Ancient civilizations in Russia: historical information, artifacts

Little information has been preserved in history about ancient civilizations that existed on the territory of Russia. Nevertheless, scarce data have been preserved in the form of archaeological excavations, which sometimes shock everyone. They are little studied. For the most part, the culture of the most ancient peoples and civilizations on the territory of Russia remains something as mysterious as the history of Atlantis.


Arkaim is about 4800 years old. There is a place of the ancient civilization of Russia near Chelyabinsk. There are many similar settlements around, which are collectively called the Country of Cities.

Arkaim footprints

It is noteworthy that the complex is several centuries older than the most ancient Egyptian pyramid in Saqqara, and also several thousand years older than the legendary Troy. In total, about two dozen of the largest settlements with artifacts of the ancient civilizations of Russia of the Bronze Age were found.

Moreover, each city was surrounded by wooden walls, moats. These are entire fortresses with complex fortification systems, labyrinths, which it was very difficult to capture in the Bronze Age. Cities are in the form of rings, and, as is believed, this was of a ritual character. The rings were dedicated to the sun and moon. Someone believes that this is one of the oldest observatories in the world along with Stonehenge. However, while at Stonehenge 15 events of astronomy are tracked, in Arkaim - 18.

Restored Arkaim


Megaliths are one of the most striking mysteries in the history of the Earth. These are gigantic constructions of stone blocks, which are already millions of years old. There is a lot of evidence pointing to their artificial origin. A lot of megaliths - the heritage of ancient civilizations of Russia - exist on the territory of our country, namely, in Siberia, in Kamchatka. So, 200 km from the village of Tigil in Kamchatka, huge objects of stone were built. Their shape is cylindrical. According to studies, objects appeared in prehistoric times. Someone claims that these are traces of an ancient civilization on the territory of Russia. She could exist thousands of years ago. To this day, nothing is known.

In addition, similar traces of "ancient civilizations" in the north of Russia are in the area of ​​the city of Nakhodka, in the southern parts of Kamchatka. They find mysterious steps that lead to the sky. There are also structures in the form of pyramids.

Scythian kingdom

This ancient civilization existed on the territory of Russia; in short, it flourished in the south of the present country. The time of its existence - VIII century. BC. - III century n e. Towards the end of this time period, her representatives began to lead a sedentary lifestyle. It is interesting to know that they were in contact with the ancient Greeks, moving towards Syria, the North Caucasus. As a result, Scythia turned into a slave-owning monarchy. The center of this ancient civilization on the territory of Russia was in the Crimea. In the III century it was defeated by the Goths. The remains of the Scythians mixed with the tribes during the Great Migration.

Kingdom of bosporus

This ancient civilization on the territory of Russia existed in 480 BC. - VI century n e. While the Greek colonies were located near the Black Sea, a number of policies were united at the Kerch Strait. As a result, it was they who formed the Kingdom of Bosporus, an ancient civilization on the territory of Russia. She flourished most of all during the Spartokid dynasty.

Traces of the Bosporus Kingdom

As a result, the Bosporus kingdom has become a fairly developed state. Most actively, it traded with Greece. About half of all bread came to Athens from here. At that time, Greece supplied metal, expensive fabrics and terracotta here. Under the onslaught of the Scythians and the Huns, representatives of the Bosporus state began to seek support from the Romans and Pontians, Byzantines. Subsequently, the state disappears.

The capital of this state is the city of Panticapaeum. It was inhabited by Scythians and Meots. There was a real oriental despotism. Despite the fact that the monarch was somewhat restrained by the descendants of the Greeks, nevertheless, despotic traits were manifested here vividly. When the Sarmatian nomads came here, the Scythians eventually mixed with them. Part settled in the Crimea, under the current Simferopol. It was here that the Scythian state was formed.

In the burial mounds discovered at this place, many ancient artifacts were found that testified to the development of this civilization. In the XIX century, near Kerch, a mound of the leader of the Scythians was excavated. He and his wife were lying in a coffin of cypress. A golden vase showed scenes from the life of local residents - Scythians with a bow and arrow pulling out sick teeth.

Bosporus Gold

Empire of the Huns

In fact, every Russian has heard of the Huns. This empire existed on Russian territory in the IV-VI centuries. Her second name was the empire of Attila. It expanded as a result of the conquests of this particular leader. During the wars with Rome, Gaul, Byzantium, Syria, Attila gathered a large territory under his command. As a result, his empire stretched from the North Sea to the Volga region, from the Danube to present-day Moscow. Only with the death of the commander did the conquest stop, and he had grandiose plans: Persia was to undergo the next campaign. When he died, the state lost its position.

