Larisa, Greece: city history, attractions, location, leisure facilities and reviews of tourists

Antique Delphi is heard by many travelers. In this sanctuary of Apollo, where the Pythia once prophesied, crowds of tourists rush now, as in ancient times - pilgrims. Meteora rocks, on top of which there are monasteries, are also popular with travelers. Particularly brave tourists want to conquer Mount Olympus with the peak of Mitikas (the highest point in Greece, 2917 meters above sea level).

But few people know that not far from all these very interesting places is the fifth largest city in Greece - Larisa. Sights, photos and conditions for relaxation in this village we will describe in our article. If you visited Northern Greece for tourism and arrived at the important transport hub - Larisa, do not rush to go further - to Meteors, Delphi or Olympus. Stay in town for a few days. Believe me, here you will find no less amazing sights and entertainments.

Where is Larisa located

The fifth largest city (after Athens, Thessaloniki, Patras and Heraklion) in Greece is located in the north of the country, 217 kilometers from the capital. Larisa is the administrative center of the region (periphery) of Thessaly. But by Russian standards, this is a small city. According to the latest census, its population was only 145 thousand people.

The city of Larisa (Greece) is located at the Pignos River, on its right bank. Incidentally, this picturesque water stream is the largest in Thessaly and the third longest in the country. In ancient times, the river was called Peny. 75 kilometers from Larisa is located the international airport of Vlas. You can get there from Moscow only with transfers by Transaero and AirBerlin airlines. It is easier to get from Vlas to Larisa by the KTEL bus - they depart directly from the airport. Travel time is only an hour and 20 minutes. But the train from Vlas to Larisa takes less than an hour. Public transport in Greece is well developed. The journey from Athens takes five hours, from Thessaloniki - less than three.

Overall appearance

In the photo, the city of Larisa in Greece looks quite modern. But this image is misleading. This is actually a very ancient city. Although the exact date of foundation of Larisa is unknown, historians believe that she arose more than four thousand years ago. Of course, over the past centuries, the appearance of the city has changed. But among modern luxury villas, traces of the characteristic Ottoman style left after the Turkish conquest can be found.

A medieval fortress rises on a hill. In the city there are many churches built during the Byzantine Empire. Larisa can boast that in its vicinity there are immediately two ancient theaters - the ancient Greek and Roman era. So a tourist interested in history has something to see here.

Larisa is considered the greenest city of Northern Greece. In the capital of Thessaly is a beautiful park Alkazar, and you can also relax in the shade of pine trees near a medieval fortress. There are plenty of stylish restaurants and lovely Greek taverns in the city, and for shopaholics there is a compact shopping district and a Bezesteni bazaar.

Larisa city in Greece - photo

History. Antiquity

Archaeologists have found settlements dating back to the Neolithic era. And the city was formed here around the II millennium BC. The word "Larisa" in Greek means "seagull." A city with that name is mentioned by Homer in the Iliad. According to this epic work, the legendary hero Achilles was born in Larisa. But myths take the history of the city much deeper. It is believed that it was founded by the Pelasgians - an ancient ethnos that inhabited Hellas even before the arrival of the Dorians.

But all this is just myths. It is documented that Larisa (Greece) is the birthplace of the "father of medicine" of Hippocrates. The capital of Thessaly played a large role in ancient Hellas, starting from the 7th century BC. She supported Delphi during the First Holy War (6th century BC) against the coastal port of Kira, which wanted to impose duties on pilgrims arriving at the sanctuary of Apollo. Larisa was also the initiator of the establishment of the Pythian Games. From the 5th century BC, the city began to mint its own coins.

Larisa (Greece): attractions

Roman period

During the Greco-Persian wars (late 5th century BC), Thessaly supported the Achaemenid dynasty. And lost it. The Greeks defeated the Persians, and Thessaly, and Larisa in particular, lost their significance. Therefore, in 344 BC, the city became easy prey for the conquest of Philip II. But when, several years after the Battle of Heronia, Macedonia established hegemony over the whole of Hellas, Larisa (Greece) blossomed again.

The rich city was a tidbit for conquering Rome, which in 194 BC conquered Thessaly. But staying with a powerful empire benefited Larisa. After several decades, it turned into the capital of the Thessaly Union. The Romans built another theater in Larisa, a magnificent forum (its ruins can still be seen now), temples and thermae.

