The capital of Dagestan: attractions, mosques, theaters of Makhachkala. Where is the city of Makhachkala on the map of Russia?

Dagestan, translated from Turkic as “country of mountains”, is an autonomous republic of Russia. Its capital, the city of Makhachkala, is considered not only one of the largest cities in the North Caucasus, but also the most beautiful. Parks, theaters, numerous shady squares, carefully guarded monuments of architecture - all this gives the city a special flavor. And the cordiality and hospitality of the townspeople create a desire among tourists for sure to once again come to this wonderful corner of the Earth.

The capital of Dagestan

History of the city

In the place where the current capital of Dagestan, Makhachkala, is located, in ancient times lay a trade route from the Volga regions to Persia. In the 7th century, the magnificent city of Semender stood there, which was the capital of the Khazars. Prophetic Oleg was going to "take revenge" by him, but this was accomplished by his distant relative, Prince Svyatoslav. In 966, he completely destroyed the city. In 1722, during his campaign in Persia, at about this place, near the town of Tarki, but closer to the sea, Peter I set up his camp. In 1844, a military fortification was erected here. They called it Petrovsky in memory of the great sovereign. Convenient location favored the fact that the fortification quickly developed and was upset. Already in 1857 it became known as the city of Petrovsky. Its production expanded, the population grew rapidly. A port was built here in 1870, a brewery in 1876, a printing house in 1878, and railway lines to Vladikavkaz and Baku began to be laid in 1894. In 1918, Petrovsk was renamed Shamil-Kala, wishing to perpetuate the memory of the national hero Imam Shamil. Since 1921, the city bears the name of the Bolshevik Magomed-Ali Dakhadaev, whose people were called Makhach.

Where is Makhachkala on the map of Russia

Where is Makhachkala on the map of Russia

Makhachkala is located in the territory called Anji-Kala, which from Kumyk translates as "diamond city". This is a small strip of lowland between the Caspian Sea and Mount Tarki-Tau. Five kilometers away is Tarki town, which also has its own wonderful history and its sights. Tarki is mentioned in chronicles of the 7th century. Then it was a small village. By the beginning of the 17th century, it became the capital of Tarkovsky’s shamhalism. During the Persian campaign of Peter the Great, Tarki was considered the largest city in Dagestan. The geographical location of Makhachkala is amazing. It stands right on the coast of the Caspian ice-freezing winter, not far from the mountains of the Greater Caucasus. A little further along the coast is the city of Kaspiysk, and inland from the sea - Leninkent.

Administrative division of Makhachkala

Makhachkala city

The capital of Dagestan is municipally divided into three regions: Leninsky, Kirovsky and Soviet. Leninsky occupies the southeastern part of the city.
There are several central avenues - named after Imam Shamil, A. Sultan, Peter the Great, Hamidov. Also here is the square named after Peter the Great with a park of children and adult attractions "Dragon". The Leninsky district is adorned with a wonderful lake and two modern hotels, Ak-Gol and Petrovsk. There are many shops and transport routes. Makhachkala airport also belongs to the Leninsky district.

Sovetsky district owns the city center. On its territory are located the Tarki-Tau mountain, the historical part of Makhachkala and the famous Juma mosque. Here is the central railway station. station and Makhachkala lighthouse.

Kirovsky district is territorially the largest. In his department is the north of Makhachkala and many suburbs, up to the famous island of Chechnya.

City water pool

Makhachkala photo

The capital of Dagestan is famous for its rich natural resources. On the territory of the city there are three unusually beautiful lakes. In the Kirov region, the Vuzovskoye lake, slightly elongated in shape, splashes. A microdistrict of the same name with modern infrastructure is being built on its shores. In the Leninsky district, not far from the sea, there is a rather large lake Ak-Gol. It is known for its rounded outlines and an amusement park located right on the shore. A little to the north there is a small mud lake with healing mud. A 20-minute drive from Makhachkala lies the seaside town of Kaspiysk, on the border of which there are two more wonderful lakes - Big and Small Turali. The territory of Makhachkala is crossed by two rivers - Tarnair and Talginka (the second name is Cherkes-Ozen). Beautiful embankments were built on their shores. Also in the city there is a man-made river - the channel named after the October Revolution.

