Flowers from beads: an original decoration!

Needlework, as you know, is always in fashion. It is hardly possible to imagine at least one house without decorations made by hand ...

Indeed, recently it has become very fashionable to decorate a home with hand-made things. Original bead flowers can become a wonderful decoration for a living room or bedroom. Bright and unusual, made with love, they always look harmoniously with any interior, add a touch of romance. Bouquets of flowers from beads will constantly cheer you up and give the room a creative spirit.

It’s not at all difficult to create beautiful flowers from beads on your own. All you need is patience, accuracy and the necessary materials. It should be remembered that the final result of the work will depend on the amount of effort and time spent. So, what materials are needed to create a flower from beads.

The first thing we need is a wire. It will become the frame for our flower. Naturally, beads or glass beads of the colors you need. To trim the wire, you will need pliers or wire cutters. A large bead is needed for the pestle, preferably in a contrasting color. And the last - floristic ribbon and fluffy wire.

First you need to cut off about fifty centimeters of wire. It is better to cut off just a little more just in case, so as not to start weaving again if the wire ends. Then with pliers you need to bend the loop at the end of the wire. After that, you need to dial 10 beads and, having retreated 3 centimeters, make another small loop, which will become the internal point of the petal. Next, you need to dial the beads on the long end of the wire. Do not worry about the fact that you typed the wrong number of beads: if necessary, you can add or remove unnecessary ones.

If you have scored the right number of beads, loop again at the end of the wire. When forming the petals, the long wire must be parallel to the base of the petal. You need to collect the petal until you get nine lines. As a result, the wire will be at the base loop, and then wrap the wire around it several times. At the end of the petal, you need to cut the wire with wire cutters, bend the remaining tip inward. In the same way, we create three more petals, if desired, more can be done. The base-loops of the finished petals need to be folded together and twisted with pliers at the base of the bud wire.

In order to make a pestle, you need to take a large bright bead and attach it to the center of the flower. After this, you need to form a stalk of fluffy wire. You need to fold it in half and wrap it around the wire. To complete the work, wrap the stem with a green ribbon. And now, the flower is ready!

There is another method using which you can make a beautiful bouquet. Flowers from beads can really be created on the basis of fishing line, because they turn out to be very delicate and beautiful. The fishing line needs to be pulled tight enough while weaving, then they will hold their shape better. Weaving from a fishing line is a little more difficult, because it is flexible, and you will have to spend more time and effort to get decent material. The principle of weaving flowers from beads is about the same as from wire. However, you need to start work from the base of the tube, and subsequently the petals will be attached to it. Weaving can be completely different flowers from beads, for example, daisies, roses, forget-me-nots, wildflowers, and even water lilies. These homemade jewelry look incredibly stylish. Such an original flower can be a wonderful gift for a close friend, boyfriend, mother or younger sister. Coloring and design are completely dependent on the imagination and desire of the master. Creative success!


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