Countries of the East. The Ancient East

The countries of the East are states that are part of the Asia-Pacific region, which includes Southeast, Northeast and East Asia. Country affiliation is determined by geographical location as well as ethnicity. The "Countries of the East" category includes all states located in the Asian region, as well as on its periphery. The list may contain countries in the Near and Middle East.

Countries of the Middle East: Bahrain, Jordan, Israel, Iran, Kuwait, Iraq, Lebanon, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Syria.

countries of the east

Countries of the East located in South Asia: India, Pakistan, Nepal, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Maldives.

In addition to these republics, autonomous entities may be included in the list.

The phrase "country of the east" is a conditional term that unites quite a few states. But the unification takes place mainly on a territorial basis. In two neighboring countries, there may be a completely different culture and incompatible mentality of the two peoples. In this case, why are the countries of the East called as a single whole? Often confused Iran with Iraq, Pakistan with India. It's all about geographic and ethnographic identity.

Some eastern countries can be classified as "Countries of the Ancient East". These are Egypt, ancient Iran, ancient Arabia, Anatolia (modern Turkey).

countries of the Far East

The list of "Countries of the Far East" includes 18 states, completely autonomous, with their own economies, socio-political systems, government and the army. Borders between countries are defined by international treaties.

Countries of the Far East and their capital:

  • Russia, the eastern part - Moscow.
  • China - Beijing.
  • Republic of China (Taiwan) - Taipei.
  • DPRK - Pyongyang.
  • South Korea - Seoul.
  • Republic of the Philippines - Manila.
  • Kingdom of Thailand - Bangkok.
  • Republic of Singapore - Singapore.
  • Timor Leste - Dili.
  • Japan Tokyo.
  • Republic of the Union of Myanmar - Naypyidaw.
  • Malaysia - Kuala Lumpur.
  • Mongolia - Ulaanbaatar.
  • Laos - Vientiane.
  • Kingdom of Cambodia - Phnom Penh.
  • Republic of Indonesia - Jakarta.
  • Vietnam - Hanoi.
  • Brunei - Begawan.

countries of the east is


The Far Eastern part of Russia includes the Amur, Sakhalin, Jewish Autonomous, Magadan Regions, Kamchatka, Khabarovsk and Primorsky Territories, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, as well as the Republic of Yakutia.

All listed territorial entities have the status of an independent subject of the Russian Federation.


A socialist state in East Asia, a recognized superpower possesses the largest army in the world, as well as nuclear weapons. It is in second place on economic indicators on a global scale (the United States takes first place). It is the largest exporter of industrial products. It has significant foreign exchange reserves.

North Korea

North Korea was formed in 1948 as a state with a people's democratic system. The Labor Party of Korea is in power, with the first secretary of the Central Committee at the head, currently Kim Jong-un. The country lives by the unshakable principles of the Juche ideology, which preaches totalitarianism.

why are the countries of the east called

South Korea

It is a progressive, dynamically developing country; the state system is presidential rule in combination with a democratic parliament. Shipbuilding is in first place in terms of export importance, followed by the automotive industry.


The country is extremely unstable politically and economically. It is notable for the inconsistency of the ruling structures; over the past decades there have been several wars and coups. The situation in the country is fueled by odious personalities, such as the leader of the Khmer Rouge, Pol Pot.


A country with a difficult history, for a long time was under the colonial influence of Holland, then in 1811 it came under the jurisdiction of Great Britain. It is currently a presidential republic on a unitary basis. The president also leads the government. The legislature is the People’s Consultative Congress. The economy is nominally considered to be market, however, the influence of state structures is noticeable, a significant number of large industrial enterprises belong to the state.


The history of the Mongolian People's Republic began in 1924, when Choibalsan, Omar and Genden rose to power with the participation of the Soviet Union. JV Stalin tried to instill a communist ideology, set up the new Mongol leadership to completely destroy Buddhism in the country, but the “father of the peoples” was not successful in his aspirations. Currently, Mongolia is developing and living according to market laws. The country is led by the Great People's Khural. The legislative body is the Great State Khural, in other words, the parliament.

countries of the ancient east


The state consists of two parts. The western one is located on the Malacca Peninsula, the eastern one is on the island of Kalimantan. The country is organized on the principle of a federal constitutional monarchy and consists of 13 states. Monarchs do not inherit the throne, but are elected every five years. The parliament consists of an upper and lower house, the executive branch is a government led by a prime minister. The country's economy is booming due to significant volumes of agricultural exports, as well as oil production and export.


Singapore - a city-state - has existed since ancient times, the first mention dates back to the III century BC. As Singapore impresses with its unusual nature, it is dispersed over 63 islands, most of which are located at the equator. The climate is thus equatorial in the country. Singapore is considered the lowest crime state in the world. It is an island agglomerate with a highly developed economy.


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