What is a biologist? What does biology study?

A teacher of this discipline at an educational institution, a specialist in the field of genetic research, an employee of a botanical garden or a zoo calls himself a biologist. So still, who is a biologist? What is this profession? Who has the right to be considered a biologist? The answers to these questions are in our small study.

Biology is a science

Science, which is associated with the study of all life on the planet, starting with microscopic bacteria, ending with the physiological processes of human life.

The intelligent man has been interested in the processes of life, the similarity and difference in living forms, and differences in the living conditions of plants and animals since ancient times. However, during the dark Middle Ages, for too visible interest in research, it was possible to get on a bonfire. Another thing is the Renaissance. Art and science then were held in high esteem, entire scientific schools were founded, and the first natural history museums appeared.

Who is a biologist in antiquity? It could be a herbalist, an alchemist, or the founder of the first menagerie. The term โ€œscience of biologyโ€ itself appeared only in the 19th century, when everything related to the study of living forms of existence on Earth was united in one course (โ€œbioโ€ is life, โ€œlogosโ€ is science).

biology is a science

Biology Directions

Biology is the science of life. Such a generalized concept. Depending on the specific subject of study, individual biological sciences are distinguished:

  • Zoology is the science of the animal world.
  • Botany - explores the world of plants.
  • Physiology and anatomy - sciences about the processes of life and the structure of the human body.
  • Microbiology and Virology. The subject of their study is visible only under a microscope.
  • Morphology - studies the structure and form of living species.

In turn, the main directions were gradually divided into narrower specialties and specializations, which become more and more as science develops. Today, more than seventy areas of biology are known. Ocean biology, anthropology, cytology, neurobiology, ecology are just some of them. The biologist profession unites all representatives of certain specializations and areas related to one science.

What is a biologist?

Communication with other sciences

In the course of the development of world science and technology, thanks to the penetration of scientists into deep spheres of knowledge, a deep connection of biology with other disciplines was discovered. Who is a biologist in the modern world? In addition to the traditional zoologist and botanist, he is a biophysicist, biochemist, specialist in biometry, space biology, labor biology , bionics. A modern biologist can also be a good engineer, doctor or mathematician.

What does a biologist do?

With theory, everything is more or less clear. But who is a biologist in practice? Where is his workplace? The answer is ambiguous and extensive, as is the list of biology specializations. It all depends on the chosen direction. A graduate who has graduated from the corresponding faculty of a university may become a teacher in a secondary educational institution, or may continue his connection with science and devote his life to the study of other living organisms. Zoologists successfully work with animals in zoos, botanists in greenhouses and botanical gardens. Selective biologists are working on the invention of new varieties of crops. Virologists are studying new and old microorganisms, their impact on the outside world, ecologists monitor the cleanliness of the environment. Biologists of a new formation are widely demanded in the modern world - genetics, neurobiologists, space biologists, bioenergetics. A biology specialist can be a veterinarian, agronomist, landscape designer, laboratory doctor.

profession - biologist

The main qualities of a biologist

A successful biologist profession will be for those who feel themselves to be part of the mysterious world of living organisms, who are interested in communicating with nature, studying the environment.

The love of nature becomes paramount when the biologist spends long months traveling and expeditions with the goal of exploring new species of flora and fauna.

Perseverance and an analytical mind are needed by workers in laboratories, research centers.

Depending on the specialization, a biologist may need good relations with physics, astronomy, mechanics, chemistry and other sciences.

outstanding biologists

Pros and cons of the profession

For those who love everything living in all its manifestations, devoting their lives to biology is already a big plus. Nothing makes a person happy like doing your favorite job. The biologist profession, unfortunately, is not always evaluated adequately in monetary terms - this is a minus. It was low salaries that led to the fact that an interesting profession for many fell into the category of unpopular ones. Those who nevertheless decided to devote their lives to it and persistently go to the goal, sometimes become the authors of new discoveries and scientific sensations.

Biology of new directions, research in the field of genetics, microbiology, new biotechnology takes the second place in the world in the list of promising professions. Especially welcome to such specialists are Canada, USA, Western countries, which are engaged in the development of new technologies.

biologists breeders

Prominent biologists

Speaking of biology as a science, it is worth mentioning people whose names are known around the world. Their discoveries made a huge contribution to the development of mankind as a whole.

  • Vavilov Nikolay (Russia) - a geneticist in the field of agronomy, the founder of the doctrine of plant immunity.
  • Vladimir Vernadsky (Russia) - the founder of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, studied the biosphere, stood at the origins of the development of biochemistry and biophysics.
  • William Harvey (Great Britain) is the kingโ€™s court physician, who was the first to conduct research and describe the circulatory system and the functioning of the heart and blood vessels in the human body.
  • Charles Darwin (England) is a great naturalist who created a system for classifying plant species.
  • Anthony Van Levenguk (Holland) - a naturalist who created a microscope, which allowed the study of organisms that were previously invisible to the human eye.

In addition to them, the Russians glorified science Ilya Mechnikov, Kliment Timiryazev, Louis Pasteur, Karl Linney, Ruslan Medzhitov and many other natural scientists.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G16772/

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