How to call on Skype? How to call from your account? Using Skype for free

Modern technology has taken a big step forward. Today, people can call each other from anywhere in the world without spending a dime. Even a grandmother in years knows how to call on Skype, and certainly she won’t be surprised when her granddaughter’s smiling face appears on the monitor. Let's look at all the intricacies of this opportunity, as well as the difficulties that may arise.

how to call on skype

What is what to eat with?

It is unlikely that anyone will be surprised by the fact that the Internet allows people from all over the world to communicate. Skype is an ordinary computer program with which you can talk to any person who also has it installed in the video broadcast mode. However, there should be several conditions:

1. Both sides have an Internet connection.

2. Skype is turned on at the time of the call from both opponents.

3. There is the necessary equipment.

A set of components for the call

A separate paragraph should be devoted to this, because even if you have a computer connected to the network, you will not always be able to make a call. Rather, you can call, but you can’t talk. You at least need speakers and a microphone, another option is a webcam, which already has a microphone in it. By the way, in the latter case, the opponent will see you, but in the first - no. All these nuances lose their relevance if you have the most modern laptop, desktop computer or tablet in your arsenal. They, as a rule, already have everything necessary for you to communicate. Often even the default program is installed.

how to call via skype

Getting to work

Skype can be downloaded for free on the network and installed without any problems on any computer, tablet and even a modern mobile phone. After installation, you will not be able to call immediately, you will still have to register with the system. To do this, you need to come up with a username and password. Moreover, the latter should consist of Latin letters and numbers - this is a prerequisite. You will also need to enter an email address. This will help to recover the password if it is lost. By default, the program will load at the same time the computer is turned on. If this is not convenient for you, you will need to change the operating system settings. So, everything is ready, it remains to find out how to call on Skype.

how to call from skype for free

In the search for opponents

To call your distant relative, you must first know his Skype name. You have already come up with your own, which means that your opponent also had to do the same thing at the time. Login search is the easiest way to find the right person in the system. If you cannot get such information, enter everything you know in the search fields: first name, last name, email address, phone number. It is far from a fact that a person indicated all this or did not distort the data, therefore no one guarantees the exact result. Especially if the name is not original. You will easily come across a full namesake and maybe even begin to communicate without understanding your family ties. To start the search, you need to open the "Contacts" menu and select "Add Contact". After entering the data, you will be given the number of matches from which you can choose the right people.

call from skype to phone

First call

So, how to call via Skype? After you find the people with whom you plan to keep in touch and add them to your contact list, they will always be located in your notebook. You can remove them at will later. Near each opponent there is an icon indicating his status, by which you can find out whether he is online or not. If you see a green phone next to a relative’s photo, you can call him. In addition, as soon as a person logs into Skype, you will receive a pop-up message notifying you of this. This option is very convenient, especially when you are waiting for a call.

So, call, for example, grandmother. Select the desired contact by double-clicking on it. There are 2 call options: simple and video call. Choose the right one based on whether you want the person to see you or not. Then everything happens as when using a regular home phone, which you are used to. As you can see, there are not so many nuances in the question of how to call on Skype.

Paid Features

It is foolish to assume that developers, introducing such wide opportunities for users, have not laid down a benefit for themselves. Talk about paid services. How to call from Skype for free, we have already figured out. To do this, you just need to make a call to another person for the same program when he is online. What can be done if it is not online, but you want to call? Or if you need to make a call to the city number of any institution? There is such a function! You can call from Skype to your phone at any time if you have money in your account. Indeed, this option is paid, but the tariffs are very low, easily competing with the offers of local operators.

call mobile via skype

Mobile call

If the person is not online, then when you click the Call button next to his photo, you will automatically be given the opportunity to call any mobile or city phone number you entered. You can also call on your mobile via Skype, simply by dialing the number you need after selecting “Calls to Phones”. This will open the dialer window, where you can, among other things, find out the prices, deposit money into the account and select a tariff plan.

Work difficulties

An annoying nuisance can happen with any program, after which it stops working. If Skype does not ring, what should I do? There is a very simple way to fix it - uninstall and reinstall the program. And then do not forget to clean the registry. If you don’t know how to do it manually, install CCleaner, which will do everything for you. After that, it remains only to restart the computer and install Skype again. At the same time, you can also master a newer version.

Additional features

Today, Skype is the most popular online phone with a number of indispensable features. You already know how to call on Skype, but it should be said that with it you can do much more. For example, in the latest versions of the program there is a function "Share Screen". Using it, you can show any user from your contact list what you are working on and, for example, what difficulties you have in formatting the document. To do this, just need to click on the "+" button under the photo of the person you are talking to. You will see a list of additional features, among which there is also a "Screen Demo". Also, using Skype, you can learn a foreign language - the teacher can not only monitor your pronunciation, but also give tasks, sending files or sharing links to various resources on the network. After completing an online test, you can simply demonstrate your screen to the teacher. It is very comfortable!

Skype does not call what to do


New technologies open more and more doors for us. Discover the infinity of Skype as soon as possible. This is an incredibly useful program. And knowing how to call via Skype, say, your grandmother from Germany, is not enough, we advise you to master all the available capabilities. Our future is behind such technologies! When in a couple of years your grandmother appears in the form of a hologram in the apartment, and at the same time cleans up in the kitchen, this will not surprise you anymore.


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