DIY DIY Gifts - Thread Snowman

Recently it has become very popular to give small gifts made to your relatives and friends on holidays. More and more people appear who are passionate about this or that technique of making souvenirs. New master classes appear detailing how to make crafts with your own hands and what holiday they can be timed to. For example, a snowman will be a very relevant and attractive gift for the New Year celebrations. A cheerful character familiar to everyone since childhood. It is very simple to manufacture and does not require any special skills.

So, in order to make a New Year's snowman, you will need the following materials and tools:

snowman made of thread
- white yarn;

- glue gun;

- several beautiful branches of elm;

- a sheet of cardboard;

- a small flap of blue satin or other fabric;

- ribbons, beads, small buttons.

crafts snowman
The snowman will be made of threads of white or cream color. It is based on two pompons similar to those that are made on knitted hats. For those who are familiar with knitting, making them will not be difficult. They are made very simple. A yarn thread is wound around the index and middle fingers of the left hand and pressed against the palm of the hand with the thumb. After that, slowly, we wind eighty turns on the hand. So that the threads are not pressed tightly to the fingers, periodically push them to the side, easing the tension. Having made the last turn, we cut the thread.

Now we need a strong rope about 30 centimeters long. It will need to be threaded between the fingers and turns. This maneuver is best done as carefully as possible so that the threads of the future pompom do not open. Having threaded the rope, we knit the coils of yarn into a tight knot, but on the opposite side, on the contrary, we cut it. We got the first pompom. So that as a result, the snowman made of threads is neat, it is necessary to cut off all uneven threads with scissors. In the same simple way other parts are made. To make pompons larger, use not two, but three or four fingers.

how to make DIY crafts
After all the details of the snowman are done, they will need to be fastened together. Tie the pom-poms with the ends of the ropes used to bind the coils of threads and glue them with a gun for reliability. Cut the protruding threads.

Now put aside our craft and get to the stand. It is made of durable thick cardboard. Cut a circle with a diameter of 15 centimeters and paste over a blue satin. Now we attach the lower pompon on the glue to the base. Press as hard as possible. On this, a snowman of thread is ready.

You can proceed to decorate crafts. It will require imagination and creativity. From large beads we make a nose and eyes. You can knit a colored hat from a colored yarn with a small pompon. Our thread snowman must have handles. They are made, as a rule, from thin branches of elm, but if desired, you can replace them with colored wire. We tie a narrow ribbon on the neck, which will be a scarf. On the bottom pompom, glue in a row three small buttons or beads. The design is completely dependent on the wishes and capabilities of the master.

Craft "snowman" - the easiest and most original little present for the New Year. It can be done with children. Such a souvenir will delight your loved ones and decorate their homes.


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