Climatic conditions

The capital of Dagestan Makhachkala

The capital of Dagestan, the city of Makhachkala, is located in a natural zone with a temperate continental climate. Summer is hot, with an average air temperature of +24 degrees, and water - +22 degrees. In some years, the air temperature from May to October can be kept within +30 ... + 38 degrees. There were also particularly cold periods in the history of the city, when the summer temperature did not rise above +10 degrees. Winters in Makhachkala are moderately cool, with a minimum air temperature of -2 degrees. Extremely cold winters happen very rarely in the region. So, the lowest temperature of the winter months is fixed at around -26 degrees Celsius. Precipitation in Makhachkala usually falls evenly throughout the year. Only in July and August their number is slightly less than in the rest of the time. Winds in this area are also moderate. Their average speed is only about 4 meters per second. The proximity of the mountains creates in Makhachkala a not entirely favorable seismic situation. The largest earthquake here was in 1970.


Dagestan republic capital

Dagestan is a republic within Russia. The capital of this autonomous territorial unit - Makhachkala - has air and rail links with major cities of the Russian Federation. From Makhachkala airport you can fly to Moscow, St. Petersburg, Krasnoyarsk, Sochi and some other cities. International flights are carried out to Dubai, Istanbul, Baku, Bishkek. Rail transport connects Makhachkala with Moscow, St. Petersburg, Astrakhan. In addition to long-distance trains, there is a suburban connection to Derbent and Khasavyurt. In Makhachkala there is a commercial seaport and two bus stations. The city transport system is represented by trolleybuses and minibuses.


The capital of Dagestan Makhachkala carefully treats its history. The city has the Museum of Military Glory of Dagestan, the Museum of the History of Theaters of the Republic, which is now replenished with new exhibits, and the Historical and Architectural Museum. It presents 150 thousand exhibits, among which are ancient, very valuable manuscripts and archaeological sites. It is known that on the territory of Makhachkala the first settlements appeared in the II century. To this day, the city has repeatedly experienced natural and political disasters. Their testimonies can be seen in the museum, considered the largest in the North Caucasus.

Of great interest is the Museum "Dagestan aul" located in the city center. It displays household items of indigenous Dagestanis, the interior of their homes in different eras, clothes, weapons. The youngest museum in the history of the city in Makhachkala. It is interesting in that it was created by the townspeople themselves. They donated most of the exhibits.

Almost in the center of the city is another museum - Fine Arts. Here is a unique collection of decorative art, considered the largest in the world.


Juma mosque in Makhachkala

In addition to unique museums, there are many monuments, wonderful parks, shady alleys and squares in Makhachkala. On the forecourt square, all visitors are greeted by a monument to Makhach Dakhadaev. Makhachkala residents and the memory of the five-time world champion Ali Aliyev were immortalized. The monument to the Russian teacher is of constant interest to tourists. In Makhachkala is the grave of Rasul Gamzatov. He is buried next to his wife Patimat.

One of the most famous attractions is the Central Juma Mosque. In Makhachkala this is one of the most visited places. Juma is built like the Blue Mosque in Istanbul. Every year it increases in area, but at the same time its geometric proportions and aesthetic harmony are preserved. Three more mosques are located in Tarki. A little higher is the historic fortress of Burney. For Orthodox believers in Makhachkala, the Holy Assumption Cathedral operates.


Theaters in Makhachkala

The capital of Dagestan can rightly be called a city with high creative potential.

Theaters in Makhachkala occupy an important place in the life of citizens and always attract tourists. Drama Theater Gorky was formed in the city the very first. This happened at the dawn of Soviet power - in 1926. For many years, world-famous productions were successfully staged here, famous artists worked. Musical Drama Theater Tsadasi was created in the 30s of the last century in the village of Khunzak. Since 1968 he has been in Makhachkala. In addition to Avarsky, the Kumyk Musical Drama Theater named after Salavatova, Lak Music and Drama Theater. Kapiev, Puppet, Opera and Ballet Theater, "Jislam" - song theater.


The city of Makhachkala is very beautiful and interesting for tourists. Photos of its attractions, streets and squares clearly demonstrate this. It is also famous for its health resorts. One of them is the Talgi sanatorium. It is located a 15-minute drive from Makhachkala, in the picturesque Talginskaya valley, near Mount Kukur. Vacationers here are waiting for modern buildings, an excellent diagnostic center, attentiveness and hospitality of the staff. They treat the musculoskeletal system, nervous, skin and gynecological diseases in Talga.

About half an hour drive from Makhachkala is the sanatorium "Caspian". Its buildings are built right in the forest, on the coast of the Caspian Sea. It perfectly combines healing forest air, healing the waters of the Caspian Sea and the magical energy of the mountains. Also in Makhachkala there are sanatoriums “Dagestan”, “Tarnair” and two children's medical and health centers.


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