What is a target and non-target loan?

Loans are firmly entrenched in the lives of almost every person. Making a loan at the bank, you can solve many problems or just go on a trip. You can get financial support from the bank for any needs. For this reason, loans are divided into target and non-target loans.

inappropriate loan

Types of lending

Loans have been in great demand among people around the world for quite some time. Loans come in many forms. But in general, they can be divided into two main groups:

  • non-targeted loans;
  • targeted loans.

In turn, they can also be divided into several types. So, to target include:

  • mortgage;
  • car loans;
  • granting loans for studies;
  • purchase of goods or equipment in the store.

The misuse of the loan should include:

  • any of consumer loans;
  • microloans;
  • credit cards.

Who can get it?

Any citizen of the Russian Federation who has reached the age of majority can receive inappropriate consumer credit. In addition, the potential borrower must comply with other requirements of the bank. These include:

  • Mandatory presence of a permanent place of registration in one of the regions of Russia.
  • A potential borrower must have a regular source of income. It is advisable that it be documented by a statement of income in the form of 2-personal income tax. It can be obtained from the accounting department at the place of work.
  • At the current place, the future loan client of the bank must work for at least three calendar months;
  • When filling out an application for a non-targeted loan, it is necessary to indicate a valid mobile phone number. It will be necessary for communication of bank employees with a potential borrower.

unsecured loan secured

Target loan

This type of financing is called a loan, in the issuance of which funds are allocated to the borrower by the bank for a specific purpose. Very often, upon receipt of this type of loan, the client pays the initial amount. For example, you can get in the store any selected product. The borrower pays a small amount of its value, and the rest is financed by the bank. Money is transferred to the store’s account, and the client pays the allocated amount with the accrual of certain interest for the use of funds.

It should be borne in mind that the bank almost never issues a targeted loan personally to the client. It is transferred immediately to the seller’s account. With this type of loan, you can buy a car or apartment, as well as pay for tuition at a university.

The annual interest rate of this type of lending is one of the lowest. Often it depends on the amount of the loan itself.

In cases where the purchased product has a low cost, the interest rate can be increased and sometimes reaches forty percent. But when buying an apartment, house or vehicle, it will be many times less. So, a car can be purchased with a loan that has a rate of seven or ten percent. The mortgage interest rate averages ten percent.

non-targeted loan secured by real estate

Inappropriate loan

This type of loan is to receive cash from a bank. In this case, the borrower may dispose of the allocated money at its discretion. This money can also be used to pay tuition or a down payment on a mortgage.

A financial institution that issued a non-targeted loan will not control the borrower's spending of allocated funds. At the same time, the contract drawn up during the execution of the loan will indicate the date of making the monthly payment and its amount. This schedule must be strictly observed, otherwise the bank will charge penalties.

However, it is worth considering that such consumer loans have a very high interest rate. This is due to the fact that the bank must insure its risks. The average interest rate on this consumer loan is 25-30 percent per annum.

misuse of credit

How to get a consumer loan?

Banks always offer non-target loans to their customers. But some suggestions may vary. So, in some banks, you can take it with just two documents. Other financial organizations offer to issue a non-target loan on the security.

In the first case, the interest rate on the loan will be overstated. You can apply for a loan at a better rate by providing a full package of documents. It includes:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • certificate of state pension insurance;
  • certificate of salary;
  • a copy of the work book, certified by the seal and signature of the employer.

The age of the borrower must be above 21 years. In addition, a bank client must have a working experience of six months or more.

You can fill out the application at the bank office. You can get money on hand at the bank's operating cash desk or directly to a bank card.

The same procedure for applying for a loan is the same for a targeted loan.

non-target loan secured by real estate Sberbank

Out of credit secured by real estate

In order to receive a large sum of money in one of the financial organizations for personal expenses, it is worth to issue an inappropriate loan secured by real estate.

To do this, you should contact any bank branch with a specific set of documents. It includes:

  • valid original passport;
  • pension insurance certificate;
  • certificate of salary issued in accounting at the place of work;
  • copy of the work book;
  • TIN certificate;
  • documents confirming ownership of real estate.

In addition, the potential borrower must meet all the necessary requirements of the bank. First of all, he must be of legal age. Many financial institutions set age limits from twenty-one years to retirement. A potential borrower must have a steady source of income. It is desirable that it be documented.

It is necessary to carry out the procedure for processing this non-target loan at the bank. Of course, you can submit an application via the Internet, but you will have to visit the bank’s office anyway. Documents for pledged real estate should be included there.

It is worth considering that in case of default on credit obligations, the borrower's property becomes the property of the bank. It serves not only as a pledge, but also as a guarantor of repayment of funds.

Inappropriate loan secured by Sberbank

Sberbank of Russia offers its potential customers several options for registering a consumer loan. Inappropriate credit can also be obtained under various conditions and interest.

However, whatever lending option is chosen, the potential borrower must meet the requirements of the bank. They are not tough. In order to apply for a loan, you must be in the age group from twenty-one years to sixty-five years. You must, of course, have a source of constant income. Formal employment is desirable. In addition, a prerequisite for obtaining an inappropriate loan at Sberbank is the presence of Russian citizenship, as well as a permanent place of registration in one of the regions of the country.

If these requirements are met, a client can receive a loan of up to 1.5 million rubles for a period of six months to five years.

In addition, you can reduce the interest rate and get the maximum amount if you apply for an inappropriate loan from Sberbank secured by real estate. Such a loan can reach ten million rubles. Its amount is determined in accordance with the value of property pledged.

But the maximum maturity can be twenty years. The interest rate depends on the amount of the loan, but on average it is fifteen percent per annum.

inappropriate loan banks

Credit with a guarantor

If you need to get a non-targeted loan, but there is no way to leave property as collateral, then you should contact the bank with guarantors.

It can be any individual who has Russian citizenship, as well as a permanent source of income. Like the borrower, he must present a passport and income certificate to the bank. It is worth considering that the age of the guarantor cannot be less than twenty one years and more than sixty five years.

In case of default by the borrower, the loan is transferred to the guarantor.

The amount of the loan in the presence of a guarantor can reach three million rubles. The interest rate in this case will be reduced by about one percent.

Target loan at Sberbank

You can get a targeted loan from Sberbank. For this, it is also necessary to comply with the requirements of the bank. They include:

  • the presence of Russian citizenship and a permanent place of registration;
  • the borrower must be at least eighteen years old, but not older than sixty-five;
  • a permanent source of income is required.

A package of documents for processing a target loan is standard. However, depending on the purpose of the loan, additional securities may be required.

So, in order to get a loan for studies, in addition to a passport, you will need to present documents to the bank confirming admission to the university. Repayment of this type of loan may be delayed until the borrower graduates.

inappropriate consumer credit


A mortgage program at Sberbank is considered one of the most profitable. The procedure for processing this type of special-purpose loan depends on the type of housing purchased. It could be:

  • Primary housing, that is, buying an apartment in a new house.
  • Resellers. In this case, the house or apartment is bought from a private person.
  • Building your own home.

To make the purchase of their own housing, Sberbank is ready to provide its customers with a sum of money from three hundred thousand to eight million rubles. For residents of the capital and St. Petersburg, the amount can be increased to fifteen million rubles. But it is worth considering that the down payment will need to be paid independently. It should be at least twenty percent of the cost of purchased housing.

The term of mortgage lending can reach thirty years. In addition, insurance of acquired living space will be compulsory.

Sberbank offers one of the lowest mortgage rates. On average, it is 9-10 percent.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G16839/

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