Rest in Novorossiysk: hotels, weather, entertainment

Rest in Novorossiysk is a great idea! From our article you will learn what to do during your vacation, where to go and what to bring home.

Novorossiysk hotels


If you are used to spending holidays in languid tourist places, this resort will surprise you somewhat. The fact is that Novorossiysk is a young city with four cement and two wineries, as well as an industrial port. In general, a vacation in Novorossiysk is quite unusual. Of the advantages, clean beaches, delicious wine and a high level of service can be noted. Of the minuses - a small selection of entertainment and a poor environmental situation. I would like to mention right away that dust from local factories will spoil the rest for people suffering from asthma and pulmonary diseases.

How to get there

Comfort lovers will no doubt prefer traveling by plane. However, they should be aware that the nearest major airport is in Anapa. From there, Novorossiysk can be reached by taxi or bus from the city center. Owners of their own vehicles can get to the resort on a comfortable federal highway, and the most economical ones - on a tourist bus as part of a pre-formed group. Direct trains from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Krasnodar and many other large cities also come here. Do not forget that Novorossiysk is a port city, and it receives passenger liners from around the world. So, you can get here from Sochi in just three and a half hours.

private sector novorossiysk

Novorossiysk Hotels

Statistics say that the cost of living here is the lowest on the entire Russian Black Sea coast. And this is not surprising, since Novorossiysk is not officially a resort city. However, at the height of the season, it receives many tourists, and demand, as you know, creates supply. The average cost of renting a house for the night ranges from 1200 to 1600 rubles. Of course, the hotels of Novorossiysk are very different - you can settle in a budget hostel or choose a luxury hotel for relaxation. Most tourists remain quite offered service, but some prefer to live in rented apartments. Needless to say, for many reasons, families with children and large companies are preferable to choose the private sector. Novorossiysk is not the only place where you can stay if you want to live closer to the sea. So, the suburbs of Aleksino or Myskhako are happy to take everyone who wants to have a good time into their hospitable embrace.


The weather in Novorossiysk in winter is mostly clear, and the temperature rarely drops below zero degrees. However, the frequent squalling winds that blow from November to March are unlikely to make your vacation comfortable at this time of year. Locals recall cases when a hurricane tore up trees with roots and demolished the roofs of houses. Fortunately, the weather in Novorossiysk rarely brings unpleasant surprises in the summer. It is mostly sunny and clear, and severe thunderstorms are quite rare. It is worth mentioning another nuance that can ruin a vacation in Novorossiysk. The fact is that the city is located in a seismically active zone and tremors are not rare here.

beaches of Novorossiysk

Beaches of Novorossiysk

For tourists in the city there are all conditions for a pleasant stay. Most of the beaches here are pebble, and almost all of them are equipped for relaxation. Oddly enough, the best of them are in the heart of the city. So, one can note the small Central Beach and the beach bordering it at the Admiral Serebryakov embankment. Locals usually bathe and sunbathe in the Eastern and Industrial areas, preferring this rest area to everyone else. The beaches of Novorossiysk are not the only vacation option, therefore families with children prefer to spend their free time in the suburban area. Do not forget to visit the wild beaches, as some of them are located within the city. Almost all of them can pleasantly surprise tourists with their cleanliness and privacy.

weather in Novorossiysk


As we already mentioned, there are not so many entertainments in the city. It is worth noting that many of them reflect quite well the nature of the working city. So, the cement museum here has ten halls, and the presented exhibits will catch up with anyone. Therefore, we recommend that you start exploring the city from its best part - from the Admiral Serebryakov embankment. The length of the pedestrian zone is about two kilometers, and walking along it, you can enjoy beautiful natural views. Here you can also take pictures with the monuments of the founders of the city, the sculpture “The Wife of a Sailor” and the composition “Dolphin and Mermaid” that brings luck. You can complete a short trip in one of the cozy cafes, on a small beach or in a nearby water park. Every Russian citizen who has visited Novorossiysk considers it his duty to visit the Small Earth memorial. Here you can see firsthand the untouched trenches and trenches, see the monument to the Marines and visit the gallery of military glory. It will also be interesting for tourists to see the Exodus memorial dedicated to another tragic page in our history - the flight of the remnants of the white army from Soviet Russia.


Often, vacationers have a question: what to bring with them from a trip as a gift to relatives and friends? Of course, traditional seashells and magnets are out of fashion long ago, so pay attention to local wines. If you are not too lazy and take a minibus to Abrau-Durso, you can not only have a good time, but also get the famous “pop” in a company store. For the same purpose, tourists visit the famous Myskhako winery, where in addition to an entertaining tour they offer to taste the best wines. For lovers of soft drinks, you can choose a wonderful gift - Krasnodar tea grown on local plantations.

entertainment in Novorossiysk

For children

Any boy who dreams of a marine career will be happy to remember his vacation in this city. One walk along the promenade and watching the beautiful ships will leave a lasting impression on the child. Entertainment in Novorossiysk for children is somehow related to water, so the most interesting thing for them will be visiting the battle cruiser Mikhail Kutuzov. Inspection of the deck and some rooms, the ability to climb narrow stairs, inspect real guns nearby and an interesting excursion will delight even the most strict adults. Planetarium them. Gagarina is the second most popular destination for children in this city. Here you can not only listen to interesting lectures on natural history, geography and astronautics, but also watch the starry sky through the lens of a real telescope. Popular science films specially shot for preschool and school children are also shown here. When this tourist program is completed, do not forget about the water activities that children like so much. Be sure to take them to a local water park and take an exciting boat trip on the boat.

rest in novorossiysk


As you can see, a vacation in Novorossiysk is quite specific, but not without its charm. Low prices, warm sea and hot sun will make it unforgettable, and you will remember it more than once on long winter evenings until next year.


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