Application "Frog" from paper: how to make with a child

In kindergarten, children often make applications, origami and other paper crafts. This creative process develops perseverance and independence, accuracy and patience, fine motor skills of the hands. The child learns to create something with his own hands, to find different and identical parts, to lay out the general image into elements, develops the imagination.

It is possible to engage in applications even with the smallest children. After a year, with the help of adults, the baby can stick various elements on a sheet of paper: colored paper, natural materials, fabric, accessories and so on. The older a child becomes, the less he needs the help of parents or carers in this creative process.

applique frog

Preparation for the creative process

The first thing to do if you decide to make an application with your child (for example, a frog) is to prepare materials, tools and a workplace. You will need: glue and scissors, pencils or felt-tip pens, cardboard and colored paper: light and dark shades of green, yellow, pink, blue. The workplace must be covered with oilcloth. There should not be unnecessary things on the table so that nothing would interfere with the creative process.

Draw and cut a frog

To make an application, you first need to draw or print the frog itself, which you will then help the child stick to the base. To draw a fairytale frog is quite simple. First, outline with a simple pencil the body of the future character of a Russian folk tale. Then draw the “ears” at the top (these will be the frog’s eyelids) and erase the line that separates the “ears” and the body. In each “ear” draw a pupil or a large eye with an iris. Next, draw the Smile Princess and the front paws, then add the hind legs. The sequence of drawing the fairy Princess Frog in the picture below. The main element for the application "Frog" is ready.

applique princess frog

You can draw another frog, more like a real one. You can simply print the image of a frog for coloring or take it from a coloring. Only in the latter case, first ask the child to color the frog, and only then proceed to cutting out the details for the application “Frog”.

Preparation of the basis for application

Next, you need to prepare the basis on which the child will stick the frog. Take a sheet of blue, yellow or white cardboard. Any color is suitable, but it is necessary that after gluing the details of the application “Princess Frog” the character of the fairy tale should be clearly visible.

On cardboard, you need to draw (or stick on paper-cut parts) a river or a swamp, reeds, the sun, clouds, an arrow that hit the Princess Frog. You can separately cut the water lily on which the frog will sit.

Now it remains just to stick on the paper the very heroine of the Russian folk tale — the application “The Frog” is ready!

Paper frog in parts

You can cut out not the entire frog as a whole, but separately the legs, head, large eyes and body. This is a variant of the application “Frog” made of paper for older children who already know how to lay out the image on the details and work with smaller details for creativity.

It is necessary to draw on the paper two hind legs and two front legs of a frog, an oval body with a painted smile, two large yellow eyes. You can also cut strips from green paper, and rounded rectangles from brown paper, and make reeds. Water lilies, dragonflies, butterflies, flowers, herbs, or any other details can also be added to the Frog applique.

You can offer your child to decorate the craft on his own, because there are many options for application, for example, Princess Frog with an arrow that hit her in the swamp, a frog in the grass with butterflies and caterpillars, and so on. You can even make a funny frog with an umbrella. Everything is limited only by the imagination of the child.

paper frog applique

It is necessary to remind the child that after finishing work on the application, it is necessary to clean the workplace, throw out the scraps of paper and other materials in the trash, put up felt-tip pens, pencils, colored paper and cardboard, put everything in place.


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