Refrigerator "Don": reviews, models, specifications, manufacturer

Refrigerators manufactured by Don LLC have a good reputation. The owners of this equipment assure that it is reliable and durable. In its manufacture, only high-quality imported parts are used. All models of refrigerators are assembled at a Russian factory located in the Tula region. The guarantor of quality is company policy. She regularly updates the lineup, which allows customers to use devices that meet all modern requirements. Surprisingly, for those people who still have an old Don refrigerator, it still works. Isn't that a measure of quality?

If we consider all the characteristics as a whole, then the devices of this company lose to well-known world brands. However, if we compare the ratio of price, low-cost maintenance, and used developments, then the buyer will definitely make a choice in favor of Don units. Let's take a closer look at their products.

refrigerator don reviews


As mentioned above, all refrigerators are assembled at the Gritsov plant. It is located in the Russian Federation. This company has several areas of activity, but the priority is the manufacture of refrigeration equipment.

Assembly of the units is carried out by competent staff with the help of modernized plants. Be sure to use all innovative technologies that are designed to facilitate the use of the device. It is also worth noting that the company pays a lot of attention to environmental safety, so even the old Don refrigerator meets these requirements.

Accessories are sourced from Turkey, Germany, Korea and Italy. All materials meet high standards and are of excellent quality.

old fridge

Consider the features

According to the manufacturer, all models of refrigerators comply with high European standards. Thanks to this, the buyer can not doubt the quality of the products of the Don company. All new units are equipped with the necessary functions and technologies, are environmentally friendly. The company has long introduced strict quality control.

But does the Don refrigerator have certain distinctive characteristics? Feedback from owners and experts will help you find the answer to this question.

Of particular note is the Austrian ACC compressor. It cannot be called ultramodern, of course, but the level of reliability is beyond doubt. The compressor is not afraid of power surges and has improved starting options.

As mentioned above, components that are used in the assembly of refrigerators are produced by the best world companies. However, if you look closely, you can find details from the Middle Kingdom.

The manufacturer provides a wide range of colors. Most models are presented in at least 8 different shades. If desired, the buyer can order an individual drawing, for example, marbled or wood. The coating is quite high quality and resistant to mechanical stress.

Summing up the distinguishing features, you can not keep silent about one more. Given that all units are assembled in Russia, the price for the Don refrigerator remains low, even with wide functionality.

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Criterias of choice

Most people who already use refrigerators of this manufacturer, in their reviews advise what criteria you need to pay attention to when buying:

  • Type of management. Even the highest quality electronics fail, for example, after a voltage drop. It does not threaten mechanical control. The owners claim that it works without breakdowns for several decades.
  • Power usage. The manufacturer assures that the devices comply with class A. However, many owners noticed some discrepancies. Especially in the summer, energy consumption is more suitable for class B.
  • Type of defrost. The manufacturer did not use modern technology No Frost. Therefore, owners need to defrost the unit twice a year, and you will have to tinker a bit with the freezer.
  • Power freeze. According to this criterion, the manufacturer has achieved high results. Unlike other brands, Don refrigerators have a capacity of up to 7 kg per day.

General characteristics

Refrigerators of the Don LLC company are easily recognizable. Even among a wide range of such equipment, they stand out markedly. Of course, the first striking difference is the design. Also, you can not ignore the characteristics. Let's look at which ones:

  • The height of the units varies from 90 cm to 2.2 m.
  • The lineup is represented by both single- and double-chamber refrigerators.
  • The manufacturer uses a special antibacterial composition for the treatment of internal walls.
  • Optimum conditions for food storage are created through the use of a drip evaporator.
  • Freon used in the devices of this manufacturer is environmentally friendly and completely safe.
  • All models use electromechanical control.
  • These refrigerators are energy-efficient, correspond to class A.
  • Defrost them no more than once every six months.

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Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages and disadvantages of the Don refrigerator. The characteristics of the models makes it possible to find out all the weaknesses and strengths of these units. Let's start the review with the benefits:

  • By production of refrigerators all modern requirements are considered.
  • In operation, this equipment has proven itself on the positive side. Reliability, ease of use and quality, no doubt, are the hallmark of these devices.
  • Maintenance of devices is carried out not only in specialized services, but also at home. Spare parts for Don refrigerators are sold in a wide range, their cost is quite reasonable.
  • Models with freezers have the function of deep freezing.
  • Excellent build quality.
  • A mechanical control that almost never fails.
  • Affordable cost.

Now consider the disadvantages:

  • Some models for energy consumption do not correspond to class A.
  • This manufacturer has too many tricky units in the assortment line. Functionality is limited to an average level.
  • When the compressor is running, a rather loud noise is heard.

Characteristics of the model Don R 431

This Don refrigerator in most cases receives positive reviews. Most owners note its compact size. Dimensions are 1110 × 574 × 610 mm. By type, this model is single chamber. A small freezer is located at the top of the case. The space is used quite functionally. Inside there are special containers for greens, vegetables and fruits. And also there are two shelves. The temperature in the refrigerator does not exceed +10 ° , and in the freezer it drops to -12 ° . The total volume is 210 dm 3 . Presented in three colors: the first - classic white, the rest with wood trim - beech and cherry. The price is about 13 thousand rubles.

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Description of the refrigerator Don R 299

The two-chamber refrigerator "Don R 299" is presented in 8 colors. The 140 liter freezer is divided into four compartments. A quick freeze function is provided. Productivity is 7 kg per day. In the refrigerator compartment (259 l) there is a place for storing vegetables, herbs and other products. For this, boxes and shelves are used. The door space is also involved. There are compartments for bottles, eggs and more. The manufacturer provides a 3-year warranty. During this period, the unit is serviced free of charge. The cost starts from 20 thousand rubles.

refrigerator don characteristic

Repair of the refrigerator "Don". Common breakdowns

Having studied the reviews of qualified masters, we can conclude that the units of the Don company break extremely rarely. In general, problems can occur only with freon oil. It is used for filling into the compressor. After a certain operating time, capillary tubes may become clogged. Naturally, this affects the operation of the unit. If this failure occurs, then the temperature regime will be observed only in the freezer, but not in the refrigerator.

Repair the device will not be a problem. To do this, simply replace the capillary tube and oil.

Refrigerator Don: customer reviews

In their reviews, customers highlight a bright and original design. Ergonomics also deserve praise. The space inside the chambers is divided correctly, due to which many products are placed in the refrigerator. It is also worth noting that in two-chamber models, a freezer is conveniently located.

Using modern technologies, the manufacturer was able to achieve optimal conditions for food storage. Also, reviews provide inexpensive maintenance and repair. This refrigeration equipment breaks extremely rarely, however, if this happens, then the replacement of failed parts will not require large financial investments.

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Summing up, it is worth saying that the Don refrigerator can well compete with eminent brands. Feedback from both owners and experts suggests the high quality and reliability of domestic assembly units. Therefore, it is quite reasonable to ask: why pay more if for a little money you can buy such a refrigerator that over the long term will perfectly cope with all the main tasks?


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