Middle Ages

In the Hellenistic period, Thessaly remained a powerful political region. Her troops mastered the coasts of modern Syria and Arabia, having founded several cities there with the name Larisa. In Greece, Thessaly began to be attacked by barbarians. When the Byzantine Empire weakened, Larisa and the surrounding area conquered the Great Bulgarian Kingdom. Then the city became part of Serbia. In the 15th century, for many centuries, Larisa, like all of Greece, came under the rule of the Ottoman Empire.

Turkish influence noticeably affected the city’s appearance. The Ottomans strengthened the old Byzantine fortress, and on the slopes of the Frurio hill organized a large colorful oriental bazaar. In the city you can still see the characteristic Turkish mansions with carved wooden bars. During the war of liberation (20s of the 19th century) Larisa was the residence of Ali Pasha. And in the course of the Greek-Turkish company, half a century later, it became the general headquarters of Prince Constantine the First, the future king.

Where to stay in Larisa

Tourists often consider this city as a base for making radial excursions in Northern Greece. Larisa, whose photos of attractions encourage travelers to stay here a couple of days longer, offers many options for rental housing. Here you can find both luxury hotels and budget hotels.

From the "fives", you can recommend "Divani Palace" and "Larisa Imperial." Accommodation in a standard room will cost from 6400 to 6900 rubles per day. Tourists in reviews praise four-star hotels such as Olympus Terra Boutique and Park Hotel. The cost of living in them is 4-4.5 thousand rubles per day. Of the triples, travelers recommend Asteras, Metropol and Grand Hotel. And finally, there is a wide selection of very decent budget hotels, such as Achillion or Elena. In them a double room can be rented for 3400 rubles per day.

Larisa City (Greece) - Attractions

Sights of the city of Larisa (Greece)

Tourists should start their acquaintance with the capital of Thessaly with the Frurio Hill. It rises in the very center of Larisa. And in the ancient era, the city itself fit on it. Climbing to the top of Frurio, you will be rewarded not only with a beautiful view. In ancient times there was a forum here - a meeting place for citizens. There were also temples to the Olympic gods. But during the reign of Byzantium, pagan temples were torn down, and in their place a medieval fortress was built, which served the city as a defense against the attack of the northern barbarians.

During Ottoman rule, an oriental bazaar roared atop Frurio. Go down the southern slope of the hill. Here you will see the beautifully preserved Greek theater, the largest in ancient Greece. It was built under the Macedonian king Philip Pyat, who moved here from the top and the ancient acropolis. Near the Bolshoi Theater is Maly. It was built later, already in the Hellenistic era. When the Romans converted the Bolshoi into arenas for gladiatorial fights, comedies and tragedies continued to be staged on the Maly stage. From the hill you get beautiful photos of the city of Larisa in Greece.

Churches in Larisa (Greece)


Lovers of sacred architecture also have something to see in the city. Achilles is considered the patron saint of Larisa, who was the bishop here for 35 years. He lived during the reign of Constantine the Great, who greatly respected an ardent fighter against the Arians. The emperor presented Bishop Achilles with the gospel written in gold letters, and numerous churches were built for state funds.

In the city of Larisa (Greece), a temple was preserved where the relics of St. Achilles rested. Despite the fact that during the Ottoman conquest the church was turned into a warehouse and even destroyed, the Orthodox Greeks rebuilt their shrines again. A mosque has been preserved in the city, however, now it is occupied by the exposition of the Archaeological Museum. A large Jewish community has long lived in Larisa. Therefore, the city also has a functioning synagogue.


Many of the most valuable artifacts were taken from the open-air sights of Larisa (Greece) and moved to the exhibition halls. Tourists are strongly advised to visit the already mentioned Archaeological Museum. An extensive collection contains household items from the Paleolithic to the Hellenistic era. The museum is open from 8am to 8pm and is located on Trikalon Street.

Fans of beauty will be pleasantly struck by hitting the Larisa Municipal Art Gallery (Greece). With her there is a salon where you can buy paintings by modern painters and sculptors. You can learn about the life and cultural customs of the inhabitants of Northern Greece by visiting the Ethnographic Museum. If you came to Larisa with a child, then there are a couple of places in the city that will be interesting to visit with the whole family. So, in the Museum of Military Veterinary Medicine you can find out how animals helped people win victories in battles. And at the Folk Exhibition, crafts that flourished in Greece until the period of industrialization are demonstrated.

