What is staphylococcus and methods of its treatment

Many in their lives have had to deal with staph infection. Therefore, it is necessary to have complete information about this disease in order to fully understand what is happening in the body. So what is staph?

These are bacteria, or one of their varieties that we come into contact with throughout our lives. You can meet her anywhere. In fact, this is not one microorganism. Staphylococci are an accumulation of bacteria that have various properties. The danger they pose to the human body is also different. However, a distinctive feature of these microbes is their shape in the form of a ball and the ability to create clusters that resemble a bunch of grapes.

And now let's take a closer look at what staphylococcus is. Bacteria of this infection are present on the mucous membranes, in the gastrointestinal tract and on the skin. But not all of them are dangerous to humans. So what is the difference between staphylococcus? The species of its bacteria do not always possess the properties that cause the disease. Some of them do not harm the human body.

Some types of staphylococcus can be called conditional. They do not invoke the disease, but can cause inflammation. Their presence on the mucosa may be prolonged, but not manifest. But when the skin or mucous barrier is overcome, it will cause illness. Staph bacteria can penetrate cuts and lesions and can be found in the sebaceous glands and hair sacs.

However, you need to know if you have staphylococcus detected that this can lead to serious purulent diseases. It all depends on what type of infection is present.

What is staphylococcus we have figured out. Now you need to find out what are the ways to treat it.

Adverse conditions have practically no effect on this type of bacteria. Therefore, getting rid of them is quite difficult. Direct sunlight does not kill these germs, as does freezing. They die only as a result of boiling. But there is a remedy that copes well with this infection. This is an ordinary green. Therefore, it is successfully used in the treatment of purulent staphylococcal skin infections.

The resistance of these microorganisms to the effects of antibiotics is noted. They easily adapt to this type of treatment, and it does not lead to tangible results. Therefore, the number of people with this disease has increased.

Staphylococcus treatment is long and difficult. But getting rid of it is possible. Naturally, you must follow the recommendations of your doctor. It will be necessary to pass an analysis of sensitivity to antibiotics. After that, treatment with a complex of drugs will be prescribed. Usually used antibiotics and sulfonamides.

To get rid of a staph infection, you must completely undergo a course of treatment. Only after completing antibiotic administration can positive results be expected. Incomplete treatment does not affect all microbes and many staphylococci do not die. In this case, they get resistance to this type of antibiotic. This will increase their viability and mutation.

Today, many doctors are concerned about the current situation with the spread of staphylococcus and even some facts of deaths. They also predict the appearance of a type of infection that will be resistant to any antibiotics.

To treat such ailments, a stronger dose of antibacterial drugs and a longer treatment will be needed. It is also necessary to develop a new series of antibiotics.

It is proved that this infection is very sensitive to drugs containing aniline dye. Therefore, with such success in the fight against staphylococcus, greenback is used.

Now that you know what staphylococcus is, you will be more responsible about its treatment and prevention. As they say, he is aware, that is, he is warned.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G16615/

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