Sexy holes on jeans: do it yourself quickly and easily

So the girls are arranged: they just bought jeans, as they already want new ones. The most shortsighted of the afflicted surrender to the pressure of desire. But real creative fashionistas even from a very worn pair will do a fantastic thing! Of course, you are a representative of a stylish group of girls who are looked at with envy and trying to copy. How is this known? Everything is very simple: you are interested in the information in this article. So we will make holes together on jeans with our own hands and at the same time drive crazy envious and guys. Let's go from a simple option to a more complex one.

holes on jeans do it yourself

We will divide jeans scuffs into two categories: those that formed themselves, and holes on jeans made by oneself, or factory ones. Both of them can be beautifully updated, giving the product a unique attractive look.

You can wipe the hole in the right place and the required size with scissors and emery bars, or simply with a kitchen grater (the side on which the potatoes are rubbed for potato pancakes).

Let’s turn an accidental hole on his knee from a β€œmeeting” with a sharp object into a decorative cute element. You will need a patch of fabric of a suitable size, threads matching his tone and scissors with a needle. Cut the frayed thread of the hole. Turn the jeans inside out. Pin the shred and bite.

Again, turn the jeans, already on the front side, and sew a shred with stitches selected by threads in the form of crosses and snowflakes.

beautiful jeans

By the same principle, bored holes on jeans with your own hands can be updated with guipure or lace. Sew guipure tapes to the side seams of the trousers from the wrong side at the level of scuffs.

fashion 2011 jeans

Turn to the front side.

beautiful jeans

Now these are your favorite pants, aren't they?

And here are beautiful jeans for girls with a strong nervous system who are not afraid to attract everyone's attention:

fashion 2011 jeans

Despite the apparent complexity, they are easy to do. Carefully cut the inside pocket and the β€œpocket” part of the denim along the seams with sharp scissors.

holes on jeans do it yourself
Do not be afraid, such a loss of part of the material will not affect the wear of the trousers.
beautiful jeans

And finally, the most complex and at the same time super-sexy version of leaky jeans.

fashion 2011 jeans

To make such holes on jeans with your own hands, you will need a peculiar style, the seams of which allow you to cut rags of fabric in a similar way. Most likely, your version differs from that shown on the sample. Take a close look at your own jeans and determine which seams allow you to cut the fabric without sacrificing the model.

The great thing about this is the variety of options and the uniqueness of forms and styles. This is still the current fashion 2011! Jeans can be made incredibly sexy by cutting out these holes:

holes on jeans do it yourself

The main components of the success of this lesson are accuracy, patience and accuracy. Before you start cutting rhombs, you need to carefully mark out the wrong side of the trousers. It is easy to spoil a thing, and you may not have a second chance to get such jeans!


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