An insured event is an event that is stipulated in the contract.

In Russia there are many insurance companies that provide their services to the public. This article refers to the fact that an insured event is an accomplished event, which implies a guaranteed payment to the insured under the law.

Types of insurance

Relations that protect the rights of individuals and legal entities, constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipal organizations in the event of an unpleasant incident determined by the agreement at the expense of funds formed by insurers from paid contributions or other other means are called insurance. It is compulsory and voluntary.


  • Personal - medical (health, accidents) and retirement. On its basis, many diverse products have been developed.
  • Civil liability (damage to health or property to third parties - enterprises or citizens).
  • Property (cargo, any vehicles, financial risks).
  • Reinsurance - a system of relations, including the transfer of part of the responsibility from one person to other insurance companies.

The insured event is

Relations between insurers and policyholders

Is any negative occurrence an insured event? This statement is subject to clarification by virtue of certain conditions under the contract, in which the obligations of the parties should be clearly stated.

According to the law, an insured event is not any adverse circumstances that have occurred with the injured party, but occurrences that are strictly recorded in the terms of the contract.

Insurers - funds that provide their services to protect the rights of their wards and accept collateral for the payment of sums of money in the event of unforeseen circumstances specified in the agreement between the parties.

Insurers are persons (private or companies) who pay insurance premiums and receive compensation in the event of various adverse effects specified in the contract.

Is an insured event

What is meant by insurance claims

An insured event is a confirmed fact of damage to the insured person, as a result of which the policyholder is obliged to reimburse him in accordance with the law and the terms of the concluded contract.

The insured event is:

  • The onset of illness with health insurance.
  • The accident that occurred when a car got into an accident.
  • Theft and fire of property.
  • Bankruptcy.
  • Natural disasters (floods, storms, hurricanes).

These types are valid only when they are indicated in the agreement of the fund, which stipulates that the insured event is the occurrence of adverse conditions under which you should contact the insurer. He will invite an appraiser and make compensation for losses incurred.

Insurance case is

Currently, there are many companies that have secured a strong position in the insurance market. One of the largest is SOGAZ, Rosgosstrakh, Ingosstrakh, Soglasie, Alliance, RESO-Garantia, Alfa-Insurance, VSK, VTB-insurance and MSK Insurance Group ". Funds have a positive reputation, reliable reserves and are ready to offer their customers a variety of profitable products.


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