Greece (Larisa) - attractions, photos


Do not worry that the city of Larisa in Greece does not lie by the sea. Just a few minutes by car or bus - and you are already on one of the wonderful beaches. Tourists recommend choosing to visit the seaside town of Kokkino Nero, 45 kilometers from Larisa. It is more distant, but beach vacations there are calmer.

The coast of the Aegean Sea near Larisa is mostly sandy. There you can find secluded bays with almost wild beaches, as well as fully equipped places. It has been awarded the Blue Flag for the year in a row for the cleanliness of sand and water, as well as the developed leisure infrastructure of Agio Campos. This beach is just a couple of kilometers from Larisa and is popular with the townspeople themselves.

If you are looking for privacy, then visit Agio Saranta. This beach is famous for the color of the water, which varies depending on the distance from the coast from light azure to dark turquoise. Agio Saranta is a good place to come with children. This beach is well shaded, and the sand is clean.

Larisa, Greece. Beaches


If you believe the reviews of tourists, Larisa in Greece deserves the title of the greenest city in the country. The number of green spaces per square meter here is impressive. The streets of Larisa are very shady, and it is pleasant to walk along them even in the summer afternoon. In addition, the city has many parks. The largest and most popular is Alcazar, which is located near a medieval fortress on top of Frurio hill. Since the city is located in a fertile valley, the park offers wonderful mountain views.

The green zone stretches along the banks of the Pignos stream, and you can also enjoy the panorama of the majestic river. There is also a wonderful Botanical Garden in Larisa, where various exotic plants are planted and picturesque ponds are laid out. It should be noted that in all parks of the city there are conditions for children to relax - playgrounds and attractions. And the whole family can visit the water park of Larisa.

What to try

Thessaly is a recognized center of winemaking in the country. From Larisa even arranged gastronomic tours to the surrounding farms. As part of the Dougos Winery tour, you can visit several factories, taste various wines, taste olives and cheese, as well as buy a bottle or two of your favorite drink. In the city of Larisa itself, in Greece there are a lot of restaurants and colorful Greek taverns. In popular establishments “Kimatofrastis” and “En Larisi” you will be served wonderful grilled dishes.

Especially a lot of praise for the pastry shops and cafes of the city. If you want pancakes, head to the Las Ramblas. Tourists report beautiful pastries at Bruno Cafe Storis. There is also a French patisserie Konstantinidis in the city, which serves amazing cakes. To expand your gastronomic horizons, go to the town of Farsalu. It has many historical attractions (domed tombs, Nymphaeum caves, Kinos Kefali cliffs and Khturi hill), but foodies come here to try halva, which is made only here.

What to bring from Larisa

In memory of visiting the city, tourists buy ceramic products of local potters. In order not to overpay, travelers recommend going to the small villages of Tirnavos and Tsaritsani, which are considered centers of traditional crafts. There you can buy high-quality textiles, silk products. They also make traditional Greek alcohol - ouzo and tsipuru.

The real mania of the inhabitants of Larisa (Greece) is football. The local team bearing the name of the city is included in the country's top Super League. Larisa won the Greek Cup twice. Therefore, the emblem of the football team will also be a great souvenir. And of course, don't forget to buy enough high-grade olive oil. And if there is still enough space in the suitcase, carefully pack a bottle of wine from Thessaly or distillate stronger there.

Larisa (Greece): river

Landmarks around Larisa (Greece)

In the reviews of tourists, such villages as Karitsa, Abelakya, Farsala and Tiernavos are repeatedly mentioned. The last town, in addition to the center of handicraft crafts, is famous for its beautiful lake, the source of St. Anne and the Paraskeva Friday Church. In this temple you can see the gift of Veli Pasha - two icon lamps of pure gold. In Abelakya and Karitsa, many examples of Ottoman architecture with carved balconies and fountains have been preserved.

Ellason, on the coast of Titarissos, is the starting point for climbing Mount Olympus. But this village itself is interesting for tourists. You should visit it an old monastery, a bridge and a cave with stalagmites and stalactites. For hiking, a route runs along the course of the Pignos River. This is the so-called Tempi Gorge. Rising upstream, you will see not only indescribably beautiful landscapes, but also the church of the defender of the marriage of Paraskeva, as well as the tomb of Bab Hassan.

And of course, how not to mention the famous ski resort on the slopes of Olympus, which in winter attracts tourists not only from Greece, but also from other countries. And pilgrims can be advised to go to Meteora - impregnable monasteries on the tops of the rocks. The monks of these monasteries retained the Christian faith even in the difficult years of the Muslim occupation of Greece.


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