Half board: what is it and how is it different from other power systems

If you are going on vacation on tourist trips or "savages", we expect to spend as little money as possible, but at the same time get the most comfortable service possible. Is such an ideal, from the point of view of the average traveler, value for money? It is, if you pay special attention to what type of food, in addition to other services, the hotel, boarding house, sanatorium or private boarding house you have chosen to provide provides.

Types of food

half board what is it
In order not to get confused, it is important for a tourist to know what types of food generally exist and their international designations. You may be offered the “all inclusive”, “all inclusive ultra” services (or with a + sign). Some hotels feed guests only breakfast, others give full board (with breakfast, lunch, lunch and dinner). There is even a full board extended when a varied 5-meal meal is served. Further, there are half board types, regular and more complete. And, finally, the last type of accommodation - when the guests are provided with services in which they should take care of their “feeding” themselves. Let's take a closer look at half board meals . What it is?

What does HB mean in Russian?

what does half board mean
When choosing hotels to stay, pay attention to the abbreviation "hb". It denotes the very regime of serving dishes, which, perhaps, is most convenient for tourists. After all, coming to another country or relaxing in your own, you want to be minimally dependent on the hotel’s routines and maximize your free time. In this regard, half board is best suited. What does this mean: two meals a day , consisting of breakfast and dinner or lunch and dinner. It is included in the price of the trip, along with accommodation. Thus, you do not have to take care of your daily bread, spend extra money on food, especially if traveling with children. And where and with what to eat “between things” - there will always be in any region of the globe mastered by the tourism business!

Breakfast Chart

food hb half board
What kind of dishes can half-board nutrition consist of, what does this mean in the language of cooking? Breakfasts are usually plentiful, dense, with a wide range. Firstly, a variety of pastries, including baking: rolls, croissants, bagels, mince pies. Secondly, different types of fried eggs, omelets and just boiled eggs. Thirdly, hot and cold cereals, including instant cooking, granola. You will also be offered a choice of pancakes and pancakes with sweet syrup or jam, jam, honey. Of meat dishes, sausages, chicken thighs and brisket, schnitzels are most often served. Healthy food compares favorably with half board. What does it mean? The menu necessarily includes a variety of salads, fresh vegetables and fruits. From drinks you can choose yogurts, hot and cold milk, juices, water, coffee and tea. Do not ask for alcohol - not provided! The feeding schedule in different hotels is your own. Most often they have breakfast from 7.30 to 10.00 in the morning.

The list of dishes for dinner

variety of half board meals
Now consider what half board means as a dinner. On the one hand, it is not as diverse as breakfast. On the other hand, a quite worthy end to the day. True, you have to take care of the drinks yourself. Although, if you ask or for a fee, you can bring water. And so, salads, fish and meat dishes, sweets, of course, bread are served on the table. In short, guests are not hungry. Feeding time is from 6 to 8 in the evening.

Buffet and half board

Hb food (half board) is closely related to a concept such as a buffet. How to understand this? In the dining room there are dishes that you can take to your taste and appetite - as much as you want and what you want. True, nothing is allowed to take out with you. But you can eat - from the heart! The buffet menu depends on which country you are in. The basis is European dishes. The Scandinavian region has a rich selection of seafood. Everywhere a variety of fruits and vegetables, including exotic ones. Everywhere baking, baking, confectionery. Traditional tea, coffee, yogurt, etc.

As you can see, half board is a completely convenient food system that allows you to not be hungry, and have a lot of free time.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G16667/

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