Diogenes Laertes: biography, works, quotes

Who is Diogenes of Laertes? What is his biography, and how long has this man lived? What works survived after his death? The answers to all these questions can be found in this article.

Diogenes Laertes

Biography of Diogenes of Laertes

Unfortunately, first of all it is worth saying that today Diogenes Laertius remains a mysterious person. His biography does not contain a single reliable fact.

Based on the opinions of scientists, it can be concluded that this philosopher-biographer was born in the Cilician city of Laertes. Diogenes Laertius was born (the photo of his bust is presented first), presumably at the end of the second century AD and survived to the third century AD.

And scientists, in turn, were able to draw this conclusion, based on the fact that the philosopher in one of his works mentions the name of Sextus Empiricus, who was his contemporary.

As for the name of Diogenes, there is also no reliable information as to whether this real name, or pseudonym, is a nickname.

The works of Diogenes

This philosopher is also called the historian of philosophy. His hand belongs to a treatise, which consists of 10 books and describes the life and work of many ancient Greek thinkers.

Diogenes Laertes biography

It is also worth noting that in this treatise, 84 philosophers were mentioned, about a thousand statements by more than 250 different authors were cited.

The same treatise, authored by Diogenes of Laertes, has several different names, more precisely, different sources transmit it differently. As a rule, the main ones are: “History of philosophy”, “Life and opinions of famous philosophers”, as well as “Biographies of sophists”.

Composition of the treatise on philosophers

  1. The book is about Thales, Soloy, Biant and other philosophers of the four "seven" who lived in 7-6 centuries BC.
  2. The second book describes the followers of the Ionian school. Separate sections are devoted to Socrates and many of his followers. Also mentioned in this book are Euclid and Aristippus.
  3. The third book gives the life and work of Plato. His works are described.
  4. The book is about Polemon, Carnead and other philosophers who were students of the Academy of Plato.
  5. This book describes the life and work of Aristotle, as well as his disciples Theophast, Heraclides and Demetrius.
  6. In the sixth book, the postulates of the doctrine of the cynical school are transmitted, information is given about its founder Antisthenes and his students - Diogenes of Sinop, Kratet with his wife Hipparchia, Metroclus, Onesicritus and others.
  7. Diogenes Laertius devoted this book to the Stoic philosophical school. Here are mentioned such names as Chrysippus, Ariston of Chios, Zeno of China and others.
  8. The eighth book is completely devoted to the life and teachings of Pythagoras with the names of Empedocles, Eudoxus, Philolaus and other Pythagoreans.
  9. This book describes the Elean school of philosophy and its representatives - Heraclitus of Ephesus, Xenophanes, Parmenides, as well as the followers of the materialist theory of philosophy - Democritus, Leucippus. The book also mentions the names of the sophist Protagoras and the skeptics Piron and Timon.
  10. The last book of the treatise is dedicated to the philosopher Epicurus.

diogenes laertes quotes


In conclusion, it is worth saying: despite the fact that Diogenes of Laertes was a biographer, there are practically no facts about his life and work. Conclusions about the character and temperament can only be drawn from his legacy and rare references to scientists.

And judging by the works, Diogenes of Laertes was a very wise, observant, and cheerful person. The quotes that belong to him are known and are the source of wisdom, and the works are filled with humor, legends and interesting biographical facts of famous philosophers of those times:

  • Diogenes asked for alms from the sculpture, and when they asked him why he was doing this, the answer was: “To accustom yourself to refusals.”
  • “There are many people, but very few people in the world”
  • "And where to wash those who washed here?" the philosopher once asked, speaking of one untidy bathhouse.
  • in one of the books the following quotation is given: “Euripides gave Socrates the work of Heraclitus and asked his opinion; he replied: “What I understood is fine; which I probably didn’t understand, either. ”
  • “The slander is the most fierce of wild animals, and the flatterer is the most dangerous of tame animals”

Diogenes Laertes photo

It is also important to say that Diogenes of Laertes is not the philosopher whom the legend associates with the barrel. Diogenes Sinopsky arranged for himself a house in a barrel and behaved extremely shockingly. But Diogenes of Laertes, at least judging by the archives, was not seen in this.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G1671/

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