Goa Islands (India). Where are the islands of Goa. What excursions to visit in Goa

Almost all travel agencies, regardless of the season, offer their customers tours to Goa. Some believe that this is the name of a distant exotic country. An ordinary person does not always have the time and desire to delve into the intricacies of geography. Meanwhile, tourists await India. Goa Islands are located in the ocean, not far from its coast.

Heaven on earth

It so happened that the smallest of all the states of India over the past few decades has become one of the most popular tourist destinations not only in this country, but throughout the world. In addition to a luxurious beach holiday on the entire hundred-kilometer stretch of the state’s ocean coast, the Goa Islands, traditionally considered one of the centers of world diving, attract the attention of tourists. For many, they are the visible embodiment of the dream of paradise on Earth.

goa islands

On the shores of the Indian Ocean

The coast of the Indian state of Goa became widely known in the sixties of the last century. It is this section of the globe that numerous hippies from America and Europe have chosen as a place for pilgrimage. And they can be understood - it is not so easy to find in the world another, equally paradise, corner for escape from civilization. In this country of eternal summer and the sun, one could exist as long as you like without thinking about tomorrow and without straining. But since then many years have passed. And over the past half century, thanks to its many kilometers of ocean beaches, Goa has received the status of an internationally recognized resort. Considerable investments were made in the business, due to which a tourist infrastructure of a modern level was built on the state coast. The Goa Islands are less affected by civilization.

goa islands on map

Far from shore and in depth

There are eight islands off the coast of the state. But when the islands of Goa are mentioned, most often they mean only three of them - St. George, Netrani and Grand. They are the most popular among tourists and sports divers. The rest are less known. Holidays on the islands of Goa are usually associated with an introduction to the underwater world. These sections of land in the Indian Ocean are especially attractive for lovers to dive to the depth, which is explained by a number of circumstances. From a comfortable subequatorial climate for a person to a large number of merchant sailing ships that had the misfortune to sink in these waters in previous centuries. And of course, the enchanting beauty of the underwater flora and fauna, which exceeds the wildest expectations, also matters.

goa island excursions

What does a man seek in depth?

It is interesting to note the fact that, once on the islands of Goa, diving is even engaged in those who had not previously thought of it. The situation here is favorable. In the Indian Ocean, even regular office workers often become athlete divers. So there were circumstances. The islands of Goa on the map are barely distinguishable, but in the entire set of climatic conditions they can be considered unique. Only the transparency of the waters off the coast exceeds 25 meters. And in the Indian Ocean, an extremely stable temperature is always within 25 degrees Celsius. And one who plunges into this water can enjoy communication with the inhabitants of the depths, of which there are countless numbers, without any problems. But most vividly against the backdrop of multi-colored corals , angelfish, hedgehogs, tuna and moray eels look. A lot of turtles, dolphins, crabs, cuttlefish and shellfish. There are even sharks.

holidays on the islands of goa

St george island

But with all the fascination of communicating with the underwater world, one should approach its development with caution. The ocean does not tolerate self-neglect. Diving to depth requires a certain level of sports training. On the island of St. George there are several bases for diving enthusiasts. Here, experienced instructors in a short time will help to master the basic skills of staying in the underwater environment, even those who do not have them (skills) at all. For an amount equivalent to forty dollars, you can take the primary diving course. It takes one day and boils down to the sequential complication and development of deeper dives. Of course, the development of the subsequent stages of this skill takes a little longer and requires additional costs. And also, heading to St. George and other islands of Goa, you can count on good fishing. It goes well with scuba diving.

where are the goa islands

Pirate treasures - myth or reality?

Over the long history of navigation in the Indian Ocean, where the Goa Islands are located, many ships managed to sink. For centuries, traditional trade routes passed through this area of ​​the water area. According to the most conservative estimates, hundreds of ships rest on the bottom of the Indian Ocean, which for various reasons did not reach the port of destination. Their number increased significantly during the First World War. Needless to say, this circumstance attracts a variety of underwater treasure hunters from around the world? However, you should think carefully before recklessly joining these fearless (and often "crazy") people. Such dives are far from safe for everyone, even the most experienced divers. This is a kind of exam for the highest sports qualification. And often it carries a risk to life.

holidays on the islands of goa

What you should know when heading to India?

First of all, it should not be a surprise to anyone that India is a visa country. But no one can remember the problems with obtaining a visa. The national currency (rupees) is balanced at around 60 units. for the US dollar. The coast of the Indian Ocean, where Goa is located, lies in the subequatorial climate zone. It is favorable for people of the middle lane even in the rainy season, which falls here in the summer months. The average price level for Goa is relatively low. Many people prefer to go here without the mediation of tourist structures and rent housing almost pennies from local residents.

goa islands india

What places to visit

What else is important not to miss, being on the coast of Goa? Excursions to the islands are a must for the stay program, but there are many attractions in the mainland of the Indian state. Goa's cultural heritage was shaped by two multidirectional trends. Here, the spiritual heritage of Hinduism and powerful European, primarily Portuguese, influence are closely intertwined. The period of Portuguese colonization is considered by many to be the cultural heyday of this territory. Traces of the characteristic colonial architecture can still be found today along the coast of the Indian state of Goa. As a rule, these are Catholic cathedrals erected by Portuguese missionaries. They quite peacefully coexist with Hindu temples. First of all, you should pay attention to such objects as Shantha Durga in Cavelle, Mahals in Mardol and Mangesh in Mangeshi. It is interesting that the local population celebrates both Catholic and traditional Hindu holidays with great joy.

sights of goa
Goa natural parks deserve special attention - there are six of them here. Mostly they are located in the interior of the state, in the foothills of the Sahyadri. A special delight for those who still managed to get to it is the Dudhsogar Falls. Its height exceeds six hundred meters. The sight is bewitching! Powerful streams of water, sparkling with all colors of the rainbow, water dust make an indelible impression!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G16832/

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