A sampler is ... Embroidery technique sampler: thematic combination of paintings

Cross-stitch has an ancient history and combines different directions and techniques, thanks to which you can create a unique thing of both decorative and applied nature. The plots, combining different details, took pride of place among other topics. A sampler is not just an interesting picture, but a combination of different details that have a common meaning.

large sampler

Former glory

The technique has been known since the 17th century, when the history of the generation was depicted on a large section of the canvas and the coat of arms of the house was embroidered. Detailing and the presence of different elements, always with textual accompaniment, was explained by the fact that the materials were quite expensive, and not every embroiderer could afford such a luxury.

Samples were performed in the same style and passed from generation to generation. Later, the tradition of embroidering history was transformed and categorized, thematic pictures appeared with a common sense. Over time, less sample text remained on the samplers, and details were enlarged. Later, a central element appeared that replaced the text and indicated the topic of embroidery.

A sampler is a combination of graphic direction with textual accompaniment and symbols to convey meaning. Now pictures with many details can be seen not only in old houses, but also in different institutions, because samplers are embroidered for training and as a gift.

the sampler is

Topic selection

Depending on the embroidered elements on the fabric, we can talk about a common topic. Working with a ready-made scheme is much simpler and faster than independently sketching and creating a basis for it.

The topics of the work may be different and depend on the details that will be depicted. Each stitch carries certain information and combines with the rest into a whole motive. The meaning of the sampler is to convey the idea, so every detail should fit into the chosen style. Embroiderers can hide in their paintings a magic charm in the form of an embroidered symbol or sign. Thanks to this, the sampler can protect against negative and evil eye.

thematic picture

Popular details

The power of the owner of the house was transmitted through the image of a lion or cat. The embroidered fox pointed to cunning and a sharp mind, the ability to predict any situation and analyze what is happening. Also, the fox symbolized deep intuition and insight.

Embarrassment is indicated by the embroidered parrot, courage and courage, the ability to resist life's turmoil and negativity embodies the symbol of the phoenix. Since samplers are often limited in size and display many elements, feathers or the head of a bird are often embroidered instead of the phoenix.

A tree with wide branches on the fabric indicates a connection with relatives and a large family. Often a symbol is used in primitives, but branches can be used as a frame for other parts and as a symbol of connection.

New Year's samplers are often performed with fir branches or with the image of holiday toys. A mandatory attribute of the style is snow and an owl. The last detail indicates well-read and balance of life. Samplers with calendars are considered popular, which are sewn together with other details and serve as a practical thing.

The embroidered key indicates the protection of the house and protection from evil forces. It is a symbol of mystery and detachment from ordinary problems. Often it is combined on samplers with owls and other birds, which serve as guides to the subtle world and can also store information.

a picture with a fringing

Variety of schemes

If you work with a ready-made scheme, you can get a beautiful, but not unique result. A sampler is not just embroidery, but a whole story. Therefore, various details and elements are added here that can specify the embroidery. Creating your own scheme is easy. To do this, you first need to draw a sketch of what should result in the end.

Be sure to place a key symbol in the center of the picture that will connect the details. It should be a little larger, but not take up a lot of space. If the sampler is intended for a specific person, you can specify personal data in the form of a name, surname or date of birth.

Often needlewomen make small notes in the form of initials on samplers, sign work. It is not necessary to combine several different themes in one picture so as not to mix meanings. In the color scheme, contrasts should be preferred so that the details are clear and noticeable enough.

primitive big

Materials for work

Fabric preparation is an important stage of work, since crosses and the size of the finished work depend on it. Primitives are embroidered on linen or canvas of a small count, it is better to create detailed samplers on a canvas of 14 or 16 count so that all the elements depicted are visible.

Threads are selected depending on the expected result. If you need to add volume, then woolen ones are used, for embroidering samplers with inscriptions needlewomen recommend cotton and silk, they convey the accuracy of the letters well. Additionally, shiny threads, luminous, ribbons, beads, charms and other elements can be used.

The result depends on the quality of the materials, therefore it is better not to save. For the design of the samplers, various options are also used, from the baguette to the application design.

monochrome work

Sampler Technique

In the photo of the best samplers, you can see not only standard cross stitches, but also other options that allow you to convey smooth lines or create watercolors. Half crosses and embroidery in several folds of thread are often used. This adds volume to the work. Sewing technique has also recently become popular, but it requires experience from the needlewoman and knowledge of how to properly perform.

A seam back needle or back stitch adds clarity and contour to the work, so after embroidery, they make out a detail so that the necessary stitches can be clearly seen. The backing is done with dark threads on a light base and light on dark material. There are a number of samplers of primitives in which the back is not used, and a slight blur adds a watercolor effect to the picture.

Finish stage

After otshiva work, it is necessary to wash the cloth, but do it carefully so that in hot water the threads do not shed and fluff from the washing powder. The best option is the usual soap, which can remove stains and not damage the fabric. A sampler is a combination of different stitches, so the threads can fluff.

After washing, the canvas is dried in the fresh air and ironed through a cloth so that the crosses are not flat. You can spray the fabric with water in the process so that the straightening occurs through steam.

You can arrange the work both in a baguette under the glass and in the form of an applied thing. It can be a beautiful apron or pillow, a tablecloth or a napkin with delicate edges. It can be made in the form of a key holder or decorated with a small motif as a whole box for storing jewelry. Samplers embroidery patterns do not always have a frame in the form of an ornament, but you can choose it yourself from other motifs and just sew for a better look.

The edging, or border, is done in the same shade of color as the entire embroidery. If standard paintings can do without this, then primitives almost always use ornaments with protective symbols.

Quick Tips

The embroidery process brings pleasure, but to speed it up, you can embroider in colors, this will help you not to make a mistake and work faster. The parking method is also used, but is suitable if there are a lot of parts in the work and they are placed next to each other. Otherwise, broaches may be visible.

After the parts have been sewn, you must immediately do a back stitch so that you do not return to this section later. The ornament and edging in the embroidery of the samplers are performed already at the finish stage, when all the work is sewn.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G16687/

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