Phuket Holidays in August: Traveler Reviews

As you know, a year in the equatorial climate is divided into only two seasons. One of them, the most coveted for tourists, lasts from November to April. And the second is called the rainy season. And it lasts, respectively, from May to October-November. As you can see, August in equatorial latitudes is the height of the rainy season. But everything is not so simple. In some places, showers come earlier, in others - later, and in third, the rainy season is generally weak.

In this article we will consider the tourist Mecca - Phuket. This island is the largest in Thailand. But it is located very close to the mainland. In fact, it is connected with the continent by a dam, which allows you to call Phuket a peninsula. And what about the weather at the end of summer? Reviews will tell us about the rest in Phuket in August.

Phuket Holidays in august reviews

Should I get scared of the rainy season?

Many tourists from this phrase spoils the mood. In front of my mind's eye there is a picture: outside the window it is pouring out of a bucket, and you are sitting in the room, looking sadly at the black clouds that have curtained the whole sky. And so all two weeks, all vacation. But reviews about a vacation in Phuket in August paint a completely different picture. Yes, it is raining. But mainly at night. On average, their duration is from thirty minutes to an hour. There are downpours in the afternoon. But they are also short-lived. It is not possible to calculate their frequency. Sometimes precipitation falls evenly. In some years, for the whole of August, only ten days are rainy. And in other rainfall it can last without a break for a week in a row.

Thais who reliably know their climate have the concept of a “window”. This is a series of days without rains that occur between two cyclones. Therefore, those who are going to Phuket in August need to learn the first rule. The longer you plan your vacation, the more likely you are to be lucky with the weather.

Phuket Holidays in August

Temperature indicators

Rain only in our latitudes noticeably cools the air. Vacations in Phuket in August are not called cold at all. The past rain and thunderstorms only slightly refresh the tropical air. But for those who can not stand the heat, the climatic indicators in August are the most favorable. The average air temperature per month is twenty-eight degrees. Note: in the shade. But the sun rarely appears because of clouds, even in those days when it does not rain. And over the years of meteorological observations, weather forecasters came to the conclusion: on average, precipitation falls nineteen days out of 31. If we take into account night rains, then this is not so much.

In general, August is not a champion among other months in terms of rainfall. In the afternoon in Phuket at the end of summer there is heat. The thermometer column, regardless of cloudiness, takes off to the mark of +31. The nights are hot. The temperature at this time of day is an average of twenty-five degrees.

Phuket Holidays in late August


It is no secret that the main tourist destination in Thailand is a beach holiday. In August, reviews in Phuket point to the exceptionally warm Andaman Sea. Its temperature ranges from twenty-eight to thirty degrees. And to such grace, as an added bonus, almost deserted beaches are attached. After all, August is “off season”!

But there is a fly in the ointment in this barrel of honey. It lies in the often stormy sea. Then on the beaches hang red flags, meaning that swimming is prohibited. But there are places in Phuket that storms bypass. This is Kata Beach, especially its part called Kata Noi, Nai Harn and Cape Panwa. These coasts are protected by cliffs. When the red flags are off, you can surf or just jump on the waves. Based on this, we learn the second rule. If you are a mediocre swimmer, choose a hotel with a pool.

Reviews about vacation in phuket in august

Who should not rest in Phuket in August?

Reviews often mention high humidity. This figure averages eighty-five percent. From the rain, as well as from the dangerous rays of the equatorial sun, you can hide under an umbrella. But from high humidity you can’t get anywhere. The feeling of stuffiness is only enhanced by clouds, like a pillow, covering the sky. But what is most surprising, and through the clouds you can burn.

So who is contraindicated in Phuket in August? Reviews of tourists are not advised to take small children with them to Thailand. People suffering from cardiovascular diseases and those with weak lungs and bronchi will feel uncomfortable. Well, as for the rest of the people, the only inconvenience for them will still not be willing to dry out bathing suits.

Phuket Holidays in late August reviews

Things to do at the end of summer in Thailand

Many tourists fear that Phuket in August is a quiet region, waiting for the "off season". But this is not so. Rest in Phuket in August, reviews of tourists are called very saturated. Travel agencies work in full force. But they sell tours much cheaper than in the winter months, because they are trying to lure a few customers. In addition to riding elephants, visiting snake farms and villages of sea gypsies, you can take part in festivals. On the twelfth of August, the Queen’s birthday is celebrated on a grand scale throughout Thailand. Also this month is the Phuket Seafood Fiesta. At this festival you can try a variety of seafood.

Holidays in Phuket in late August

Many tourists travel to Thailand for at least two weeks. Too expensive a flight makes a short rest pointless. But if fifteen days is the most you can afford, then the question arises: when is it better to go to Phuket - at the beginning or at the end of August? Many people think that the rainy season is already declining in September. And they are mistaken! The first month of autumn is the rainiest. Therefore, reviews on vacation in Phuket in late August are not recommended. The risk of cyclones passing at this time increases.


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