Khorezm region of Uzbekistan. Past and present

The northernmost region of the Republic of Uzbekistan - the Khorezm region - is located on a lowland plain, part of which is the ancient delta of the Amu Darya river, another part in the west and southwest adjoins the Karakum desert, where the border with Turkmenistan passes. It also borders on the Bukhara region and the Karakalpak region of Uzbekistan.

Khorezm region

Administrative districts

On the border with Turkmenistan is the Khorezm region. The city of Urgench is its capital. A small area covers less than 2% of the total area of โ€‹โ€‹Uzbekistan - 6.3 thousand square meters. kilometers. On its territory there are 3 cities (Urgench, Khiva, Pitnak) and 9 villages. There are 11 administrative districts (fogs) in total and the city of regional subordination Urgench. It is a modern industrial city with developed infrastructure. 163 thousand people live in it. There is a public transport. A long-distance trolley bus runs between Urgench and Khiva.

The nature of Khorezm

Khorezm region is located on the banks of the deep Amu Darya, which serves as a source of water in this semi-desert region. The river, flowing along the flat terrain, has a large flood plain and gentle banks that flood during the spring flood. Due to its wide spills, which bring sludge, poor saline soils give a rich harvest. Amu Darya waters are widely used for irrigation. In Soviet times, a powerful irrigation system was created, which includes the irrigation canals of Shavat, Klychbay, Palvan-Gazavat, Tashsakinsky and others.

The south of the region has many small lakes, mostly saline, swampy areas and salt marshes, overgrown with tugai - overgrowth consisting of poplar, willow, clematis, sucker and other plants of the semi-desert zone. Lakes and swamps are formed when the territory is flooded with flood and groundwater. The river is rich in fish, catfish, asp, bream, sabrefish, silver carp, grass carp and other species are found here. In tugai thickets there are wild boars, Bukhara deer, hares, reed cats, badgers and other representatives of the fauna.

Khorezm region areas

Agriculture and industry

The Khorezm region, the regions of which are mostly cultivated with cotton and agricultural products, is considered to be agro-industrial. The population is mainly engaged in agriculture on irrigated lands. The main agricultural crop is cotton, which occupies most of the total gross production. To protect the fertile soil layer from the winds, many mulberry trees were planted along the fields, which served as an incentive for the cultivation of silkworms, which serves as a raw source of sericulture. The region grows grain, vegetables and fruits. The world famous sweet and fragrant Khorezm melons grow here.

The industry is mainly focused on the processing of agricultural products, in addition, there are enterprises producing cotton and silk fabrics in the region, there are sewing and knitting industries. The Khorezm region has always been famous throughout the world for the famous Khiva carpets. A large carpet-weaving production is operating in Khiva.

The bowels of the region are rich in oil, gas, gold, silver, other rare earth metals, marble and granite. They are being mined and processed.

Khorezm region city of Urgench

The ancient land of Khorezm

I would like to clarify that the land of Khorezm, so it was called and is called at present, is the Khorezm region. The city of Urgench was not always its capital. Once in ancient times, a city with the same name existed and was 150 kilometers from the real Urgench. But for unknown reasons, the Amu Darya changed its course and people left it.

The nature of the region does not sparkle with beauties, but nevertheless, the flow of tourists is increasing from year to year. This is facilitated by the ancient history of Khorezm, its magnificent monuments that are preserved, restored and appear before tourists in pristine beauty. International archaeological expeditions are constantly working in the region, studying ancient settlements and ancient settlements, of which there are many.

Khorezm is considered the cradle of human civilization. Archaeologists have established that the settlement of lands took place in the VI-V millennia BC. The first mention of Khorezm was contained in the "Avesta" (I millennium BC). According to legend, this land was the birthplace of the famous Zarathustra - a priest and a prophet, the founder of Zoroastrianism, who was given the revelation of Ahura Mazda in the form of the Avesta. This is the very first religion on earth.

Over the millennia, the land of Khorezm has seen many events, the rise and fall of civilizations, conquests, destruction and new achievements that lead cities to prosperity. In the cities of Khorezm Urgench and Khiva developed science, art. The eternal struggle for water allowed the creation of ancient irrigation facilities that turned lifeless salt flats into a blooming oasis. The legacy of the past is ancient architectural monuments, tourists from all over the world go to see them.

Khazarasp region of the Khorezm region

The pearl of Uzbekistan - Khiva

Ancient Khiva, the former capital of the Khiva kingdom, which became part of the Russian Empire at the end of the 19th century, has its history from ancient times, but reached its peak in the 19th and 20th centuries. During this time, amazing architectural structures were built on its territory, which are included in UNESCO lists as World Heritage Sites.

Most of them are concentrated in Ichan-Kale. This complex, in essence, is an ancient city surrounded by powerful fortress walls. The most outstanding architectural monuments: the Kalta-Minar minaret, the Muhammad Amin Khan madrasah, the palace of Muhammad Rahim Khan, the mosque and mausoleum of Bibi Khojar, the mausoleum of Shakhimardan, the mausoleum of Sheikh Mavlon Bobo.

Khorezm region 2

Khazarap district

The southernmost is the Khazarasp region of the Khorezm region, it includes 15 settlements, the largest of which is the city of Pitnak. Until the mid-1990s, it was called Friendship. The railway line Urgench-Turkmenobad passes through it. An automobile factory works here.

The center of the district is the ancient city of Khazarasp. On its territory fragments of ancient fortress walls are preserved, in which loopholes are located to protect the city. The corners of the walls are crowned with towers. During the excavations, fragments of ceramics were discovered, whose age was determined as the 1st millennium BC. A large canal was dug to the city from the Amu Darya, which was navigable.

Khorezm region 2

Koshkupyrsky district

Another confirmation of the ancient land was received by the Khorezm region - Koshkupyr district, which is the most remote region of Uzbekistan. On its territory there is the village of Koshkupyr, not far from which Imorat-bobo is located - an architectural complex located in the territory of the ancient cemetery. It includes a rural mosque with a minaret and three mausoleums, standing apart from each other. The area is quite backward. They are engaged in agriculture here.


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