Crimea - excursions on the peninsula

This peninsula has a centuries-old history, the monuments of which are well preserved to this day. It’s rare that any tourist, swimming in the sea and sunbathing under the bright sun, will ignore the beautiful castles and palaces that Crimea is proud of.

Excursions to the Yasnaya Polyana Palace, built for Prince Golitsyn in the 30s of the 19th century; The Dyulber Palace in Miskhor, built by the Grand Duke Peter Nikolaevich Romanov, a fine connoisseur of the culture of the East; “Swallow's Nest” ... The list of historical architectural values ​​that should be visited at least once by every tourist relaxing here can go on for a very long time. Livadia Palace Museum, Massandra, Vorontsov and Yusopovsky palaces - all this is Crimea.

Crimea, excursions

Excursions to these places are organized from any resort on the peninsula, however, due to the fact that all of them are located on the south coast, they will be the cheapest for vacationers on the South Coast (no need to spend money on the road). In addition, tanning, for example, on the beach of Yalta or Alushta, you can independently get to some architectural masterpiece and pay only for the entrance, saving on the services of a tour desk.

However, you can touch the centuries-old structures on the peninsula in places remote from the southern coast. The Yeni-Kale fortress, built by the Turks at the beginning of the eighteenth century and perfectly preserved to this day, the fortress in Kerch and the Sudak Genoese fortress, the Khan's Palace, the main object of the Museum of Crimean Tatars, is also a unique Crimea.

Crimea, excursions, prices
Excursions, the prices of which can vary significantly in different regions of the peninsula, depending on the territorial remoteness, nevertheless, compared with European objects of this scale and prescription, are somewhat cheaper. Perhaps that is why they are very popular among vacationers.

But no matter what architectural masterpieces a person creates on this peninsula, unique nature is the most interesting thing that Crimea can boast of. Excursions to unusual places of miraculous origin for many tourists - an indispensable item of the recreation program. This is primarily unique caves scattered throughout the peninsula: Red, Marble, a cave called Emine-Bair-Khosar and the real cave cities, for example, Circassian-Kermen or Mangup-Kale.

Excursions in Crimea 2013

Crimea offers excursions to the mountains, the most popular of which are Kara-Dag near Koktebel, Ai-Petri, which is easily accessible by cableway from Miskhor, Chatyr-Dag, which many consider the highest peak of the Crimean mountains, although it is actually only the fifth in height. Parks and botanical gardens of the peninsula occupy a special place in the excursion program of Crimea. For example, Nikitsky Botanical Garden, arranged a few kilometers from Yalta; Botanical Garden TNU them. V. I. Vernadsky, where the sea of ​​roses, irises, tulips and lilacs; Alupka and Gurzuf parks, where not only unique trees grow, but also beautiful sculptures and fountains are collected.

Excursions in Crimea (2013 was no exception) are always popular and in demand. Recently, proposals related to active pastime and extreme sports have been especially popular. This can be horseback riding along the gorges, scuba diving near the sunken ships, walking panoramic walks in the mountains and other entertainments.


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