First of all, it is worth paying attention to the fact that in Bangladesh there is a large shortage of water. This problem is perhaps one of the most pressing.

There are also many poor people in this country, but people here are cheerful, and the population is increasing year by year. Travelers should not worry - they are provided with benevolent and curious looks.

By the way, it should be noted that there is a State University in the capital, the building of which was built in the colonial style (built at the beginning of the 20th century).

Experienced tourists warn that the rules of the road in the country are almost not respected, and a trip in city buses, which are characterized by high speed outside the city, congestion and absolute non-compliance with traffic rules, can be a dangerous adventure.

There are undoubtedly hotels present here, but from the windows of the hotel, which is located in a rich area of ​​the capital, it is still visible that people live nearby in extreme poverty (dirt, crowding, accumulation of garbage).

Nevertheless, in such an exotic country as Bangladesh it is worth visiting to see everything with your own eyes.


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