Malfunctions of air conditioners and their elimination. Air conditioning repair

Not always to eliminate breakdowns of HVAC equipment, specialist intervention is necessary. You can do a lot with your own hands. You only need to know the typical malfunctions of air conditioners and their elimination. We will talk about this in our article today.

Automatic diagnostic system

First of all, you need to make sure that the air conditioner is definitely broken. Fortunately for the user, modern climate control equipment has the function of warning about possible problems. Usually various color indicators blink, or the corresponding inscriptions appear on the display. Decrypting diagnostic information is not difficult. In the instructions, manufacturers indicate fault codes for air conditioners.

malfunctions of air conditioners and their elimination
Of course, not all codes are decrypted for the user. Most of them are available only for specialists from technical centers for the repair and maintenance of HVAC equipment. But the user can get most of the data. Often, a lamp or a diode in the event of a malfunction will flash a certain number of times, based on what kind of error the system detected.

Codes of standard breakdowns

If the diode blinks once, then the thermistor installed on the indoor unit of the split system does not work correctly or does not work at all. Two signals will indicate that there are errors in the operation of the thermistor on the outdoor unit. Three flashes - the device works in heating and cooling mode at the same time. If the lamp blinks four times, then overload protection is disabled. Five are errors in the operation of the information exchange system between the air conditioning units. This may indicate cable problems between the units. Six flashes - the level of energy consumption has significantly exceeded the norm. It is recommended to test power transistors and other elements. Seven blinks will tell that the operating voltage of the external unit has significantly increased. If the user sees that the light comes on 8 times, then there are malfunctions in the electric fan motor.

air conditioning repair
Nine signals - damage to the travel valve. And finally, 10 blinks indicate a failed thermistor. In this case, the compressor temperature is no longer monitored. Malfunctions of air conditioners and their elimination are typical for most brands and models of different manufacturers. As for error codes, each model has its own. You can find in the instructions for use and program the work of the control board with your own hands.

How to diagnose air conditioning

Any repair of air conditioners begins with a check. This is also done before taking preventive measures. Diagnostics should include inspection of the device for various mechanical damage. It is also necessary to check the reliability of fastening of blocks, clamps of electrical connections. Then check the condition of the filters, the operation of the device in different modes.

air conditioning compressor malfunctions
After that, you can test the operation of the display system. It will be useful to check how the blinds work, what is the temperature on the evaporator. Measure the pressure level in the suction / discharge system and watch the tightness of all connections.

The device does not turn on

These are the most basic malfunctions of air conditioners, and every owner has encountered them at least once. Regardless of the brand, model, country of origin, the reasons here will be the same. This problem lies in the electrical part and lies in the fact that the device is simply not connected to the power supply, the control board is faulty or there is no connection between the indoor and outdoor units. Another common reason is a failure of the remote control or the receiving module of the device. There is another malfunction. Due to certain circumstances, the device could go into protection mode and generate an error when turned on. Finally, the device does not turn on due to the banal wear of some parts. In some cases, the split system does not work or does not correctly execute the owner’s commands due to incorrect switching in the signal and power wires connecting the blocks.

air conditioner trouble codes
If you encounter such problems, it is worth connecting the wires according to the scheme again. It is better to do this as quickly as possible, otherwise more serious malfunctions of the air conditioners are possible, and their elimination will take a lot of time. All this can cost a serious amount.

The split system turns off after 10 minutes of operation

This may indicate overheating of the compressor. Such troubles arise due to malfunctions in the control board or due to a defective protective relay. The first step is to check if there are malfunctions in the air conditioning compressor. This unit may overheat if the heatsink on the outdoor unit is clogged with dirt. This can greatly interfere with heat dissipation, the compressor operates at a higher load, resulting in overheating. Preventive cleaning will help in this case. If the system has recently been charged, then there may be imbalances in the condenser circuits and evaporators. For this reason, the compressor will experience overload. You must make sure that there is normal pressure in the lines.

air conditioner temperature
If it is higher, excess refrigerant is vented. Do not rule out fan malfunctions on the outdoor unit. It may not rotate at all or run at significantly lower speeds. Also, the temperature of the air conditioner rises due to clogging in the capillary tubes during installation. You can solve these problems by replacing one of the tubes. Filter drier clogging is possible.

Condensation leakage from the indoor unit

In summer, air conditioning users may encounter overflowing containers where condensation is collected. To prevent water from running out of the tank, you must regularly drain the liquid from it. If the cause is freezing of the heat exchanger, it is recommended to insulate it with heat-insulating materials. When leaks are observed at the joints, tighten the nuts. Joints should be treated with sealants. These malfunctions of air conditioners and their elimination are extremely simple. It happens that the drainage tube is clogged. To do this, the plastic part is cleaned, and then it will no longer drip from the indoor unit.

Inefficient work

This is one of the most popular breakdowns. It especially happens in the summer. The unit in the process of consuming huge amounts of energy, but can not provide the desired temperature. This may be due to clogged air filters.

main malfunctions of air conditioners
Inefficiency also occurs due to dust on the impeller, which is located in the indoor unit. This also leads to contamination of the heat exchanger on the outdoor unit and refrigerant leakage.


If the air from the air conditioner began to smell unpleasant, then there are some reasons for this. If the smell is burnt, this indicates a fire in the wiring. In such a situation, only air conditioning repair in a specialized service can help. If the smell is typical plastic, this suggests that the manufacturer saved on materials. If there is a smell of dampness and mold, a colony of bacteria has formed inside the system. You can get rid of them with the help of any antifungal drug.


So you can fix simple damage to the air conditioners with your own hands. Serious malfunctions are often very rare. If the system is constantly prevented, breakdowns can be completely eliminated.


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