Kirov Botanical Garden - the best place for solitude with nature

Summer, warm, the sun shines brightly, the perfect day to sit on a bench and just enjoy a wonderful day. Everyone can visit the Kirov Botanical Garden and smell the beautiful exotic plants. Listen to how hornets make noise and grasshoppers chatter.

History of the Botanical Garden

For many years now, the Kirov Botanical Garden has been located at this place. It has existed for over a hundred years. In 1912, a retired colonel acquired a large plot of land, where a private botanical garden was created.

Kirov Botanical Garden

In the same year, spruce and fir trees were planted, which were brought from places located near Kirov. All trees were transported and planted in strict compliance with all agricultural standards.

During the revolution, the garden was transferred to state support, since 1917 it became open to the public. In 1923, the administration of the botanical garden was given to the Vyatka Pedagogical University, which still manages it.

Opening hours, ticket price

Everyone can see the unique trees, bushes, flowers, which has a botanical garden (Kirov). Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 19:00. On weekends, the garden is open two hours less - until 17:00. It is worth remembering that the daily break is from 13:00 to 14:00.

Kirov Botanical Garden

All children who are not yet three years old can visit the Botanical Garden (Kirov) for free. Price ticket for everyone else is - 50 rubles. In the garden you can buy seedlings of flowers at affordable prices. And you can know for sure that this type of plant will definitely take root in this climate.

What is in the garden

Most of all, people fell in love with this place for its very beautiful gardens and shady alleys. In this place you can see more than 200 species of species of trees and bushes, but this is not all that the Kirov Botanical Garden is rich in. There are also small plants, of which there are currently more than 400 species. Moreover, there are not only local, but also brought from Asia, North America and Siberia, which can grow quietly in our climate.

The star of the botanical garden is a peony plantation, on which there are more than thirty varieties of this flower. Other popular areas include:

  • plot of land where only irises grow;
  • plot where there are more than 150 varieties of lilies;
  • fraxinella.

Separately, it is necessary to note the ash plant. In hot weather, it is so saturated with essential oil that it can catch fire simply from a presented match. Also, this plant is not worth sniffing and touching it, because it burns much stronger than nettles and scars remain for a whole year.

Kirov Botanical Garden ticket price

Vacationers with children are very fond of visiting the rockery of the garden. This is not a very large rocky area, which is very harmoniously combined with the plants planted here. A small hill smoothly passes into the lowland - an incredibly beautiful landscape. Thanks to the garden staff, the plants are planted here in a special way. Thanks to what flowering does not stop for months.

On the territory of the garden there is a small shop where you can buy seeds and seedlings of many plants that grow directly on the territory.

Where is?

In the very center of the city, near the city hall there is this botanical garden of Kirov. It can be found on Karl Marx Street, 95. In the summertime, a lot of people walk here because the garden is easy to reach. Around the garden there are many places where you can eat, a movie theater, a supermarket, convenient transportation and more.

If a person has questions, he can call the botanical garden (Kirov). The phone can be found directly on the official website of the Vyatka Garden. The staff is very friendly, politely answers all questions a person is interested in.

Kirov Botanical Garden phone


A wonderful place where parents walk with their children, learning new plants, and adults just enjoy the sounds and views of nature, is called the Botanical Garden (Kirov). The working hours will delight all visitors, because there is no weekend, only a lunch break, which lasts one hour.

People who like to plant various plants on their land can buy unusual seedlings at affordable prices right in the garden. At the same time, buyers can be completely sure that the plants will take root in the local climate.


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