Beach holidays in the Canaries

At the end of the 20th century, rest in the Canaries was considered a privilege of rich people. The cost of trips in this direction was available only to people whose income is above average. Later, due to the economic growth of some countries, almost all categories of citizens could afford a vacation in the Canary Archipelago. Until now, the islands are the favorite vacation spot of most tourists in the world. This is due to the excellent weather, which is here all year round, the Atlantic Ocean, small towns that preserve local customs, and megalopolises representing entertainment for every taste.

In fact, a holiday in the Canaries is so diverse that everyone can find entertainment for themselves. Of the entire archipelago, the most visited is the island of Tenerife. It is divided into northern and southern parts. The most popular resorts of the island are located in the south. There is practically no wind and fog, sunny weather all year round, the best beaches are also located here. The capital of Tenerife Santa Cruz de Tenerife is located in the northern part. The city has a huge number of museums. Next to it is the volcano Teide, which is the highest point in Spain (its height is 3718 m.). It protects the island from clouds and rains, so beautiful weather here is almost all year round. The volcano is not active. Near its foot is the National Park. There are a large number of species of local flora and fauna, as well as a variety of sculptures from volcanic lava. It is worth noting that the Canaries are not indifferent to the sculpture, and what about its most unusual manifestations. Complex, ornate forms can be found even on a regular track. Their meaning is far from clear to everyone.

As a rule, holidays in the Canaries are associated with beaches by travelers. This is no coincidence, since the archipelago is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean. The most original beach ensemble can be called Playa de Martianes, whose area is 33 thousand square meters. According to the plan of the architect Cesar Manrique, there is a lake with sea water, around which there are a huge number of restaurants, clubs, fountains are located in the center. One of the most favorite vacation spots is the city of Puerto de la Cruz, located on the coast near the Orotova Valley. Next to it is the famous Loro Park, where you can see more than 200 species of parrots.

All lovers of shopping will enjoy the rest in the Canaries to their taste, since there are no customs duties on the islands. All things here are much cheaper than in other countries. Most often, tourists prefer to rent a car and go around the Canaries on their own. Interestingly, gasoline on the archipelago is the cheapest in Europe, so car rental is more than beneficial for travelers.

Do not miss the opportunity to buy last-minute tours to the Canaries in January, because it is at this time that the Canary Carnival takes place. It is one of the largest in the world, after the Brazilian. An important point in this action is the choice of the Queen of Carnival. For many months, designers and stylists have been preparing costumes so that girls walk in them on the day of the holiday. The apogee of the Canary Carnival is the "funeral of the sardine." A large stuffed fish from cardboard is burned, and its ashes are buried on the beach.

Holidays in this part of Spain are very popular, so getting last-minute packages to the Canaries is a great success. For a beach vacation, it is best to give preference to its southern part, but you should not deprive the north of the archipelago as well, since there are a huge number of monuments and interesting places. Most often, tourists choose an independent vacation and rent a car to see all the sights of the Canaries. This is an amazingly beautiful archipelago located in the Atlantic Ocean. Canary Islands welcome its guests all year round!


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