Turkic Kaganate

This state existed in 552-603 years. However, over 50 years of its life, it has become one of the largest Asian states. Under the leadership of the owner of this empire were Manchuria, Mongolia, Turkestan, Kazakhstan; tribute paid Iran, China. Also included were Altai territories, the North Caucasus, Crimea. They were taken away from Byzantium.

Many nationalities were gathered here. The highest ruling person is the kagan. For 50 years, it was one of the most powerful states. With the death of the greatest ruler, Tobo Khan, the kaganate suffered from strife. At first, the empire split into many parts, and then completely ceased to exist.

Alan State

This public entity in Russia existed from the 6th century to 1239. Alans were first mentioned in the 1st century AD. It is noteworthy that, like Russia, the Alanian state in the 9th century adopted Orthodoxy. With difficulty, a new faith took root here. The state flourished in the X-XI century. Large-scale construction unfolded here. It was the largest shopping and craft center. Under the onslaught of the Mongols, the Alanian state fell.

These are Alans

Khazar Haganate

Kaganate existed in the years 650-969. A state appeared when the Turkic Kaganate expanded to the Caspian steppes. But when it fell apart, the Khazar Khaganate arose on its remains. You should know that the state has become famous for its power and influence. He had a combat-ready army, and was also extremely developed - diplomacy. Khazar tensions with the Arab caliphate existed. Many wars were fought, during which the Khazars did not allow the Arabs to gain a foothold in the Caucasus.

For the most part, the khaganate grew rich due to military production. Many cities have appeared here. And in the IX century, the Khazars began to earn more on trade. This was due to the adoption of Judaism here. But in foreign policy, the situation was unfavorable. Relations with the Byzantines became strained, and nomads crushed from the eastern borders. A conflict began with the Old Russian state. As a result, having organized a campaign in 964, Prince Svyatoslav destroyed the Khazar Khaganate.

Miracle Mines

In the history of Russia, information about the once gone Chud tribe has been preserved. It left the surface of the earth when Russia was baptized. According to archaeological expeditions of the 20th century, miraculous mines have been preserved.

Miracle Mines

As a result, many of them were destroyed, but one is known to this day. It is located near the Chelyabinsk village of Borisovka. There are many stories about this place. Someone suggests that a separate underground civilization developed here.

Siberian city underground

Once, during an aerial survey near Novosibirsk, an ancient city was discovered near the city of Zdvinsk. Its area was about 12 hectares. They called the area Chichaburg. In the course of further research, it was possible to establish that there were flat streets, buildings made of wood and stone. Local residents also built a network of defensive fortifications.

It is striking that there was a separate industrial region. He was placed away from residential areas. According to research, the city appeared around the 7th-8th centuries. BC e. This is proved by the fact that, in parallel with ancient Greek, a separate civilization developed here.


After an expedition to the village of Nizhnetambovskoye, M. V. Efimenko described an incredible find: stone walls from megalith blocks on Mount Shaman. He stated that the Siberian and Far Eastern lands were the cradle of civilizations that are currently known. However, after the climate change, the territory has deserted.

This is a monolith

In Primorye, Efimenko also found the toponyms of Ancient Greece, stones with dashed frames, which were used in the civilization in the construction of temples. Also in the valley of the Nine River were found shards, dishes with a Vedic meander. They dated 4000 BC. He found a stone-paved road leading to an unknown destination in the taiga of the Amur Region. It was composed of huge trees that have been preserved in permafrost.

Efimenko in his work after wrote that there were traces of secret technologies that made it possible to make concrete from moissanite. He believes that the walls on Mount Shaman were made by layering.

Old Russian state

The Old Russian state and Euro-Asian culture stand side by side, as previously the country was between Europe and Asia. Its population was formed as a result of the confusion of many peoples, representatives of the most ancient states on the territory of modern Russia. We are talking about Ugro-Finns, Iranians, Finns, Khazars, Greeks, Huns, Sarmatians. When Prince Oleg made Kiev the capital of the state, it was based on the Eastern Slavs, Finno-Ugric peoples, and the Baltics. Many descendants of the Greeks lived here. As a result of the synthesis of these cultures, Russia was formed.


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