City of Nikolaevsk (Volgograd region): history and description

Russia is a big state. On its territory there are many administrative districts. One of them is the Volgograd region. The city of Nikolaevsk, built in its southeastern part, has regional significance. The village is located on the right bank of the Volga. The city is constantly inhabited by 14 and a half thousand people. Residents themselves call themselves nikolayevets. The district Duma is constantly working, in which ordinary citizens are free to come with statements.

Nikolayevsk Volgograd region

Plunge into history

Nikolaevsk (Volgograd region) has an extensive history. Once upon a time, a poor village of fishermen was located on the site of a modern city. The first mention of this settlement dates back to the 18th century. The then Astrakhan governor ordered the construction of dwellings for fishing people. The development of Nikolaevsk begins at the beginning of the twentieth century, when the number of merchants is growing rapidly in the city, and industry turnover is significantly increasing. The level of agriculture also increased, mainly due to peasants. The development of this city is stopped by the February Revolution, and then by the Civil War.

Stormy activity in these years continued Nikolaevsk. The Volgograd region, like this point, is actively developing during the formation of Soviet power. Several factories begin their work, new schools are being built, residential buildings appear. The Second World War had a great influence on the life of the city. About 10 thousand local residents voluntarily went to the front: mainly young Komsomol members and the able-bodied male population. A large hospital was located in the city. During the war years, Nikolaevsk was attacked several times by enemy aircraft. Many residents became holders of various orders, and several were awarded the honorary title of Heroes of the Soviet Union. After the war, Nikolaevsk (Volgograd region) began another construction. City status was assigned to this settlement in 1967, after the population increased to 11 thousand people.

Nikolayevsk Volgograd region


There are three large libraries in the city, which local people enjoy visiting. There are 8 developed kindergartens, 5 preschool educational institutions, 11 secondary schools. There is also a musical institution named after the People's Artist of the Soviet Union Georgy Vasilyevich Sviridov.

Nikolaevsk (Volgograd region) is an industrial city. The main population (about 75%) works in large enterprises. There are many factories specializing in the cultivation of small and cattle. There are also agricultural, fish processing and other enterprises. The city has developed medicine. The district hospital occupies a large building with a capacity of up to 500 patients, and 200 of them may remain in hospital.

Cultural sphere

The level of culture is on top. The city has a local history museum, which tells about local heroes who fought in different eras. There is also an exhibition telling about the conquest of space by Soviet people. There is also a museum named after the famous writer Mikhail Sholokhov, who lived in Nikolaevsk during the war. Local newspapers are published that feature urban news and emergencies.

Volgograd region city of Nikolaev

Transport network

Residents of this city are free to move, as the transport network here is well developed. A connection was established with the center of the region due to interregional flights. Buses, trolleybuses, fixed-route taxis constantly ply the streets that Nikolaevsk is rich in. Volgograd region has many cities. Nikolaevsk differs from others in that it is very quiet, calm and comfortable. The local population is quite quite alive.


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