Children's rest in the camp "Red Carnation" (Berdyansk): reviews, photos, prices 2017

Berdyansk is not in vain known as the most popular children's resort in Ukraine. What makes the Sea of ​​Azov more popular than the cities of the Black Sea? The benefits are obvious. Firstly, the Sea of ​​Azov is shallower and warms up quickly. The climate here is unique. Summer heat is easily tolerated by children, because the air is drier, and a light breeze constantly blows from the sea. A mild climate does not require adaptation of the child’s body to it. The healing air is saturated with salts, bromine, iodine, useful trace elements.

Of course, when parents send their child on vacation, they are not only concerned about how clean the air is at the resort and to what extent the sea has warmed up. Therefore, in this article we will describe in detail all the features of accommodation, meals and leisure activities in the children's camp "Krasnaya Gvozdika" (Berdyansk). The most recent reviews were helpful in writing this essay.

Red Carnation Berdyansk

Where is the children's camp

Berdyansk for an average resident of Ukraine is associated with budget holidays on the shores of the Sea of ​​Azov. To rent cheap housing in the city is not a problem, even at the height of the tourist season, which lasts all of July and the first half of August. But at the end of the summer in Berdyansk, the city of Zaporizhzhya region, very good. There comes a short but pleasant velvet season.

If you decide to send your child to Berdyansk, you need to know the features of rest at this resort. The city itself is located on the estuary, and there are enough industrial enterprises in it. But from Berdyansk an inland stretches a long sand spit. Everything is just fine with ecology: clean air, a clear and warm sea, sand and shell beaches. But with infrastructure far from civilization, difficulties arise: few shops and entertainment.

Children's camp "Red Carnation" (Berdyansk) is ideally located. It is at the very beginning of the spit. This is the “golden mean”: the environment is clean, and the infrastructure is developed, and it’s easy to get there. The exact address of the camp is as follows: Zaporizhzhya region, the city of Berdyansk, Zaslonova lane, 1. You can get from the railway station and city bus station to the camp by minibuses No. 2, 15 and 17.

Red Carnation Berdyansk photo

Description of the territory of the camp "Red Carnation" (Berdyansk)

The photos show us nine two-story stone buildings with a recent renovation. The territory of the camp is quite spacious - 17 hectares of the first line of the sea, at the base of the Berdyansk spit. Reviews report that between the buildings there is a park in which many rose bushes are planted - a total of one hundred and ten varieties.

On the territory there is also an “alpine hill”, a corner of the “Mexican desert”. In the park, in shady corners, there are carved wooden arbors - classes of various circles are held there. In the camp “Krasnaya Gvozdika” (Berdyansk) there are two swimming pools, tennis courts, sports grounds with a soft coating, a gym, an equestrian club, a movie and concert hall, a disco, a beauty salon, and a cafe “At the Fountain”. At the same time, seven hundred children can relax here. Formation by units is based on the age principle, regardless of which country the children came from.

Children's camp red carnation Berdyansk

Accommodation and meals

Under what conditions the child will sleep and what will she eat - these issues most concern mothers and grandmothers. What does the Red Carnation camp (Berdyansk) provide in this regard to vacationing children? Photos of 2017 show clean comfortable bedrooms for 3-5 people. All nine buildings are fifty meters from the sea, so the kids will be lulled by the sound of the surf.

On each floor there is a separate bathroom, cold and hot water is supplied around the clock. Children are fed at the camp five times a day. The dining room is served by waiters. The menu is always a lot of fresh vegetables, fruits and natural juices. Since Red Carnation is almost a sanatorium, diet food is also available in the camp. If you want your child not only to rest, but also to get better, you should transfer his medical record to the doctor of the Children's Center “Krasnaya Gvozdika”.

Camp red carnation berdyansk photo

Leisure infrastructure

The motto of the camp is "Holiday - Every Day." Therefore, the program of each shift in the "Red Carnation" (Berdyansk) is very saturated. Children are led to swim in the sea on their own sandy beach twice a day, during the hours when the sun is less aggressive. On the shore there are showers, shady canopies and umbrellas, changing cabins. Rescuers are on duty, and instructors conduct swimming lessons. On the camp there are two freshwater pools. There are classes in water aerobics. In the evening, the Deck disco is working on the beach. Films are regularly shown at the Scarlet Sails Concert Hall. Children are entertained during the day. Every day flash mobs, quests, dance battles, competitions are organized. There are circles and master classes of chess, origami, dolls-motanks, quilling, art studio and others. For the healing of sick children there is a speleocamera, diet food, oxygen cocktails.

Prices in the camp "Red Carnation" (Berdyansk)

During the summer period, four shifts of twenty days each rest. What are the prices for holidays in this wonderful camp? They depend on the season. The first or fourth shift will cost 7.5 thousand hryvnia (17,500 rubles) per child. The second and third - 8.5 UAH (19 800 rubles). In 2017, the last shift will begin on August 8th. Children are admitted to the camp from the age of seven to sixteen.


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